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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Always type with horrible grammar and spelling. The proper way to have a birthday party is...
  2. Wouldn't be the worst thing. Holst bites off your nose and eats it. I don't give Flayn her fish.
  3. The animation is so crappily done that most people skip it. I wish Felix's mom would have appeared, as well as both Sylvain's parents and Ingrid's parents.
  4. New Mystery of the Emblem doesn't end happily because Medeus didn't have his puppet, so he just killed everyone himself. I throw an orange at Alm and it hits him in the back of the head.
  5. How about that virtual training thing doctors get to practice colon exams with the butt controller?
  6. Frederick bans you from entering the Shepherds camp ever again. I stick a suction cup dragon dildo over the door to Seteth's office.
  7. Basically this. Rhea doesn't think humans can control themselves or are smart enough to lead their own countries without her help. The dog analogy works well, on some occasions a male dog can recognize that the puppies are his and act like a proper dad. So Rhea knows male humans can tell their kids are theirs. ...Oh my god, now I'm picturing Jeralt in a cone of shame so he doesn't pick at his stitches after Rhea saved his life. Lol. Exactly, Rhea is just racist, or speciesist.
  8. I would think Cyril being Claude's brother or cousin is more likely. Rhea probably just thought Jeralt and Sitri were adorable and were gonna make her an army of little knights. She's a damn dragon, of course humans breed like rabbits in her eyes. The whole goddess vesseling thing aside. I bet that was the first time she saw a male human in love instead of just lusting, so it was probably both confusing and cute to her.
  9. You do not need punished for that. You are allowing underaged girls to adopt, which is frankly kinder than forcing them into birthing. I ask Ignatz for an art commission that will be paid for in "exposure".
  10. Dimitri does not have siblings, no. It may also be a factor that he, you know, got guillotined pretty soon after he met her. They could have chow chicka chowed once or a few times I guess. If that was fruitful, the slithers killed her so she wouldn't blow their cover before she could give birth. It's all pretty sad regardless and I bet if shit hadn't gone down so soon they would have given Dimitri and Edelgard a mutual half sibling. If he had the mojo lacking problem as you suggested I'm pretty sure something would exist to cure that? Not the same stuff we have, but it's a world with magic and magic healing, maybe an herb exists for it?
  11. Nah, dat bitch cheating. But I guess in her defense she wasn't Ionius' one and only, and Lambert was a lonely boy. Is Aegir another word for quintessence or is this a reference to Aenir? I'm rusty on Elibe lore.
  12. Okay, this is actually adorable. It was all a coverup.
  13. Ionius was still alive when Patricia went to Faerghus. And we know what happened then. Good freaking LORD lol. Lambert: Suck it, old bird! I'mma fuck your wife. Ionius: Which one? Lambert: The pretty one with the purple eyes and the thiccness. Roar, mofo. Ionius: (dementia attack) Did the lizard people say something? Narrator: And little did Lambert know, that he wasn't tapping that anyway because Patricia would constantly say she had a "headache". This COULD have gone in the 3H board, but then I'd have to omit the shitpost and add serious stuff. So it's here. Feel free to laugh with me, or even add some lore I don't have, but meh.
  14. When Greil dies, he haunts you. I actually don't think Leonie is as terrible as people say.
  15. You get auraed by Rodrigue because now he lost both sons because there was no trope for Felix to be. I ask Lyn if she's wearing underwear.
  16. You are cursed to never be able to eat sweets again without getting explosive diarrhea. I let Maribelle die. (true story, first playthrough)
  17. Mekkah fans come to your house and rob it. I fed cheese to Seteth's wyvern.
  18. Hair on my feet. WYR have a booger hanging out of your nose on camera with a close up of your face or have that camera not film your face at all and film your chest instead?
  19. Boyd and Mia. Two hotheaded oafs, lay on the sexual tension lol. That's the only one I haven't seen already here.
  20. Red dragons and Caineghis in the allies? I love it. Also pfft.
  21. Frederick comes back, freaks the fuck out, and now the whole army is on pebble duty and nothing else gets done. I put a blowup doll labeled "Sylvain's Bitch" in the common area of the male dorms.
  22. Mercedes' stepdad/Baron Bartels
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