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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. You don't understand. When I click the link it does not let me access it. Same thing with the PM you sent me. If you can't figure out google docs, please learn, because this is annoying. It just makes you look like you don't know what you're doing, and you can copy paste things in if you can't figure it out.
  2. Stupid WYR questions. WYR own a duck that bites or a parrot that cusses?
  3. Why not both? WYR write "My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hon" or "Cut my life into pieces this is my last resort" on the chalkboard of every classroom in Garreg Mach?
  4. Strong but clumsy like Dimitri. WYR get depressed every time you go outside like Constance or be reverse Constance and be depressed every time you're inside?
  5. Right, for the poll. I can't decide! Can you tell me more about her to help me? What are her goals, her personality? What is her backstory, how has she interacted with mortals or has she? She can very well be both a goddess and a dragon.
  6. No, it's the equivalent of a zit popping. Why do everyone's parents try to teach them "fart" and "butt" are bad words when they're preschool age?
  7. A theme park. WYR talk to the lady who wants Aelfric to be her sugar daddy for 30 minutes or watch the scampy Abyss kids for 30 minutes?
  8. There were 3 guys who wanted to see how high they could each throw a brick. The ground was muddy, so they'd figure out who won by how far the brick sunk when it came down. The first guy throws the brick and it sinks a little bit. The second guy throws the brick and it sinks more. The third guy throws the brick and it never comes down. There was this lady boarding a flight to go see her mom, she had her pet parrot with her. A sign said "no smoking and no pets", so she hid her parrot in her coat. Later the copilot is coming down the aisles and he's got a cigar in his mouth. He finds the lady's parrot and says "You're not supposed to have pets on this plane!" and he throws the parrot out the window. The lady goes "Well you're not supposed to smoke on this plane!" and takes the cigar and throws it out. The copilot goes back to the cockpit. He hears a tap at the window, it's the parrot! It's holding something. No not the cigar. The brick.
  9. If Ike counts for being a commoner, then yes, but Ragnell counts as a flashy power imo.
  10. Oooooh I will be reading this once I finish the DLC, but Sitri and Jeralt are adorable. I saw the flashback art. In the meantime, any thoughts on what I wrote up there?
  11. It usually involves hitting people with objects, which is close. If when you say the word "poop", your mouth poses like your butthole does when you poop, is it the same when you say "explosive diarrhea"?
  12. Welcome to the forest! A cat lover, I presume?
  13. Because they fart in the woods. Is there anybody who can actually burp the alphabet for real?
  14. Byleth: Rule number 1: Always listen to Professor. Rule number 2: Stay in the middle of the trail. Rule number 3: Anyone who has gas travels at the back of the pack. Dimitri: *goes to the back of the line*
  15. Yeah, either that or you're code in a bank account. Why do people say they slept like a baby when babies wake up every two hours because they shit themselves and now they're hungry?
  16. I have to be a winged cat the size of a dragon. I breathe fire and have sharp claws. @Espurrhoodie does martial arts irl anyway, she'd be a small lithe fighter, possibly a glass cannon type.
  17. On top of it. WYR take smol precious kid Edelgard and Dimitri to Chuckie Cheese or Build A Bear?
  18. NO. WYR fight with Lysithea over the last brownie or fight with Dimitri over the last mozzarella stick?
  19. Depends on how big the moles are and how many. How does Constance have purple underhairs?
  20. I love how my post was, what it was, and everyone else is just "butter sculpting" that I completely missed in the OP. Lol.
  21. This really happens with a lot of characters. People see the "gimmick" and don't read the supports, so they think the character is just the gimmick. An example from 3H is Sylvain. If you don't get any of his supports past C level, you'd think he's just a fuckboy. But he has his reasons and they're surprisingly deep, which are covered in his higher supports. Or, people just don't like certain character types and even if they do read the supports, they don't care and will still complain. If you don't like the skirt chaser characters you ignore Sylvain's other, good traits. If you don't like young smart mages, you only look at Ricken's "I'm not a child" stuff and nothing else.
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