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Everything posted by GrySun

  1. Lets be honest, most previous skills will return with the addition of a few new ones. Some old ones may stay the same, but others will need to change, either for better or for worse. The most broken one out of all in the previous Fire Emblem was without a doubt Galeforce. They could completely remove it, yes, but is there a way for it to stay in the game and actually be balanced? I believe it would be balanced in 2 ways: 1. You still get to act again after killing an enemy, but only act. No moving again is allowed. It would be like when Chrom takes something from the stash. He can still attack, use items etc., but he cant move after that. The thing is, what makes Galeforce truly strong is the extreme mobility you get. 80% of the time I didn't need it to clear enemies. I had enough other units to take the shot. But as you can move again after the kill, I used it as a stepping stone: killing an enemy not to kill him, but primarily to move my character further away from/towards something. I believe that it would still be strong if you couldn't move after the kill, but it wouldn't be broken. You can still kill 2 enemies, if their position is correct. You could also heal with an elixir, or change your weapon from the bad hammer you were using before just to kill a pesky armor, to an actually good overall weapon. I believe this would make it quite good, but not broken for it to desired on every unit, no exception, like it was in Awakening. 2. Almost the same as 1, but with giving you movement. But that movement could work like Canto from previous games. To clarify, the unit could walk the rest of the movement points they had yet to use up, along with being able to attack/use items. This is somewhat stronger that 1, and would make Canto unneeded if it returned as an actual skill in the next Fire Emblem. Maybe its still too strong, but an alternative option if 1 is too weak, which I don't think it should be. Overall I'm more for 1, as it would make things quite more strategic, especially with positioning of the enemy and baiting them to be clumped. It would probably also be an indirect buff Pass, which helps to position better.
  2. Personal experience means more than facts in this game, considering that facts are not facts, but mostly "probabilities". You can guess the average stats from the growth rates, but you having lower or higher than average is definitely possible. And about the healing, not sure which difficulty you played on, but the healing Mist does is only acceptable at the mission she joins. You fail to factor in 3-4 missions from there, where you will have many characters who need 2 or even 3 turns of healing to get back to full health from critical condition, while Rhys can do it in one. But I'll stop here to stop derailing the thread.
  3. Well, I won't argue about characters, as everyone likes other characters and the fact that the lvl up stats are random make sure other people have other good units. I really did try to make Mist viable, but as I played on the hardest difficulty blind, I found that Mist doesn't heal enough. She has pretty low magic stat and not much else going for her. She had 6 lvl ups, which were all 1-2 stats per lvl up, and they were all on something useless like luck or skill. Rhys on the other hand had a lot of magic and kept having rather decent level ups, making him easily the better choice. Hes also so lovable as a character, due to how nice of a character he is. Gangrel wasn't too bad on lunatic. What made me restart his chapter multiple times were all the unexpected reinforcements and the fact that all the units next to Gangrel, and Gangrel too, if you are in range of any of them(which were quite many). About Ashera, I started writing the answer, but it turned out too big of an essay. To put as simple as possible, everything about the fight is annoying and hard, from her insanely high avoid(Ike with capped stats having 56% hit for example) to her incredible attacks no other boss ever had(kills your more squishy units instantly, especially the heron). I was so confused for so long about her attacks, as I couldn't figure out when it was magical and when physical, as the damage varied on all units(you could cheat and see on the internet that the distance matters too, but if you don't you will be quite confused). If I didn't have Boyd with Urvan and Shinon with the double bow, the fight would have been impossible, as only those two did a lot of damage on 100% hit. So, its not too hard IF you know her attack pattern, perfectly use the terrain and many other things, but its still quite tough. Easily the hardest boss in any fe by far.
  4. I don't think you should admit things like these. :D
  5. Easy. Ephraim & Eirika. Both are extremely handsome and pretty. Celica is fine too, but she's a bit too young.
  6. I can't agree more. Ashera and Judah really are ridiculous compared to any boss in the entire 13 games. Unlike the black knight battle in Radiant Dawn, the one in path of radiance was extremely cheap. Not only did it throw Mist in to punish anyone who didn't use her(but why would you, as Rhys is much better for the role) but the battle is also luck reliant. In a game where its all about strategy, having a battle about luck is just...wrong. Firstly, if you didn't teach Ike his aether skill, you can't win. And if you want to win, you must have luck. It doesnt help healing yourself and fighting forever, as there is a turn limit too. So not proccing aether during the few turns means you can't win. To be fair, you don't have to, but its canon that Ike wins, so perfectionists won't be pleased. And if you fail? Restart the entire chapter up until that point, which is quite a large and long chapter. Great.
  7. Lilina and Hector made by my sister. It's a remake of the same picture, which was much smaller and lower quality. This one is 1920x1080 desktop size.
