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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. You has summoned the fictional bioscience expert/genetics nerd! Maybe the dragons can breed with humans because they created human forms, so they can copy all that? Roy has a teeny bit of ice dragon in him, or he's half ice dragon if Ninian is full dragon/dragon status is dominant, which would in turn make Roy a dragon himself! Or, it depends on the form the mother was in when making the kid? Nergal seems like he's be into some kinky scaley shit with Aenir, resulting in Ninian and Nils hatching from eggs as little ice dragons that can take human form later. Roy was probably a live human style birth, unless Eliwood and Ninian are also kinky. Tellius covers this better, with the branded. I'm saying laguz kids can shift from birth, they just have to figure out how. So you have beast tribe parents, it's very possible for them to go check on their kid and find a kitten the size of a human baby. Sign of a smart kid. Beast laguz are born blind and deaf too. Fodlan crests, there can be carriers of the crest. Miklan was a carrier. Etc.
  2. Why not both? WYR have the next Zelda game take place in outer space or in a steampunk setting?
  3. Seteth. I will get him and Flayn out of that McDonalds playplace. WYR spray Felix with water or make Hubert sit on a whoopie cushion?
  4. Flayn, she'll go dragon mode if she needs to. WYR enter a cheese eating contest against Dimitri or enter a pie eating contest against Lysithea?
  5. Learn magic with Pent. WYR watch Mean Girls acted out by Edelgard, Dorothea, Ingrid, Hilda, and Petra or watch Stand By Me acted out by Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain?
  6. My dad says he used to do the former. The latter is just a threat that parents use. - Claude
  7. Dorito Pope. Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
  8. Because sass goddess Sothis is best Sothis. What if we just take the forum and push it somewhere else?
  9. Karel! He's chill by that time right? WYR go to the mall with Claude or go to a metal concert with Felix?
  10. I don't think Fates does that, but if it did that would be nice! Your point about having a more sinister version of Lost In Thoughts All Alone to represent Anankos reminds me of what Zelda Breath of the Wild does with its dragon spirits. Normally when one is near, this music plays. But one dragon has been corrupted by malice, and you have to save it. When you are near the corrupted dragon, you hear this. And after you save it, the regular dragon music plays.
  11. I don't think Amish drink Mountain Dew. Why did Timothy eat a hot cheeto?
  12. On one hand, I was a brat about critique, on the other hand, the spriters back then were egotistical jerks...
  13. Cold showers. WYR listen to Baby Shark for an hour or watch Barney for an hour?
  14. @KingStaragna Yay for Tellius! The thought of Shinon carrying a dagger is an interesting one. You wrote him well, I could feel the haughty racism in regards to the raven, and the haughtiness toward the mage as well. You took the prompt in a different, but acceptable, direction.
  15. Tell them I don't duel. WWYDI you walked into a room and it smelled like manure?
  16. I literally loled at this omg
  17. From a talk show led by two FE VAs? Question why he's there first, then chow chicka chow, baby. WWYDI a dog asked you for mac n cheese?
  18. @AnonymousSpeed This was a humorous piece, not much going on. Reminds me of my shitpost scenes I've sent Ana in Discord, like the male dorms in Garreg Mach at 3 am. Long story short, there was sleeptalking, farting, and discussions on the Death Knight's sex life. The Miraculous nod was cool, I haven't watched it myself but Ana loves it. @Shoblongoo You said you were going to write Nowi seriously and you nailed it. Lots of feels, although I was confused whether Mavis was Vaike's reincarnation or descendant. He's clearly not Nowi's kid, but it's possible The Vaike wasn't entirely faithful to his manakete wife...but I think he's a reincarnation, right?
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