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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I know the chickens are so fat they can't move and they suffer their whole short life. I don't want to think about this...it's an evil thing that's not changing.
  2. Use it to get rich. WWYDI when you peed it went in three directions?
  3. This is an interesting idea I guess. Although Surtr fits more with Anankos, Validar, and maybe Garon in the rival Dead Dad Club in hell.
  4. About the same length. But how long would that burp be if it was a fart instead?
  5. Say congrats. WWYDI the leader of your country made a law that said everybody has to wear underwear on their head on Tuesdays?
  6. This is in FFTF because it's basically just a bunch of shitposting. The concept is the dead parents of FE interact in the afterlife. Shenanigans happen. Yeah. Feel free to suggest comic ideas.
  7. I googled and all I found was some youtuber? And some facebook pages?
  8. This was a cute addition! So the Flame Emperor is not Edelgard here? Also, I've never heard of alcohol tainting breast milk.
  9. ORRE FOR LIFE An inventory sheet of the dust in my house. WYR have a bright neon pink refrigerator or a solid gold toilet?
  10. I guess Flayn. WYR go to the store naked or sleep in a gorilla suit?
  11. Give Rhea therapy. WYR be in charge of designing the next Pokemon game or the next Zelda game?
  12. "I must confess, I do have feelings for...Gods! Why must these emotions be so vexing?" - Lon'qu
  13. And Ingrid pairs well with all the lion boys. Lol. @Etrurian emperor LOL YES the batch of kids. I find that hilarious but I think that Hubert would be the type to pull his hair out if he had a bunch of crotch goblins. Which is why with Edelgard in my ficverse, they just have the one son. Actually they did conceive a second time, but the poor thing was miscarried because Edelgard's implanted crest was starting to kill her. Big oof.
  14. For anyone who cares: Ana is experiencing an Aspergers thing, which I totally relate to. It's common for us to want to talk about something we find cool for a long time and to get annoyed when other people don't like it as much or want to talk about other things. Which I have told her I understand and that Sylvain not winning this contest wouldn't be the end of the world. Just thought I'd put that out there.
  15. Yeah, the racist Ingrid memes are a bit much. She changes after she sees that Dedue is just a big, mostly harmless cinnamon roll. Jill changes after talking to Ike and getting to know Lethe. Soren? Kinda never does? But I see him as less of a racist and more of cynic. He's closer to Felix in that way.
  16. If this counts, the first time I played Pokemon Gold I named the rival ??? because that's what he said his name was and I thought that was what you were supposed to do.
  17. I've read through this topic. I've gotten...basically a rant via Discord. I must say I agree here, sorry Ana. She's also concentrating on the times Felix is a jerkass, and choosing to hate him because he gets more love in the fandom than Sylvain. She hasn't said this explictly but I can see that's what's going on here. Meanwhile I'm over here liking both Felix and Sylvain. I can like both. Both have their good and bad. Both shine more when shipped, perhaps. I know Felix when paired with Annette is pretty darn good, basically salt and sugar. All of the lions, and most of the cast of 3H in general, are good characters that I can like to a certain degree.
  18. Eagles in Azure Moon. Edelgard, girl, that wasn't necessary. WYR have a fly buzzing in your ear for 30 minutes or have a fly crawling on your face for 30 minutes?
  19. Rhea. WYR fill your bathtub with orbees or moon sand?
  20. That's some good editing on the virgin and chad.
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