  8. With "boss" do you also mean end bosses? If so, Ashera basically beats everyone, being the most challenging endboss fight in the entire series, without anyone being even close enough to get 2nd place. For bosses...Judah in gaiden was pretty strong, especially if you don't have the info how to damage him(although a dying npc tells you this, some could skip it or forget it). But basically, gaiden had really tough bosses. Some spawned endless dragon zombies each turn, making it impossible to even reach them, while others summoned witches which could teleport anywhere on the map, attacking anything they feel like attacking. This summoning bullshit is probably the reason why I'll never replay gaiden, even though the game was fun for the most part.
  9. I like how many people justify ambush spawning, like in this thread here. But lets be honest. The only time when they will ambush you/surprise you is when you play for the first time. After 50 minutes of fighting many enemies, having great level ups and suddenly, from the right come 6 flyers and kill your weak healer. Is that fun? Oh wow, so unpredictable. Next replay of the mission you will know exactly when and where they come so you will be prepared, especially in your positioning. So whats the point? To add cheap difficulty. Basically all my troubles on FE6 hard mode and FE13 hard mode were having to restart because of sudden reinforcements. They aren't even from forts, they just randomly come from one side of the map. I really wish they made the game difficult somehow without adding such cheap things. Once you know where they come from, the cheap difficulty is gone, and what remains is an easy chapter.
  10. Also include waifus. Game must have waifus. Although avatar isn't needed. I am not really fond of NG+. Maybe because I can't instantly replay the game I beat to get some awesome things. In radiant dawn I found it sad that you can't recruit some characters without beating the game once. Hector mode, as well as the HARD mode for that should have been unlocked from the start, or at least hard mode. So I have to play Eliwood to get hard and hector mode, and then hector mode to get hector hard mode? That is too many replays. But if done well NG+ can definitely work, seeing as I have far too many hours in FE13 and 2 playthroughs too, even without NG+.
  11. About 10, the multi teams could be interesting but would end up extremely poor(like in Radiant Dawn) if it was made badly. Something like in FE Gaiden would be great. 9- I would actually want LESS grinding spots or none at all. It simply isnt fun and kills the game to grind mindlessly. I don't want the difficulty to come from the shit Lunatic+ had, but rather by gold/units/exp being limited, requiering a good usage. Although side quests are fine I guess. The 2nd generation/kids were basically my most loved part of FE13, as it made your ships even more valuable and loving. Sadly I don't see how it could be possible again without yet another time travell story, which would be quite repetitive don't u think so? FE also isn't an mmo that needs stuff like online patching. If some unit is stronger/weaker, its because the developers wanted them to be that way. Oscar is pretty sad as a knight in Radiant Dawn and Soren is even worse, but I used them both anyway because I loved them. And you can win with sad units too. I once even played with Meg as the focus of the game and it worked. Female lords are a yes. And you said well, all female lords were basically supportive characters, not the main deal. Arguably in FE8, but Ephraim really is more important than Eirika, as he actually fights the war and finds the manakete, while Eirika just travels and gets attacked by mercenaries. Lyn mode was a torture, Elincia was barely playable last 2 chapters of FE9, with her paling in comparison with so many units in 10. Micaiah is as unlikeable as it gets for a character and I don't consider Lucina a lord. The story will be okay either way. The only thing they actually need is making it FEEL like a war. FE7 they are goofing around and travelling the world chasing Nergal. FE9 the war is on the last parts of the game and it wasn't done so greatly. Radiant dawn had potential but threw it away along the way. FE13 had the few Valm chapters, but that was it. You never felt the grave situation there, as you picked of their boats and went over to their land to kill their king before they even made a few steps on the shore. It needs to give a war feeling like gaiden, sacred stones and fe6 did, with fe6 doing it best. Team size is always a thing in fire emblem. What would really be awesome tho is something they did in fe9. As knights promoted, they could freely chose which of the other 3 weapons they didnt use would be their 2nd weapon. That was amazing, More units should have had something like that. That made me ending up having all knights in the team due to their versatility(and being extremely op and fun in fe9). Eh objectives can stay the way they are. What I would like more is something with the objectives. Like some interesting things that go along the map as you have to rout them all or seize. More ballistas, walls, special terrain, terrain placed in a way that there are many ways to beat a chapter. About the weapons, they are alright so far, and they will probably add some new ones, looking at the current setting.
  12. If it sells well? Won't be the last, and even then it could continue in Japan but leave us western sadboys alone. There really isn't a reason to stop other than financial stuff, because it isnt a game that follows the same main character each game or the same world. Its the type of sequels that can keep going forever as long as they can think of something. And the new one seems promising. I know I'm buying it first thing the day it comes out.
  13. Fire emblem early game is the best stage of any fire emblem game. You have few characters and you get many more with each further mission, and with your increasingly decreasing number of max characters per chapter, you really need to think who to take, which knight is the best etc. It is also the most balanced stage of a fire emblem game. You are weak, but so are the enemies, with 1-2 hits usually killing most units. The weapon triangle is actually important here, while later 1-2 units can clear the entire map themselves in certain games. It is also nice seeing a character with low stats getting great level ups and becoming better and better. Or a +1 speed level up being the thing that makes a huge difference in terms of doubling. The more the game progresses the less fun it is, but you keep going anyway because of the great early game which you want to conclude. A game like fire emblem can't include difficulty later in the game without silly gimmicks or swarming you 100:1.
