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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I like cheesecake. What if we're just inside an orange juice container?
  2. Oh, I thought this was gonna be story/narrative. I really can't say much here until you write more, but it's a good start.
  3. You forgot to set that to share by link. Can't see it.
  4. In the 90s. When was the last time you felt like a million bucks?
  5. Go to the bar with a flirt. Watch him try to score for 30 minutes. It'd be funny. WYR give the Ashen Wolves a puppy or the Blue Lions a kitten?
  6. Thanks! I did see your tag btw, I will read when I have time.
  7. This started with the idea of Dimitri's gift to Ingrid. Expanded it. Tagging @Quillmonger @Ottservia @Espurrhoodie @Sir Wolfram of Vallora, they seem like they'd be interested. What the Fodlan people are doing for Valentines Assumes a golden "all lords live" route is achieved. Church of Seiros Sothis Byleth: He's married to his work. He buys candy for himself and eats it right in front of the shopkeeper to avoid gossip. Alois: Takes his wife to dinner like he does every year. They give their daughter a cupcake. Even though she's a full fledged knight now, she is still their little girl. Eleanor(Alois' daughter): Rolls her eyes at the cupcake, but she knows she gets one every year. Catherine: Doesn't care. Just another normal day to her. Shamir: Same as Catherine. Manuela: By some miracle, she managed to win over a rich merchant this year. They're likely getting to work on their first kid. Hanneman: He's too old for this shit. Cyril: Isn't courting anyone, but this year he mysteriously got candy. He's on a mission to find out who this admirer is. Madoc(Gatekeeper): He's got his eye on a pretty minor noblewoman. This year he's finally gonna make a move! Wish him luck! Former Church Dragons Rhea: Forgot what day it is, like she does every year. She's lying low and not drawing attention to herself. Seteth: Puts flowers on his wife's grave and hugs Flayn. Flayn: Hugs Seteth back. Adrestia Empire + Brigid Edelgard: The Empress has no time for silly holidays. Hubert: Neither does the Imperial Prince Consort. Well, actually, he has more time than Edelgard, but he spends it doing things that are none of your business. Ferdinand: Does all the cooking for today and brings flowers. Candy will arrive at Garreg Mach for his daughters soon. Mercedes: Enjoys the day of rest, and cuddles with Ferdinand. Linhardt: Lays on the couch and eats cookies. Lysithea: Bakes the cookies for Linhardt. Sneaks a cuddle once in awhile. Petra: Still doesn't completely get the holiday, but appreciates the extra attention. Sent raspberry tarts to Garreg Mach for her son. Caspar: Had some candy imported from the mainland to give Petra because Brigid just has berry tarts that aren't the same. Also imported some dried tuna bites for Stunk the cat. Leicester Alliance + Almyra Claude: He's pampering Hilda like he does every year. He has yet to tell her her favorite apple tarts are made from Almyran apples sent from his father. Not that she'd protest, but he likes her to think he just knows what the sweetest apples look like. Hilda: Sitting back and getting pampered. Lorenz: Flower bouquet and chocolates for Marianne. Simple, yet charming. Marianne: Smiling at the flowers and chocolate. Letting her young daughter have some of the chocolate. Ignatz: Every year he paints something. This year it was a painting of a basket of puppies. Also bought flowers. Bernadetta: Every year she gets flowers, and every year she tries to come up with a story about what her husband painted. This year her story was about puppies that worked for Cupid and brought couples together. Raphael: Takes Leonie out to the pub. Sends his daughter a meat and cheese tray. Leonie: Orders all you can eat and drink at said pub. Kingdom of Faerghus + Duscur Dimitri: Got Ingrid a rotisserie chicken. Ingrid: Loves the rotisserie chicken gift. Got Dimitri a wheel of gouda. Made a giant cinnamon roll for both of their kids. Sylvain: Flowers, chocolates...and birth control herbs. Sends treats for his older two kids at Garreg Mach. Dorothea: Sends the youngest three kids to a sitter so she can love up on Sylvain all night. Ashe: Flowers and chocolates for Annette, dried tuna bites for Marshmallow the cat, treats for his daughter at Garreg Mach. Annette: Drags Ashe and Gilbert out to the holiday event at a local restaurant. Kills it at karaoke. Gilbert: Sits at the table at said event and eats his dinner quietly. Dedue: Makes prayers to the Duscur Love God to thank him for his wife. Gives her flowers. Felix: He doesn't care too much, but every year his wife buys him his favorite lunch, which is enough to warm his heart.
  8. Thank you guys. I will never get this service now.
  9. Linhardt: Shoutout to everyone who got through the day without taking a nap. Pulled an all dayer today. Pretty rough.
  10. Only if she can change the sexual preferences of the characters at will. How would we get a pegasus to let Hubert ride it? We tried dressing him in drag, but the pegasus was not fooled.
  11. Go okay, whatever. WWYDI you sneezed and pooped your pants?
  12. Because they get dirt on them. Why do potatoes exist?
  13. Alois hands down. WYR take a cold shower or a hot shower?
  14. Balthus: (to Yuri) You gotta be the alpha male! You gotta walk the alpha male walk. You gotta talk the alpha male talk. Constance: Balthus, it's your turn to go get dinner. Balthus: YOU GET IT YOUR DAMN SELF WOMAN! *cringes* Constance: Excuse me? Balthus: I, uh...was talking to Yuri and I uh, got carried away... Ashen Wolves DLC hype!
  15. My first thought was smash but now I'm saying disco because so much more hilarious shit can happen. The Black Eagles shaking their tail feathers(Dorothea twerking, Ferdinand strutting, etc), Alois coming in wearing a chicken costume and wanting to do the chicken dance, Dimitri eating all the nachos, Claude flopping around like he's got an itchy butt, somebody hiring a marachi band to follow Seteth around and Flayn dancing behind them, etc. WYR listen to Alois talk about his wife and daughter for a whole class period or be in Manuela's class while she's hungover?
  16. Downloaded the demo! Rescue Team Rainburn rides at dawn! I'm so stoked!
  17. Laugh the first few times, then get annoyed. WWYDI you were in that Chinese restaurant pictured up there and the guy in the table next to you tried bringing his girlfriend and wife at the same time?
  18. What the hell lol. Is nobody proofreading this? Are they just using whatever Google Translate says? Somehow I think even Google Translate would do better.
  19. I can only think of things I wouldn't be able to control/change even if I had the choice.
  20. Lances! Classic wyvern rider! WYR have a pet squirrel or a pet crow?
  21. Have snacks all day. WWYDI you were at the grocery store and you saw Lorenz with his cart full of Hellman's brand mayonnaise jars?
  22. I have never seen an Agarthan computer, but I support this idea! We could combine this with the above 40k idea. Mechs, computers, TVs...and other people who don't know how to use toasters or microwaves and have to be taught to comedic effect. Gatekeeper: *staring down the slit on the toaster* Toast: *is done* Gatekeeper: AHH! *jolts backward* Dimitri: *making Easy Mac* Microwave: *beeps* Dimitri: Oh boy! ...What. *takes out charred burnt plastic cup, forgot to put water in*
  23. The final boss in GD is the most unique imo. Then you can go BL or BE next. It's recommended to do all three.
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