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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Bernie survives and learns fire magic to burn you. On my first playthrough of PoR, I let Zihark die.
  2. @Hawkwing I think this would fit in your little ideas you posted sometime ago. We all know the AI in FE isn't that smart. Green units are suicidal, red enemy units are too and will keep attacking after it's obvious they're done for. Difficulty boosted modes rely more on giving the enemies skills and more enemies than anything else. What if the AI was changed depending on the country/faction the units belong to? Using Tellius and Fodlan as examples. Begnion/Adrestia: They bring along ballistae, fire orbs, expensive weapons and war devices. They fight dirty, but will run to healers when wounded. Crimea/Faerghus: Protect the leader, wall of swords/spears to do so, if the leader falls they either pull back or panic. Daein/Leicester: Sneaky tactics, protect the leader, mostly hit and run though. Gallia/Duscur/Almyra: Power through everything in their path. Kilvas/Phoenicis/Brigid: Hit and run tactics. Healers are stationed on the outskirts, for the bird laguz this would simply be one with a bunch of vulneraries to give out.
  3. I just assumed if I had all the options in the world, I would also have the skills to utilize them.
  4. These are the lovely character designs. I change Tellius to have chicken, frog, and mouse laguz.
  5. Dude if the tax people gave me cookies I'd let them in.
  6. I haven't actually watched the show but would their kid be a steambender? Lol. This is sarcasm, they'd have a firebender or a waterbender.
  7. A crispy chicken sandwich with lettuce and mayo.
  8. Playing Gen 2 as a 11 year old, breeding rattatas to get more rattatas, until one day I thought "hey what if I breed a magikarp and a chinchou to get a hybrid fish pokemon?" I got a magikarp.
  9. Seteth discontinues choir and doesn't allow any music from now on. I put a fart machine under the desk during a seminar given by Manuela.
  10. I'm holding the mirror for her on Discord. But fair point.
  11. I'm disengaging now, I have told her she has things to work on. I can't force her to change right away. Believe me, you guys, I really get it, I facepalm at it, but you aren't the ones getting told about it on Discord and only her side, so when I see people intentionally picking at her and baiting her regardless of what she did or did not do, I have to come and try to smooth some feathers.
  12. Yeah, but does Diovani have to respond with "Oh look, she's ignoring me and posting her favorite character"? That's what I don't like. I see her behavior, but I also see everyone else's. EDIT If both parties are getting dealt with, then I'm fine.
  13. She's actually telling me on Discord what happened, this is clear baiting and uncalled for. Whether she was getting defensive over nothing or not. She told me she wouldn't have gotten defensive if you had worded your original response more nicely.
  14. From now on all the characters in FEH look like this. I get my drunk uncle to follow Berkut around for a day.
  15. Randomly chosen person. WYR have the voice of Donald Duck or Kermit the Frog?
  16. He manages to seduce them all within a few days of being locked in there and now he's got a bunch of kids on the way. I give Hubert an inflatable squeaky Amyr replica.
  17. I can remember things that happened when I was four years old but I can't remember what I had for breakfast the other day.
  18. Ngl this would be hilarious because of the porn stache, he'd look like Ron Jeremy oh god why. You lose your male parts and become flat down there like Summer Lorenz. I call the FBI on everybody who married Nowi in Awakening.
  19. I'm 29, you damn kids get off my lawn.
  20. They just send you a generic robotic response about "thank you for contacting IS, note that we cannot reply to every message" and you never hear anything else. I learn how to code and make a homebrew summer Felix alt for Heroes but his stats suck.
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