  14. If FE9-10, just mass cavalry, they are simply broken with their movement after attacking, making sure that you can continuously beat on 1 guy. Having a warp staff and warping a strong unit next to the enemy cleric would be extremely rage inducing.
  15. Gaiden basically SCREAMS for a remake. 1 and 3 were remade, the rest are snes or higher, so gaiden is quite left behind.
  16. Alm. Suddenly joins a war, has better growths and stats than anything else in the entire continent and a bit later is untouchable, doubles anyone and kills anyone in one battle. Can also have a 1-5 bow if needed. Gets the princess in the end for being so awesome and becomes king. Now isn't that the best character to be?
  17. I hate it most of the time, but then again, it is necessary for the game to be called Fire Emblem I guess. But for that to work, the weapon triangle bonus should be more important than in most games, to make the chance not so random and to make it rely on certain factors. Skills I could live without.
  18. 1. for me is Ikea if you write down Ike. Ike is 2nd. Guess its because of google.de?
  19. From 1 to 5, give your rating to each Fire Emblem game that you've played. Explainations are not necessary, but write them down if you want to. These are not general statements, but rather personal opinions. FE2 Gaiden: 3/5 Not because of old graphics. The game really had less work in it that the others. Many maps are quite bad, and there is a lot of tedium(3 Summoners that summon from 0-8 Monsters each every turn. Not fun at all. All units not called Alm were rather crappy, making the game last longer as well. There were grind opportunities, but they are unnecessary to win the game. Still, great music and a pretty great last chapter got the rating to 3. FE6 : 5/5 It's a 4/5 if played without FE7 knowledge, and a 5/5 if you played FE7 before FE6. If you played FE7 before, you will be way more immersed in the characters(which some are the children of FE7 chracters) and the plot. Add many great and unique chapters, holy weapons that are pretty much perfectly executed in both availability and usage, and the biggest feeling of "war" in a fire emblem game for me. FE7: 4/5 It is a good game with many good and memorable characters, but I found the story to be rather wanting. There is a bad guy, you travel around the world goofing around and trying to stop him. Not as great of a plot as other fire emblem games. It does make FE6 much better, which is pretty good of a thing. FE8: 5/5 Another great fire emblem. Amazing plot, amazing characters, it also doesn't need another game to make it better. It also gives an amazing feeling of relevance to every chapter, some more than others. Definitely one of, if not the best fire emblem game imo. The only downside is that there are less chapters than in other FE games, but quality > quantity in this game. FE9: 4/5 While Path of Radiance was pretty good with many memorable characters, it also had many things going against it. The bonus xp, if you want it, you need to check online what the requirements each chapter are. Would it have been so hard to add that information at the preperation screen? And if you want the bonus xp, your playstyle will be quite forced in most of the missions. The plot wasn't too great either, with only the last chapters being the ones where things are actually happening. There are also no S rank weapons other than tomes, which quite confused me during my playthrough. Or maybe I just missed them? FE13: 5/5 Probably the most biased of all for me. It was the one that introduced me to the series and as such will always hold a special place for me. I also found the characters very lovable and the support system and marriage were making sure that you get the most enjoyment from YOUR favorite pairings, and they even had children. Quite a game for people that "ship" a lot, I must say.
  20. Damn, so jealous. I wish my name was Joshua. I know someone called Marisa, it would make quite the fitting match...
  21. ...or is Awakening not as fun as many other fire emblem games? Awakening was my first fire emblem game and I loved it, especially the extremely well made support system which is unmatched by any other fire emblem. The characters are much more known than in any other fire emblem before. Still, as I played the other fire emblem games after Awakening, I realized that they may not have better characters than Awakening, or a better story, but what they do have is simply much more fun gameplay. This may or may not be due to the pair-up system, and that it is always better to pair up all your units at turn 1(except the Tiki paralogue), than to have every unit fight as a single unit. And for last, there are simply more strategies to use in the other fire emblem games, than in Awakening, probably because pair-up pretty much leaves only a few possible options. This also makes the only difficulty to hope for dual attack/guard.
  22. Whats with ignoring Vaike? Ore-sama is quite strong, especially if you can get him the hero class before going berserker. His high skill + sun becomes increadibly good. Tho he will always be bad against mages, and his early game is kinda hard, but with a Panne support he always worked for me.
  23. Well the thing is, Chrom gets bonus points because of a much better made support system present in the game, so the chances are high that you will see most of his support conversations which further defines his character; while for the others you can see about ~4-5 support conversations per game, unless you read on the internet. Still, doesn't change the fact that he is in the bunch of "almost-the-same" lords.
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