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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. The next FE game. WYR meet Gordin's VA from the FE cartoon or Link's VA from the Zelda cartoon?
  2. Solo FE8 with the trainees. Once Ross gets going, he's a beast. WYR only play old SNES games or only play old PS1 games?
  3. Hmm, wrestle with Caspar. Pre timeskip, so he'd be smaller and scrawnier. WYR be one of Yuri's bandits or part of the Dawn Brigade?
  4. Actually doesn't look too bad. When pizza's on a bagel, can you eat pizza any time?
  5. Some animals might bite or scratch if it's attempted. They need their personal boundaries respected.
  6. Sharpies smell good though. But I don't sit there and sniff them all day.
  7. A golden eagles run. WYR have a freezer that has unlimited ice cream in it or a computer that gives you a cookie every time you win a game?
  8. Because the pen yells louder. What kind of underwear does Corrin wear?
  9. Duckduckgo. WYR fight a giant chicken or a giant rat?
  10. Aymr was fun and a tad challenging.
  11. On another planet. What part of the chicken is the nugget?
  12. Start every sentence with hey idiot. WYR be followed around by a duck all day or follow a duck around all day?
  13. I'm picturing string cheese with pretimeskip Dimitri's face sans the hair on the wrapper. And the wrapper is one that you can just roll down instead of taking it all the way off. I am a horrible person.
  14. It's a stupid ad campaign Slim Jim is doing right now lol.
  15. Don't plant based meats have a bunch of weird crap in them? Like stuff used in laxatives and estrogen? So they can be more toxic than real meat? Really, I just wish we could go back to small mom and pop farms raising the animals, treating them fairly until they're killed, and selling them instead of having factory farms. But that will sadly never happen. Arby's has good ones. They are better than Burger King's in my opinion.
  16. No this is not product placement. It's just hilarious to picture an imperial prince munching on jerky and saying "long boi gang". Especially if he's Edelgard's kid. Yeah, with Hubert, underrated/underused pairing. Kiddo's name is Astor and he indeed loves his Slim Jims. Also, Rodrigue "Rod" Fraldarius and Lambert "Lambo" Blaiddyd were total frat boys back in their day.
  17. Wear an employee uniform and pretend I work there and tell people to leave. WWYDI your microwave turned into a mini fridge?
  18. I don't see the difference between the two worlds? WYR live in the world of the last video game you played or the world of the last movie you watched?
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