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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. WYR go to a trampoline park or a water park?
  2. Undertale AUs. WYR learn wilderness survival from BotW Link or sailing from WW Link?
  3. I have seen these before lol. But the news story I posted is apparently not satire and actually happened.
  4. Uh, Garon? WYR photobomb Rhea or Edelgard?
  5. Lambert and Rodrigue were total frat boys back in their day. #FaerghusNobleHookyLeague #RodAndLambo
  6. Date one, because I'm the mediocre pussy. WYR see Aelfric sing "Doin' Your Mom" to Byleth or Balthus sing it to Claude?
  7. Because Ashe is secretly the prince of Egypt. Do demonic beasts poop?
  8. Lambert too! Blond hair + head chop. RESPECT THE FE DEAD DADS And I always forget about Eldigan in the Dead Parent Club...Sigurd and Arvis have appeared though for Jugdral reps.
  9. "I'm a goddamn dragon" Why does Green Day sleep all through September?
  10. Ephraim and Eirika. It's not an S support so no incest! Ha! WYR record a video of Shamir hunting or Cyril cleaning the dining hall?
  11. I'm not asking for a complete arc, but yeah if you were to write Dimitri's whole arc that might be long. Whatever works for you, I guess.
  12. With 6 hours left in voting, I suppose I'll post my prompt! A character is reduced to a seemingly weaker, hindered form. This can be something like Wolf Link in Twilight Princess or the old fairy tale "witch turns someone into a frog" kind of thing. It can also be a weaker mental state instead of physical like Dimitri. It can also be a more subtle physical hinderance, like a mage losing their magic. How does it happen, how do they recover?
  13. The series' first canon male dancer! Lizzo.
  14. If she links to her OC bios in a notes section, would that help you?
  15. Worth a try maybe? If you do that throughout a long piece, it could cut the word count a good amount without sacrificing content. Also, you said Falchion is very wordy, and you picked up stuff from him, so.
  16. Not sure how well this will help, but I found this. http://www.jackalediting.com/make-your-writing-less-wordy/
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