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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. https://www.reshareworthy.com/friesian-horse-performs-for-cows/
  2. Be together! I'll just do what Ayra did with Gendry in GoT. Chow chicka CHOW. WYR have a thousand dollars cash or a million dollars worth of a virtual currency of your choice?
  3. You would drink the whole bottle. How can a meteor cause natural disasters?
  4. Go "Cool! Can I meet your mom too?" WWYDI Dorothea was drunk and had puke in her hair and on her dress and wanted you to tell her she looked pretty?
  5. I did have fun with Sylv's floof. Ashe is one of the ones I think could be better but don't know how to improve him, but I'm glad you like him. I'm proud of how Areadbhar turned out.
  6. Summon one Claude and ask if he wants to help me with a hidden camera prank show. WWYDI you were Byleth and you found Seteth's secret smut book stash?
  7. Go "Woah! Nice twist!" WWYDI the next FE game had a shapeshifter race that turned into trees?
  8. Oz. WYR have really big feet or a really big butt?
  9. Just using this as a sprite topic now!
  10. I think Ilyana should have the Mc Donalds tome lol
  11. She should be especially nasty if summoned by Byleth.
  12. Trojan is a terrible name for a condom brand. The Trojan horse broke through a barrier and sent a bunch of little dudes in to ruin everyone's day.
  13. Laugh. WWYDI Gordon Ramsay then called Rhea an idiot sandwich?
  14. I agree with it. It's very sweet. Have this exchange with them and their daughter I made up. Lysithea: You are not going out without combing your hair and putting on deodorant, young lady. Lillian: Mom I'm just seeing my friends. Lysithea: Doesn't matter, your hair's a rat's nest. Lillian: MOM UGH! Linhardt: Such a temper! Where's that mellow little girl who used to sleep with me-OH GODDESS NO NOT LIKE THAT Daddy/daughter napping. Adorable xD
  15. That would be something modders would have to do. It would be awesome. Do you think Dimitri broke through baby gates and playpens when he was a baby?
  16. Go "Well I'll be darned". WWYDI Manuela was drunk in front of you in line at the store?
  17. I think this is an underrated pairing actually, most Lysithea shipping I've seen is with male Byleth. I ship it. Linhardt and Lysithea, that is.
  18. Well, time to throw some more raw meat into the gladiator and tiger pit. Dimitri x Ingrid Ingrid really goes well with most, if not all, of the Blue Lions boys, but I can't be the only one who sees how good of a queen she'd make. She's fierce when she needs to be and can be soft and caring, dare I say motherly. She could easily do what Byleth did for Dimitri in his route with the cute comfort and "You're alright, you've got this" stuff. Hubert x Edelgard There could be some social hurdles to jump through for this one. But I see it working because Edelgard isn't going to live forever, especially with her crest implant shortening her lifespan. She'll need to make an heir to take over. She can make Hubert her prince consort and nobody would have the right to complain too much. There's already a strong bond there. Might as well boink the guy who's least likely to turn around and backstab. My Claude ship is with Hilda, but I think that pairing is done a lot so it doesn't count as underrated.
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