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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I don't know how big that one is, but okay, I will spoil it.
  2. Because the people who made it are pig/boar headed and are trolling you. Why does my smoke alarm go off every time I cook a burger?
  3. Divine weapons, that way WYR eat a triple bacon cheeseburger or a stack of five blueberry pancakes?
  4. First obvious shippy one: Leonie: How much do you love me? Raphael: So much. Leonie: On a scale of zero to burgers. Raphael: Burgers. With bacon. Leonie: You're the one.
  5. It's Ignitus. Remember he's the fire guardian, so he has ignite in his name. I knew most of these, somehow didn't know Sparx had a different VA for each game. Cynder in A New Beginning is Cree Summer, who is Susie Carmichael in Rugrats. She also changed her VA for each game. Comparison:
  6. I missed that one! Lol that's great. Course, the best Boey moment will always be that scream about the necrodragons. Yeah, N had it rough. Also, Guzma was physically abused. Highly implied his dad whacked him with golf clubs.
  7. Yeah, Scorch does have some Middle East inspiration, but it's also a basic desert level. I can see why they'd want to be safe though. They also changed the machine guns in Twilight Harbor to goo guns like you'd see in Splatoon, which to me is too much being safe.
  8. Was just playing BotW and had the carpenter dudes add a bed to Link's house, and the leader said "Are we studs of stud work? Of course we are!" Got me thinking about how innuendos and language seem to be in a lot of T rated games these days. Other examples of this particular word are both in FE. Python calls Lukas a "ginger stud" and Sylvain laments that he doesn't want to be a "studhorse". The word stud can mean a small piece of metal in a wall, but it mostly means either a male animal used for breeding purposes or an attractive man who's thought to be good in bed. I recall some remakes of older E rated games took out words and phrases like this to keep an E rating. Spyro Reignited took out a line about "frivolous fauns at Fracture Hills" and renamed Bombo the Flagkeeper Bob the Flagkeeper. I don't want to picture hot dragon on faun action, but I wouldn't have minded if it stayed, but renaming Bombo is just ridiculous imo. It's like "bomb" is a swear now. Yet some older E rated games have things that are downright terrifying for kids under their teens, Zelda OoT and MM became T rated with their remakes because of their scary enemies. I guess the discussion topic here is, do you have any more examples of this and insight?
  9. *resists urge to tell dirty joke about blind midget at a fish market*
  10. Feral Dimitri: *pees on the map* This was inspired by a supposed origin to the phrase "pissed off" that claimed a general's dog peed on a map and now the enemy was "pissed off" the map.
  11. It's possible that the vessel thing is different than it was with Robin. Grima was a false god created by a creepy cult leader, as shown in Shadows of Valentia. Sothis is a gentle motherly goddess. So being a vessel for Grima is harder on someone and more likely to kill them, it's not too far of a stretch to believe. Personally I think Byleth will live for maybe a 100 years or a few more, and then Sothis will return to the world when Byleth dies naturally.
  12. I had an idea but I never got around to it! My idea was Bernadetta reuniting with her commoner friend mentioned in her Dorothea support. I've had major writers block lately, on top of that, rl stuff comes up, so good luck to all entrants.
  13. Ingrid: We are not going outside tomorrow morning. Forecast calls for below zero wind chill. Felix: I'll be in the armory. Sylvain: I'll be...not out in it. Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey. Dimitri: Stick a hot water bottle in your pants, I've done it. Felix: What the hell. Sylvain: He's gotta make sure to NOT lose those for the sake of the royal bloodline. Ingrid: You guys are gross.
  14. Force Hanneman to save her. I have ways of making him do things. WWYDI Claude as an actual deer was eating out of your neighbor's flower garden?
  15. Caspar, Ashe is too good of a boy to pester. WYR be a bartender for Jeralt or Manuela?
  16. I have seen this! I love it! Well hi, little buddy!
  17. When I die I want my remains to be scattered at Disneyland. And I don't want to be cremated.
  18. I do not know the symptoms so I don't know what I'd do. WWYDI there was a bouncy castle right outside your door?
  19. Be able to draw anything on MS Paint. That'd be sweet. WYR command stormtroopers or lowly bandits?
  20. Maybe if Lysithea doesn't eat them first. Why does Lorenz have a bowlcut?
  21. He's really named after this pilot my brother was learning from who died. But let's face it, "Jerry" would be a pet name Byleth's mom would have used. "Jeraldo" as a "you're in trouble, sleep on the couch" name.
  22. My brother's hamster is Jerry/Jerald. He's kinda got a Jeralt attitude. Once my mom was having her coffee at 6am and looked up and saw him just run across the floor. He'd gotten out of his little home. Like Jeralt being cornered by some thugs against a wall or a fence and he just has his horse jump it. Can totally see it. Escape artist. "Don't try this at home." Leonie: Okay I'll try it in public.
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