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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. So basically the Emblemvania leak before 3H was a thing? Laguz are my favorites in FE, I think I'm happy with the ones we have. I did come up with ideas for Fodlan shapeshifters before though. People basically said these weren't needed and wouldn't work well, but the idea is there anyway.
  2. Say I didn't know this was a Hindu society and politely decline. WWYDI Seteth showed up at your house with something to ask of you?
  3. They'd also be able to fly, Jupiter is a big ball of gas with nothing to stand on, anything that is born and raised there would be a tough being.
  4. Yes. If love is blind, how is lingerie so popular?
  5. Femme fatale villain. Makes that same face Cornelia does. Ellen DeGeneres
  6. Slither DLC! WYR see Flayn's dragon form or see Byleth's mom?
  7. Lekain, just because I'm a straight female. WYR go fishing with Alois or Seteth?
  8. Mountain Dew to be good for your heart. WYR have a real dragon or a real unicorn?
  9. Dedue is a big teddy bear! Great choice. It's really subjective, as others have said, I mean I kinda separate hot/handsome from cute, but sometimes it overlaps.
  10. Maybe that line meant no Hresvelg has led the Black Eagles? But if he was 50 some years old when Edelgard was conceived then that old boy had more spunk in him than I thought. Especially in a medieval setting, I don't think people were still having kids at that age, especially not ones that survive easily. I remember learning in school that the bigger the age gap between parents, the more likely the kid will be frail. Any indication how old Patricia was compared to Ionius? She can't be too old because menopause.
  11. Good answer! You forgot to add your own question though.
  12. Balthus looks like a big lovable doof. Him.
  13. Doritos, because I'm diabetic and Mountain Dew is bad for me. WYR be the Agarthan in charge of poisoning Emperor Ionius or be Dimitri's jail guard in Empire controlled Fhirdiad?
  14. I heard the thing about Arundel being replaced quite recently. But I see. Poor old dude. Did the slithers make him that sick? I'm thinking Ionius would have been maybe 40s and Patricia in late 20s when they conceived Edelgard. It'd be technically possible no matter how old he was, but it does get difficult with age and declining health. So that would put him in his 50s, which is up there, but not too far up there where he should be that way naturally. The slithers were poisoning him weren't they? You're lucky I don't mind spoilers, btw.
  15. Crystals. WYR try to teach a cow to read or try to teach a chicken to write?
  16. The lord's dad who dies and then narrates the story from the heavens. So basically Jeralt. Kobe Bryant.
  17. Jeralt was a good dad himself. Even Gilbert came around eventually. I think Jeralt was the dad who made the least mistakes actually, unless you count not knowing what he was getting himself into with that pretty nun. I mean yeah he raised Byleth in isolation but still. Basically what I said up there. What Rod said wasn't terrible, maybe a bit insensitive, but not horrible awful, and it was also a cultural influence.
  18. That's what I get for trying to say stuff without playing Crimson Flower. I heard of the Insurrection of the Seven now that I think, but I didn't know what it was about.
  19. It kinda does. Adrestia has dark mages torturing kids right under everyone's noses though, and the emperor does shit about it because he's got dementia and he probably pisses in the hallway because he forgets where the bathroom is, and he thinks the lizard people talk to him, when it's the slither people talking to his most recent trophy wife instead. So they're not much better off. Headcanons aside, Ionius just looks so DONE with everything and he's clearly seen better days. Leicester has chest pounding nobles having dick swinging contests but that's about it. So it's probably the most stable and fair culture.
  20. Yeah, this. I guess Rodrigue didn't outwardly mourn Glenn, so Felix thought he didn't care. Apple don't fall far from the tree though, because Felix isn't visibly mourning despite all this. Anyone who loses a parent who raised them, even if there was some rocky relations, should mourn. I bet he sulks in his room. Possibly. It may be a cultural thing too, like women can choose one of three things: be a docile wife and mother, be a warrior, or balance it/have a few kids then return to the barracks. Example of the first would be Dimitri's mom, the second would be Catherine, the third would be Ingrid if she's paired. Men are pretty much raised to pick up a weapon, father a few kids, but the knight path is important. Faerghus is kinda wack. When you give toddlers training weapons before they can read...you get attack goblins, basically.
  21. Ol Rod misses the days when the only thing he had to worry about was getting caught playing hooky with Lambo. God I love that little detail.
  22. Sylvain and Dorothea's boys added!
  23. This is a common criticism of Azure Moon. Both Rodrigue and Gilbert were there, and they both let Dimitri lead in his nutso feral state, and never once did anyone suggest "Hey, maybe we have the wrong person leading this army". Not even Felix. It would be smarter to use Dimitri as a figurehead leader until he saw the light or if he ever did. But real world historical figures have done stupid war decisions, look at both times Russia was invaded in the winter for an example. And Faerghus is big on knights following kings, which isn't always the smartest plan, but it's their culture and it's not always easy to go against what your culture has told you your whole life. Characters making stupid decisions actually makes things more realistic. Yet if anyone should have suggested "let me lead, he needs mental help", it'd be Byleth and he/she doesn't either.
  24. Oh yeah, sparing Dedue really helps this narrative. It was an immediate "BROOOOOOOOO! OMG I MISSED YOU I THOUGHT YOU DIED OMG", basically. Rodrigue was a good guy. I felt bad for him just trying to be Dad and Felix being a little shit. One sided old bull/young bull. I mean Felix is great too, but I just felt the oof size large at a lot of those interactions. I was like what kind of dysfunctional family drama did I just walk into.
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