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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. I wanna be the very best... That no one ever was. To catch them is my real quest, to train them is my cause. I will travel across the land, searching far and wide. To discover from deep within, the power that's inside! Pokemon! ...honestly digiworld or whatever the hell it was seemed kinda sucky. Pokemon's world was interesting somewhat at least?
  2. Artificial insemination perhaps? If one wanted to go that route... There are options other than just incest in our modern world, gotta say. :\ (Well as long as they were somehow able to keep the samples viable/frozen) Also guess persons might be outta luck for repopulation if their significant other is same-sex? ...Anyways, So new question?
  3. Eh, what the hell... Merry Christmas OP! Hope you enjoy your time back. :)
  4. But shouldn't this be in introductions then? ...actually, hey why don't we have a returns and farewells type forum? :o
  5. Can you honestly say you would sacrifice a loved one... Say the ONE... For a bunch of people you don't know, May never meet, and possibly don't even like?
  6. ...? why are we replying to an obvious plea for attention?
  7. May as well answer them all. ;) ...the world only matters if you have the people you love in it. Selfish perhaps, but yeah... :\
  8. Well, they are a rebel, clearly that is why they are blue over the traditional. Rock on BLeafy... Rock on.
  9. Squirtle or Charmander man. Screw Bulbasaur. ...and ya play the games during class too, Sandman. Till teacher comes over then you switch to another screen. ;)
  10. So naughty... Guess you're getting COAL! (But like, who actually does school work on school computers?)
  11. If people are having problems finding people they wannna interview, perhaps they should check out some of the other forums/members more? I mean... Come on we have literally hundreds of users on here. :\ Anyways, I vote Anacybele and Ghastly
  12. Trisitei died of dysentery... What a crappy way to die. :p I guess in my death, I found myself between a rock and a hard place? Lol... Some dudes were not paying attention during the Canon salutes.
  13. Better, but I would try using an edit of those eyes on the tomboy version. Eyes currently look, slightly off in comparison to the rest of the face... Maybe shrink them a pixel at least?
  14. Toa = most improved mugs? ;) Ghastly is right. You have been doing awesome bud. Nice work. I'm really feeling it. :D
  15. Extensions are nice. Especially this time of year. :)
  16. Your mugs seem to be improving in proportions, colors and design. Keep it up. :) Some of the latest have been very clean splices. Look forward to seeing more.
  17. Yeah, obviously as Agro said some fine tuning still in terms of getting some of the stylistic things... But I really like the looks of the project of yours! Super cool map sprites. Keep it up. :)
  18. I quite enjoy checking out your maps. Makes me wanna learn/practice them myself. :) Very nice variety.
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