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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Hey, you've done a lot of work here! I always thought it would be fun if Byleth had a dragon form, like your "Byleth" is a manakete.
  2. Unable to eat the crust, it's what I do anyway. WYR feed Henry's pet crows or feed Minerva?
  3. Gordon Ramsay. WYR see fetish art of yourself or fetish art of your least favorite character?
  4. Ingrid: NO. 4 year old Kion: stares right at his mom and snaps a cookie sheet in half [4:53 PM] #WaitUntilYourFatherGetsHome
  5. Instrument of destruction. WYR watch the Twilight movies but Edward is played by Kanye West and he doesn't know the script and it's just Kanye reacting to Twilight or watch the same thing with 50 Shades and Christian Grey?
  6. I haven't eaten them, but I hear they cause stomach ulcers.
  7. Paging @Emperor_Siegfried https://imgur.com/a/GHwWwE7
  8. That awkward moment when you kinda have both those things. Which of these quarantine rooms are you going in? Flying Cats: Mercedes, Bernadetta, Caspar, Dedue Razor Fangs: Balthus, Petra, Felix, Hubert Dark Minds: Dimitri, Marianne, Sylvain, Hilda Deer Herd: Lysithea, Lorenz, Claude, Ignatz Winged Nobles: Linhardt, Edelgard, Constance, Dorothea Shadow Eaters: Hapi, Raphael, Ingrid, Yuri Fuzzy Oranges: Ferdinand, Ashe, Leonie, Annette
  9. Byleth is white and their spouse is blue.
  10. This is now my favorite topic on this forum. I'm not sure about Jugdral holy blood, but for Fodlan crests, I say there can be carriers who got a lower percentage of the crest gene, like someone carrying the gene for blue eyes or something. Do holy weapons in Jugdral hurt the wielder if they don't have the right holy blood or turn them into monsters like Fodlan relics?
  11. She's too busy trolling Byleth by pushing the fart or sneeze button in public. She needs to stop that. If a laguz wore pants would he wear them like this or like that?
  12. There's a Zelda restaurant! https://boston.eater.com/2017/11/29/16714558/new-england-restaurant-news
  13. Plain water. Why has nobody stolen a donut truck and gone on a high speed chase yet?
  14. https://www.reddit.com/r/Breath_of_the_Wild/comments/g18gak/im_very_new_to_the_game_and_this_was_very/
  15. An octopus. Why are Canada people nice, but Canada geese are evil?
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