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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. No, it's a horse. What did Britney Spears do again?
  2. I think I get it. The personality switch from "you absolute idiot" to being a sweetheart that tsunderes do?
  3. I really don't see the connection though?
  4. Adopt them. WWYDI the Koolaid Man burst through the wall of your house?
  5. I believe pics of Cheeto have been shared before, but here's one of him cat loafing. He is cheesy bread. When I moved out, I had to get a cat to keep me company. This boy walked right up to me in the shelter and let me pick him up, like he picked me instead of me picking him. He was already named, and I wasn't changing it because it's perfect. He's not overly cuddly, sometimes he will come and sit on laps though. Overall he's a good fuzzy roommate. Here is Tyson, who lives at my parents' house. He's a big doofy lab/newfoundland mix. And here's Kay. She's old now, and very shy and skittish. Also lives at my parents'.
  6. They do, they're named Sailor Titan, Europa, etc. If there was a pandemic and it caused diarrhea, would people panic buy nasal spray?
  7. Felix is great, ain't he? Ana doesn't like him, but she admitted this pitiful face is kind of aww. Not sure why I like him but I do. I'm probably the only person alive who likes Felix and Sylvain equally, and doesn't ship them.
  8. Ashe! Love the good boy. WYR be a pirate or a ninja?
  9. In TP, Link is an orphan. He's older than the rest of the kids in Ordon, so he's got his own house. Maybe he was raised by somebody there though.
  10. Tell the person to post a WWYDI question. WWYDI you heard someone swear like a drunk sailor very loudly at 3 am?
  11. Take a sniff and then catch them and keep them. WWYDI somebody pooped on your front lawn?
  12. A vigilante. WYR watch Rick and Morty or Futurama?
  13. Feedback time! @Shoblongoo This was absolutely hilarious! I loved the part about Claude having trouble with Hilda's bra, headcanon accepted that happens during their first romp. You misspelled quite a few words though, like Almyra and Goneril. @TheSilentChloey I guess you did a double of this prompt. I've thought of calling female Byleth Lilith myself, but there's already a Lilith in FE. Not much is happening here, but you did cover the wtfness of meeting an opposite gender of ones self well, and the Morgans were cute. @Anacybele This was a nice twist on the prompt, full of feels and some sweetness. And I've said the rest on Discord.
  14. Thanks for this, but it is really up to her too. It also wasn't necessary to say an entry was annoying, I agree. But I don't want fights.
  15. He was actually from a raid. I saw the liepard, took a chance, and it was male. Derp.
  16. Snarl fits Felix to a T tho. And Gunk Shot was a move he just...came with.
  17. She'd never show up and Edelgard would do it for her BUT it would get political... What would happen if Holst found the entrance to Shambhala in his territory?
  18. No, because the live furry animals want to run and play and not be clothes. Why didn't they call it Mexican Beer Flu?
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