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Everything posted by GrySun

  1. I do wonder how you managed to kill off Cuan. His high hp and defense should have kept him alive against 5+ enemies attacking him at the same time...although maybe he wasn't full hp when that happened to begin with.
  2. Well sorry, I did say I may have missed some. Never played FE12, it's Japanese only as far as I know right? And yes that's why I support con too, no matter how high your stats get you will always get a reduction for high-end weapons. I do fear how females and tiny units can be handled though...
  3. Wow seriously, you can do that? You can let a waifu die and her husbando can instantly re-pair with someone else? And if you revive her later or even before you pair him up again he will show her the cold shoulder? Damn, this game can be so dark...But I'm already halfways chapter 4 and it's kinda late to redo things, so whatever. Still, disturbing game is disturbing...
  4. Seeing how important items are, it really is nice that IS considered this so much. If it can be dropped/bought later then it's quite fine. And yea, I wish I knew all that before. Instead of trying hard to pair Levin and Fury I could have used this event you mentioned. Oh well...
  5. Thank you for the helpful answers. You really know your stuff when it comes to fe4 eh? So I won't be seeing Finn for quite a while then, with Ethlyn and Cuan having parmanently gone? Well that sucks. Won't there be any new characters from this point on? If so, then I should be able to pair them until the 4th chapter ends if I'm lucky. So when I start chapter 5 I should give away all good items to parents...okay. A passive bonus? The first time I've heard of that. And yes, I did initially let Sylvia and Levin pair themselves for...20 turns? But by the time Fury showed up I reconsidered. She and Levin stayed together the entire 3rd chapter and Levin still kicked her, what a douche. As a replacement I thought of father Cloude for Fury. Noish and Alec ended up....extremely unsatisfying with their growths so I never considere them for anyone. Tiltyu and Azel are what I'm going for, both being mages...and stuff. Azel was also impressive enough in his last few level ups so he earned it apparently. I haven't considered Lex for anyone. He's level 19 now and more than 10 of his levelups were hp +1...not exactly the stat growth you want anyone to inherit, I'd say. Eh, Finn and Aira should be fine. Finns stat growths are amazing and any class their children will be will definitely benefit from a high growth everywhere. And Aira's astra is so broken in FE4 that I really think it impossible to screw up her children. I'd have gone for Holyn for her, but he joined when the two were already married, so....yea. Briggid is very strong, especially those base stats. Dew is still borderline level 10, with many hp+1 along the way, so I wouldn't pair those two up. My initial thought was Holyn. If her children(archers maybe?) can inherit Luna it would be quite sick. Hm thats unfortunate, but Finn is such a god that an Iron lance should suffice for him as he easily surpassed Sigurd in terms of stats everywhere.
  6. So, I'm at chapter 4, the nice snowy Silesia kingdom chapter and I am confused about a few things. 1. As Deirde got kidnapped last chapter, I worry about her.......items. So the question is, will I ever see my magic ring again? 2. Cuan, Ethlyn and Finn left me before the start of the chapter. They were quite rich, leveled and well equipped. Will I ever controll them again? 3. I've heard that there will be a time skip and children, but I don't know much more. When will that timeskip happen? Or rather, how long do I have left to make my desired pairings? I also want to sell some items of unmarried people to the pawn shop, but I'm not sure how much time I have left to do so. And I've seen the pawn shop keep items I sold in previous chapters, but will he also have it all available after this time skip? 4. Last chapter, despite Levin and Fury standing next to each other and Sylvia being on the other side of the entire map, after a couple of turns Levin fell in love with her. Why? I've heard about a jealousy system, but come on Sylvia was at least more than 40 squares away from Levin, so I really don't know how that happened. This is the first time a pairing failed, as I successfully paired Finn and Aira, Aideen and Midir and Beowulf with Lachesis. This makes me a bit insecure about the pairings I've yet to do. Thanks in advance for the helpful answers!
  7. That's where buying dlc content comes in. Quite a coincidence they got a perfect earlygame grind map for sale, eh?
  8. How is he frail? At least later on. By the time he leveled up a bit he's virtually unhittable, even in hard mode. But what did suck was that the game went out if its way to include a 3-4 long wave of reinforcements which were positioned to reach Merlinus in 1-2 turns. Especially when he's just a tent, that means you must backtrack to protect him or know in advance and leave guards there until he survived a couple of chapters and leveled up. But yea emergency only, anyone who prepared their units before venturing out should never really need the convoy.
  9. Not a fair comparison. Rather ask why it isn't on the PSP. It would fit there quite well. The answer is: then the people who wanted to play fire emblem could easily buy the better handheld choice, the psp, instead of being forced to a 3ds.
  10. Mario is a mascott of Nintendo so its understandable. Nowadays the greedy companies know that their consoles are pretty much garbage and all the same, which is why they can only draw people in with games at this point. Although Fire Emblem isn't the best example, as it was always on Nintendo consoles. It's more ridiculous to see game series which were on 3+ consoles for many games to have their next installment ps4 only, for example. Quite shameless if you ask me. Not really. All you did was add two and two together. But call it deduction if it makes you happy. To stay on topic: I believe it will have some n3ds exclusive content. Although probably nothing too big. They may also make the game like smash, ie.: extremely laggy and hard to run on a normal 3ds, so better upgrade to enjoy the most.
