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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Oh yeah, a few nicknames I gave 3H characters. Claude: Goldbuck Dimitri: One Eyed Lion or Stanky Boy(come on he probably didn't shower like at all when he was nutso) Felix: Sour Puss Ignatz: Iggy or Iggs Jeralt: Nun Humper
  2. Spyro the Dragon, I once abbreviated as STD. I never did that again.
  3. I have read your plot synopsis. The only non human race you mention is the manaketes, how do the others fit in? And the four demigod girls, what are they doing now? Are they working to help bring back their father? Being worshipped by humans, and working to keep their father in the past where he belongs? Or a combo of the two with each one having their own views? Who was the mother, and what about her made this god fall for her? Was she a warrior priestess or something? Think about how Byleth's mom is described, very briefly but we can gather from what Jeralt says about her, why she was so special and why he loved her. I think your non human races using the human weapons would be an effective masquerade deal. Think of Rhea using magic until she's really pissed and takes dragon form. Something like that.
  4. It may be, but aren't all Switch games 60 dollars? I don't think Game Freak has control of that. Something like Barbie Horse Land would also be 60 dollars. Only indie games are cheaper now. Not saying it's a good thing, but yeah.
  5. Doesn't answer any of my other questions. All of these things need to be decided.
  6. Who knows if that pegasus can even handle carrying a big boy like him. I mean he's the only lord who growth spurted and growth spurted HARD. Wyverns are more durable, so they can have large male riders vs having to have daintier females. But I know this is a joke. I'll just add that I headcanon Ingrid's pegasus does not like him and will bite him when he tries to feed her apples. She will also purposely fly slower if Ingrid has to give him a lift. Ingrid is working on that. Dark Bishop Dorothea, to add to the list.
  7. They found an ash cast of a guy in the...self love pose and the whole internet laughed until some crusty party pooper archeologist claimed he curled up like that when being boiled alive. Personally, I say more power to him, might as well go out happy.
  8. "Cavalry unit -1" Yeah, horses poop so much. Although so would pegasi.
  9. I read something awhile back where a drawing of a penis was found on the walls of some ancient Roman ruins and they found out a Roman soldier from that time drew it.
  10. Proof that humanity never changes and has always been the same.
  11. Horrible. I doubt fortress knight is even a good class for Marianne.
  12. That image is the funniest damn thing I've seen all day omg. What's the purpose of the real historical ones bulging out like that? Like anything actual functional?
  13. Yeah, but I want somebody to make an animation of Jedah and Celica saying that. Somebody already made Jedah singing My Favorite Things and it was amazing, just audio, no animation, but still.
  14. I want somebody to make a voice acted animation of this.
  15. You only seem to have a few characters so far, and kinda bare bones descriptions at that. Some more info on the setting would be nice. What countries exist, how do they operate? What landmarks and terrain does each country have? How do the countries interact with each other? Is there a dark cult like the Agarthans/slithers that they all have to fight? Who's the protagonist and antagonist? But since you posted bios, I'd like to plug my 2nd gen 3H. "Everybody lives" AU. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z9743GsK0Cq8u1rV7nzXDyP6wdpohhvgxMyK2DJuHFY/edit?usp=sharing
  16. Felix: See you later you stupid fucking animals! ---- Dedue: Also my tomatoes died. ---- Dorothea: This one time, in band camp...
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