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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. She is looking like she needs more shading bud, lots of areas where it just looks flat or just... Unfinished? Like the headband, cloak needs a third shade, coat/clothing needs a third shade as well? Hair is hard... I wish I could offer better advice on the shading of that...(area I struggle with as well) Colors as well seem, oversaturated? Design is interesting though! Just needs some better execution. You can do it though. Liking the variety and customization you have going on. Just need to improve your technical skills to make some of these cool designs really shine. :)
  2. Knows that depends on the particular writing but is also true of RPGs in general.
  3. /in Gg killnumi indeed. I died by being strangled in a fist fight? ...those aren't Queensbury rules! ;-; ...guess when it came time to step up, I choked? :p
  4. I feel most energized by interaction and conversation, isolation is a slow death for my soul... :( Wow, that was depressing! XD In any case, I enjoy performing anyways....Bit of a Ham tbh. ;) So... Yeah, I would likely volunteer anyways even if they were trying to force me to perform. :p ----- Anyways... New question, less serious... Or maybe the most serious of all!?!?! :0 Current Question: Q16. Would you rather, be Disney or DreamWorks?
  5. So anyone watch Christian Bale movies BEFORE Batman? Some interesting ones my wife loves. Swing Kids and Newsies. Oh baby Batman. XD
  6. @Aeo Basic guidelines would probably be a good idea, but yeah we don't need to really go too in depth. I would say general code of conduct stuff from Serenes would probably work in terms of content? Anyways, that sounds good. Maybe send me a PM or Skype about setting this up then as I am capable but just not familiar with the setup/usage of twitch and YouTube channels and would appreciate any insight to advice... Especially as I just want to help facilitate this for the people who want to use it. ---- So to sum up, if I understood correctly, we need. 1) Twitch account -For uploading the vids in general 2) YouTube account -For compiling the uploaded vids 3) Spreadsheet/Doc to keep track of the passwords+accounts and videos/contributors? That sounds awesome bud, thanks! :D
  7. Part of me would love to see a Dynasty Warriors style Fire Emblem game. Like Hyrule Warriors. :o
  8. WAIT... Koei has games on steam? :O ...damnit I need to get steam, like yesterday.
  9. Ok, but what does that mean for the rest of the world? :o Interesting... also I wanna play DWE8. ;-;
  10. [spoiler=...The true face of the man behind the name?]ErrantShepherd: ErrantShepherd: I am a dork :p ErrantShepherd: also Batman Lt. Smirks: the bat lives! ErrantShepherd: It worked out for a cobbled together costume The BatDork lives! ...cause I was BatDad. For Halloween taking my kids out trick or treating. Never went myself as a kid... so was fun hamming it up. ;) Turned out pretty decent for something I had to put together.
  11. Yeah, consistent participation and avoiding burnout seem to be HUGE issues we have. :\ Question is what the answer to that is... In the meantime, I will be trying to go forward with some of the ideas presented in this thread. :) ---- (Big shoutout to Smirks and General Ciraxis for helping me hash these out) ErrantShepherd - Today 5:47 AM > Btw, you see any of those ideas Smirks and I were talking about? > Christmas/Winter event? Last Spriter Standing? > Wanna quick summary? Serenes Pixel Art Community Event 1: Winter Holiday Hullabaloo! > K, so winter events atm 1) winter/holiday themed avatars 2) secret Santa sprite exchange 3) SF spriting community Christmas tree(make our own ornaments via sprites, pixel tree)... LAST SPRITER STANDING Lt. Smirks - Wednesday 8:55 PM > it starts and anyone can join in making whatever the theme is and instead of choosing a winner you weed out the loser then move to the next round with the remnant. And you make something different each round like round 1 could be a mug splice, round 2 a battle still, moving up to harder things like full custom mugs and full animations. > Last Spriter Standing > ...basically start out with simpler category for first round that all participants vote on. > Least votes drops out, next round is something more difficult, keep going till two are left... And then last spriter standing.
  12. ...ah damnit, OK. I volunteer as tribute. Any advice on how to go about this, guys? We want YouTube or Twitch account? My basic idea is to set up a generic Serenes Spriting channel, have the password available to a select few for maintenance. ...I would be willing to host this for a bit at least unless someone else steps up/wants to do it?
  13. (Extension would work for me, can definitely get something done in a week.) Ciraxis had an interesting idea... What if instead of weekly, this comp was something, monthly? Instead of biweekly, the bi-monthly battle sprite Showdown? Basically one month for the competition, then a month break? Then go again? ...as a way to be less... Drain/stretching the creative Community thin?
  14. :( Yeah. Maybe a lil hiatus might be good. Come back with a vengeance in the New Year? Smirks is definitely the champ this time around though. (I do have next week off of school, but who the hell knows if I have the time to sprite with my schedule atm)
  15. I am sorry you missed the party Glac... :0 ...would you like some leftovers? We have cake. :D ...anyways, I wish I knew more LoZ stuff tbh, it seems pretty cool but I never have actually finished any of them, despite liking the series and enjoying the characters in Smash Bros. ;-;
  16. I have a favorite general outfit combo. T-shirt, underneath a plaid button-up shirt of some kind with the sleeves rolled up. Blue Jeans in some complimentary shade... Then black shoes and some jacket, along with my fingerless gloves if going out. I quite like superhero shirts and clever/amusing shirts as well. Like I have a Batman t-shirt, and a T-shirt that says "Hello. My name is... AWESOME!" which is an amusing icebreaker, or a shirt I wear when I feel like I need to feel good about myself, or amuse myself. ;) ...sometimes man... You just gotta roll with feeling AWESOME. ;)
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