  11. Chroms botomless pockets are very nice.
  12. Great addition skills you got there. The modern game companies are quite nice, eh? Modern gaming at its finest.
  13. It's what you call it when you have to buy a specific console just to play a specific game or game series, because that game or series doesn't appear on any other systems. Thats when they call it "holding a game series hostage". Or do you think fire emblem will come out on psp? No? Didn't think so.
  14. Nintendo holds the Fire Emblem series hostage, so you really have no other choice or say in the matter. Want those additional goodies they give away? Buy their stuff.
  15. Awakening tried things without weapon weight and I guess it was okay. But I myself would want to see weapon weight return. You'd have to do more than just compare your speed and the enemy speed and you're good to go. There are three weight options the fire emblem series used(from what I know), and that's : 1. Fe4 weight -> Speed - Weight = Attack Speed, no other fancy things. This means that your speed is never the same as it shows as it is always reduced by the weight of your weapon. 2. GBA weight -> Speed - (Weight - Constitution) = Attack Speed. This one is quite interesting. Units with higher con can safely weild very powerful weapons with next to no speed reduction. Mages and pegasi will almost always have reduction. What makes the system great is that con increases after promotion, making the unit even more good once it promotes. 3. Tellius weight -> Speed - (Weight - Strenght) = Attack Speed. This one is probably the easiest to get behind. At start it will provide slight speed reduction to some of your units, but by mid-end game everyone's strenght will be big enough to safely wield most if not all weapons. The only people majorly screwed by this are mages and healers, which are quite weak in these games. 4. Some other I've missed? I personally loved the con system from the GBA games the most. It made promotion much more relevant too.
  16. LTCs, huh. Its getting clear to me now. In a way, all the discussion in any forum is useless. IS won't read through this and make the game according to our wishes. Its mostly a hobby, to have some fun talking about possibilities and preferances, not so much forcing your opinion as it won't do anything even if u force one person to change it.
  17. Just because some games had it doesn't make it right. Each game has many characters to chose from, and it's hardly complementing that feature if you are gaining more promotion items for classes you are not using. Not sure again which fe it was, maybe 6 or 7, but you don't get nearly as many items to promote flying units as there are flyers. That forces you to kick some out. And if I want to use all 3 pegasi? And some wyverns too? That just forces your unit choice. Also, nobody wants shrines to promote, like in gaiden? Was pretty okay, and makes 1% more sense than the seals.
  18. Just admit it, most of u pro-classic people. You are just annoyed for no reason at all. Others having fun in casual, others in classic. You are not impacted in any way. I really really don't understand all the butthurting. For example the posts of Gradivus, reread multiple times and still can't understand it. Oh well...
  19. I find the Awakening engine to have been quite good. Why not keep it for another game? It also had amazing graphics, somewhat on par with radiant dawn, which was on a fairly recent console. Making a new engine for each game is a bit too much, especially for this series. I'm fine with fire emblem staying on the ds for the next couple of games. WiiU isn't selling because its bad and I would much rather have it on the ds. If if sells well, they could go making a new engine, but with it likely being on the 3ds too(although the new one gives the programmers more options due to being better) they may just stick with the same engine. But that is still fine. Take FE6,7 and 8 in comparison. Despite all being on the gba, each one has a different feel to it( with them perfecting it in 8 ). So it could work for the 3ds as well.
  20. Definitely master seals. For people who says the specific ones are more strategic: you are wrong, and it goes againt everything fe stands for. So I have 4 items to promote knights, but I chose other units for my army. Fair? Lvl up to 21 Please, was amazing
  21. No FE Gaiden in poll? I am disappoint. As long as ALL the difficulty doesn't lie with ambush reinforcements, I'd be happy. Like give all units +10 all stats if u want, I won't care, as long as you don't need to play a map 7 times to learn where the reinforcements come from and kill you.
  22. Why do you care? You can still play on classic and let the sissies play it on girl mode. As long as it increases sales and extends the series in the west/europe, shouldn't everyone be happy? I don't understand people like you, as your own gameplay won't be impacted in any way...
  23. The thing is, its the actual localization which takes forever. People in Japan will have their sweet time so much sooner. All awakening haters should lament, as its popularity(when it wasnt even known before that)is whats making it possible for us to get FE14. I will seriously buy it first day, maybe even with a special fire emblem new 3ds when it comes out, considering awakening had one.
  24. So you think a better balance idea is to make it luck dependant? And especially a 4-5% tops activation chance is pretty bad. Your other suggestion, as NekoKnight said, won't impact many units which already have a high base movement. The last one would also not work. Considering stats are halved, you won't be killing anything anyway, especially if you have higher stats which can be halved even more. And if it remains halved druing the enemy turn too, its quite suicidal. Not making the skill completely useless is not exactly balance. And "attack canto" it may be, at least the 2nd one, but considering Canto wasn't present in Awakening at all would make it more fresh to add something similar now. The only thing is, it might still be too strong, depending on how much you move before attacking for the first time. It could be more balanced if you can't move at all, but its only theory, not sure about practical use. Oh my.....Would be interesting though. MODEDIT: cool
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