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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I might be. But I'm also warning us all of what could happen. Me and Ana were on a small RP forum together and it died because drama and arguments happened. It could happen to this contest.
  2. Yeah, but if the arguments continue, it might end, worst case scenario.
  3. You joined after the said incident, I believe. Yeah, me neither, but if it does I won't complain.
  4. My two cents: I did think Chloey writing an entry complaining about the prompt was rude. But I also think it's back in the past, whether Anon took it as insulting the prompt or not. I also am losing interest in these contests. I wanted to pick a prompt eventually, but I guess that's not gonna happen. And it's not fun when we have arguments here. So if this contest has to die, I'd be fine with it.
  5. I think I read the second book too, now that I remember. But good to know if I ever want to start again
  6. I read the first book, it was okay. I actually liked the movies better. Which I can connect to How to Train Your Dragon! Those Hiccup x Astrid kids at the end of the third movie made me dawww so much. I love seeing a couple get together and have kids. It's why the majority of my fanfic stuff is shipping and breeding the characters lol.
  7. I like this one too! Used to think it was best early game map theme until Fodlan Winds blew it out of the water.
  8. Meatballs. WYR have an alarm clock that cusses at you or an alarm clock that rings and runs away?
  9. Fromage Dimitri. What do dragon eggs taste like?
  10. Broccoli with cheese sauce. WYR watch dogs poop for 30 minutes or watch cats puke for 30 minutes?
  11. Gonna add Congregation of Ambition and Change of Scenery.
  12. With a bow. How do you take candy from a baby?
  13. Dimitri: Hey, you know what sucks? Claude: Vacumms. Dimitri: You know what sucks in a metaphorical sense? Claude: Black holes. Dimitri: ...You know what's just not cool? Claude: Lava.
  14. Free but poor. Nothing changes. WYR live in Sacae or Brigid?
  15. You are marrying the Indian guy. By this time, I imagine I would know his subtle quirks that differ from his twin's, so I'd say sure, test me. WWYDI you were offered a thousand dollars to eat your least favorite food?
  16. One issue I think I'd have with it is that I think in order for it to work, I would want it to "move fast", as in like, after meeting, if it goes well, I would want to be talking about moving in together or whatever, a future plan, and most people would be weirded out by that level of commitment so soon.
  17. NGL I thought this was a cow villain. Until I googled. No, but it will create a charred brick. What if we just take the town and push it somewhere else?
  18. You can't accidentally do that. I guess be freaked out that it was on my phone because I never did that. WWYDI a guy from India offered your parents 50 elephants for your hand in marriage?
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