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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. In Mexico you can order alcohol if you're tall enough to see over the bar table.
  2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Db1XB9ZhTdwlAFnF0ve_hA_lf-P5dyYc2QlW6SMRIgg/edit?usp=sharing
  3. You are now the final boss of FEW. I replace Makalov's soap with dried pegasus poop.
  4. Felix pees and poops everywhere and constantly puffs up and hisses. Dedue becomes fat and lazy, Sylvain roams all the time and is missing for months before he decides to show up again, Dimitri loses an eye in a fight. Annette, Mercedes, and Ashe are nice cats, but Ingrid is a food snob and will only eat Fancy Feast. You're pretty sure Ingrid's litter of kittens was fathered by Dimitri but there's one that looks like Sylvain...and another that looks like Felix. I call Mist Shit in front of Ike.
  5. Damn boy! More power to ya! Lol Tharja finds it and tries to use its advice for Robin. I put a tarantula down Haar's pants while he's sleeping.
  6. Lambert and Glenn block you because you aren't someone Dimitri loves as family or even knows in the first place, so there is no way for you to get through to haunt him and you just wasted a suicide. I team up with Claude to steal Yuri's underwear and throw them all over the monastery.
  7. He reverts to feral fallen king and rips your face off. I tell Hanneman Rhea is Seiros.
  8. You get a water breath to the face. I hire a mariachi band to follow Hanneman around for three hours.
  9. She makes Naesala poop on your clean laundry in raven form. He has to do it because the blood pact. Ninjad. One of the lords in an RD remake is Makalov instead. I replace Shinon's booze with non alcoholic beer.
  10. Granted, it takes place on Tellius before the great flood, and instead of the continent being spared, it dies in the flood too at the end of the game. I wish for another game taking place on Magvel.
  11. It's Japan only. I wish there was an animated sitcom about Nemesis and the elites.
  12. She wears a horse head mask and gives a speech with Dorte and it's hilariously adorable...until her ancestor Maurice is drawn in by it, and now it's total chaos because there's a beast! I lock Seteth in the janitor closet.
  13. I never minded the animations, I was like WOAH 3D BATTLES. Go ahead and laugh at me if you want, but at the time it was like the coolest shit. @Ottservia Will you be playing RD? Lots of cool stuffs in it, and it will answer questions you may or may not have. It will give you more insight on Ashnard and the BK.
  14. Iago murders you. I bring L'Arachel to the swimming pool where everybody is exposing their shoulders.
  15. I meant I give Nowi the games to play, but okay. You put it in a parent death scene, so the lord finds it highly disrespectful and inappropriate and attacks you. I buy Hubert a bunch of MLP toys.
  16. He haunts you and thinks you stole his liquid eyeliner and won't shut up about it. I get Nowi into Spyro games.
  17. Or how about an underwater city where we all have scuba gear and have pet sharks?
  18. Dude Marnie's battle theme is my new favorite thing it slaps. Also since when does the plot really matter in a main series Pokemon game?
  19. Learn the swears first. The proper way to design a pokemon is...
  20. I believe this is a King of Queens gif lol.
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