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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. At the very least, those two should totally make a bastard scandal kid...but poor kid lol. What would Caspar name the cat featured in his and Ashe's support?
  2. Gonna second that the Edelgard/Dimitri debate is stupid as hell and I like all three lords to a certain extent. Edelgard is my least fav, but I redeem her and make her likeable in my ficverse. I won't ramble here. Also gonna add Hubert. Want to make him likable? Add endearing traits to him. Make jokes about him. Say he has red boxers and will sit in just those in his free time and smoke a cigar. Any character can be improved like this, especially ones that come off as hateable at first glance. Cyril and Leonie suffer from the same thing, the idol worship of sorts, but you just need to look deeper and get more of their supports. Cyril's support with Lysithea is adorable, and in other supports, he drops some savage burns which are hilarious. Leonie has a nice support with Raphael, which is why I ship them.
  3. Well, he's not wrong. GameFAQs is horrible. But with all the other stuff he did, I see why he was banned.
  4. I can basically quote all dialogue/rescued dragon scenes in Spyro the Dragon and tell you where each dragon is and what they say.
  5. Rhea. DRAGOONNNNNN! WYR be the Agarthan in charge of breeding the demonic beasts or the Agarthan in charge of cleaning out the demonic beast kennels?
  6. Tea party. WYR make a movie about the daily life of your pet or the daily life of your grandparents?
  7. It might make sense if it wasn't a wall of text with no punctuation. The only thing I can say is unless your friend is skilled with romhacking or programming, the idea won't get past the planning stage. I once wanted to make a fangame. I never got anywhere. Because I can't code.
  8. Yes and their favorite anime is Wolf's Rain. Does Claude like his peanut butter chunky or smooth?
  9. Go wtf dude. WWYDI a naked man was following you around?
  10. Ground my parents. WYR see Edelgard's son walk around in the Flame Emperor outfit or Zelgius' daughter walk around in the Black Knight armor?
  11. "I must steel myself!" "Might makes right. Right?"
  12. I'm thinking similar to Snake's final smash then, he'll aim at the opposite team and be close to the screen, you can see his aiming reticule.
  13. Pokemon, because then I wouldn't have to teach them modern tech. WYR teach FE characters how to use a computer or teach them how to use a phone?
  15. Tobin. And we're using protection. WYR play the FE theme on kazoo or recorder?
  16. Leader of the Peach Beaver house. Lol joking aside, have fun in retirement Ghast.
  17. I'd watch him try, it would be funny. Drunk Gilbert vs drunk Rodrigue, who wins and how?
  18. Groose: Comes in with the Groosenator and launches bombs. (I am slightly salty we got Ghirahim instead of this guy)
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