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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Absolutely true and fair. Although if someone wanted to write a fanfic saying otherwise it could also be valid.
  2. Have a million monkeys on a million typewriters for a million years. The proper way to go on a road trip is...
  3. I borrowed some of the stuff from somebody who made portraits of them on Reddit. Dominic had a big ass scar and they said he told everyone he got it from the crusher dragon and he got it from tripping over a box or something lol. Clearly he's Annette's great ancestor. Thanks for the interest!
  4. Governments run by kids going through puberty, it would amount to pretty much the same kind of drama. WYR haunt your descendants when you die or have your ancestors haunt you now?
  5. Tagging @Quillmonger @Ottservia @SoulWeaver, any ideas?
  6. I've been interested in Nemesis and the elites for some time now, which is surprising, since they were a group of dragon murdering bandits, and I really love dragons. But dangit, they have become MY dragon murdering assholes, and I think I should write a few chaptered fic about them. So far the biggest headcanon involves Maurice. I say he was a farmer hired on to be the supply/water boy. When the Red Canyon incident happened, a wounded dragon charged him, and with sheer luck, he finished it off with a random weapon he grabbed out of the supplies. Nemesis was impressed by this, and allowed him to take the crest from this dragon like the rest did. He transformed later because he hadn't gotten the Agarthans' magical blessing plus he wasn't a trained warrior so it was harder on him overall. Things I need help with: What were the elites, and Nemesis, back in their day before they took the crests? They were heroes, but how? I kinda want them to be slightly famous at the beginning of the fic to justify them hiring someone to haul their convoy, and justify Maurice jumping at the offer right away. And I'm not sure just "they're conquering" would work because Maurice needs a good reason to look up to them. They can still conquer after they have him, but they need something else. Should I create an Agarthan mage to bestow the magical blessing? Should they be male or female? Female could produce some funny interactions with Nemesis/awkward back and forth flirting. I mean both could I guess, if somebody really wants a gay Agarthan I guess I could try, but I'm used to writing hetero so I fear that I'll handle it wrong. If I don't create a character for this, I can just handwave it and say the blessing happened. Personalities I came up with: Nemesis: Leader because he's the biggest and strongest, lets fights happen, nobody knows his real/birth name Blaiddyd: Grumpy, pessimistic, growly Riegan: Witty, tricky, level headed Gautier: Sly, tough, slight ladies man Lamine: Serene, pulls a helpless act to get the boys to do work for her Goneril: Meathead slightly sexist jock Daphnel: Skilled mage, slightly cocky Dominic: Big clumsy oaf Fraldarius: Fierce, stubborn, one ups the boys all the time Gloucester: Oblivious mage, Lamine has him wrapped around her finger Charon: Blaiddyd's moping buddy, likes rainy weather Maurice: Country bumpkin farmer Bonus planned Valentia reference: Goneril: Gautier, you ginger stud, you're well? Maurice: He's not a stud, he doesn't have any kids yet. Riegan: And you have three already, does that make you one? Maurice: I don't know, but I love them all. Chapter layout will probably go from hiring Maurice, to some stuff leading up to the Red Canyon, to that, then Maurice transforming and going berserk, then end when the church goes after them after Beast!Maurice is subdued and in a ditch, only to wake up later. Input appreciated.
  7. That staraptor of mine is named Edelgard, lol. The ursaring is Grizzly, I've had him for awhile. One gym on the campground and I managed to put my bear in, then my eagle when the bear got knocked out. Photo on the top was taken by me, legend from Wikipedia.
  8. And I just noticed it looks like Gharnef, BK, and Surtr aren't wearing pants. Lol what.
  9. I remember I said I puked rainbows when the Spyro remake was announced, so does that mean Fjorm is really excited about this?
  10. The Ike, I prefer Tellius. WYR be followed around by a mariachi band or a little kid playing hot cross buns on a recorder for an hour?
  11. A carpentry shop, while I might step on staples, they wouldn't be on fire. WYR try to nail jello to a tree or try to shove a watermelon down a sink?
  12. I've been following this all day, and I want to know what things people were "actively ignoring" that she mentions. You can PM them to me if you don't want to say them here. My two cents: She would have a point about Kiran if this was a serious manga instead of a lighthearted cute comic. There is an overuse of BE in these comics. I didn't recognize Gharnef without his mage robes. Surtr totally looks like All Might.
  13. Slippery oil so they can't climb it. The proper way to wait for a bus is...
  14. She makes a Tinder account and hooks up with sleazy douchebags for the rest of her life. I dare Sylvain to give his beast brother a belly rub.
  15. The conversation where she mentions "our child" is in the final battle, which would be after that. I meant she'd think so then, not in her Guy convo.
  16. He responds with "none of my business yo" I hit Linhardt with a tennis racket every time he falls asleep in class.
  17. Can I even download the sprites anywhere? I didn't get far enough to make a colony I don't think.
  18. If she miscarried, I would think Klein or Clarine or both might have mentioned a sibling that never lived providing they were told. She wasn't showing, so she was less than three months along. I'll add that missing the monthly bleeding isn't always a sign of pregnancy though, sometimes with stress, a woman's body will decide to halt reproductive processes in favor of other more vital ones. And traveling and being in a war would be stressful. It's possible she could have thought she was pregnant because of recent sexual activity but turned out to not be and it was stress. Although Pent sounded pretty excited and happy, so poor guy if that happened lol. They would have tried again after the war was over and got Klein.
  19. She's also the canon ship for the lord and she ties him up and does bad things to him every night. I wish the next FE game had crocodile/alligator shapeshifters that could cross water.
  20. "Kale chips smell like fart." - Some lady in a cooking group I was in once
  21. @Johann I've told her on Discord she's taking what you said the wrong way, jsyk. She's calmed down, seemingly... My opinion: The Paw Patrol ban was a hoax. Changing stuff like Aunt Jemina and that is unnecessary and feels like skirting around the issue. Not sure about COPS though. Changing Splash Mountain to a Princess and the Frog ride can also be seen as changing it to a more modern movie.
  22. He immediately pukes it up and makes you mop it up. I make a commercial for the next FE game in the style of "what happened to Dorkass"
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