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Everything posted by Raguna

  1. I believe that's the general problem with the world building in Awakening because you don't really know what happens with Plegia. It does however still exist by the end of the game as Tharja's solo ending tells us that she returns to Plegia. As for who is running the country now? We will most likely never know or why they're still a country in the first place by this point.
  2. You have a point. In complete honesty, I only did a mini rant over the whole issue so I wish to apologize. In any case, the information you brought to me makes me question something. Why is there a need to power old factions if the new factions can all just be kept at the same level? I was also very aware of the fact it's a card game, but I felt like almost entire sets dedicated to specific versions of the same game felt rather odd. Needless to say before we derail this topic. I am rather bummed these two games won't be getting any sort of representation in Cypher if what you believe is to be true.
  3. Well, we are Far From God's Light. Isn't everything here already dead in the first place?
  4. I just want them to stop giving these special snowflakes so many cards and focus on Gaiden or Magvel or even other characters to be honest since I'm sure every other lord except possibly Chrom or Marth will ever top those numbers now that I see them. I'm sure it could be nice to have alternates in your deck, but honestly no one needs so many of the same person.
  5. Been enjoying these little vids of yours for a while now. Gives me a nice thing to look forward to after a voyage outside the home. Also while I like Kain, the green knights have always tended to be my boys. Good luck on the ironman, I'll be watching for the survivability of your units.
  6. Welcome to the questionarie Thane. 1: Impressions on me? 2. What's your favorite type of video game genre? (Action, mystery, puzzle, rpg, etc..) 3 How often would you say you play Overwatch if you own it? 4. I remember your old Aegis avatar so are you fond of Persona or SMT in general? When did you start? 5. What's your opinion on self-inserts in video games?
  7. My complete propensity to stay calm under a myriad of different and exotic situations. Be it as minuscule as taking a live roach outside to relatively larger stuff such as adminestering first aid and quelling in-house fires that one time, I can always keep my cool and get the job done. Some have suggested I could even be a possible surgeon but I'm not sure I'm cut out for that line of work. People also say I can sing very well, but I wouldn't consider it my unique feature since I'm no artist and have no aspirations to be one. The choir club hates me for it.
  8. I'd have to agree since Xander's outfit was just super off-puting if I had to be honest. Also mentioning Tsubaki, something feels off here. Kaze and Saizo both scored higher than him on the poll and if they were going for the exact middle man Hoshido guy in male popularity , Hinata fits the bill better than him so, I don't even know if they were basing it off popularity as much as we think when they made the art for all of them.
  9. Yeah, I doubt we'll be reaching Tellius again with handhelds unless they try pushing something through the New 3DS again if that's even likely by this point. I guess that's what I miss from the console version of Tellius. It felt more epic in scale just through visuals alone even though that wasn't the most important aspect of it. 3DS games for me anyways have a hard time capturing grand battles because I just see sprites moving along a surface and their ingame models don't feel as powerful compared to the 3D models that look like actual representation of people. Not to say the 3DS does anything bad since I played Genealogy and that felt pretty big even with the sprites but I just think a part of me wants to return to that feeling of grandeur that Tellius gave me and it'd be sweet if I could do a map like Elincia's Gambit again with everything highly detailed.
  10. So far, all I've found is yaoi buddy and that ain't my cup of tea. Yeah, I think one day someone will have to explain to me the psychological and emotional details regarding such biases in the first place. It's a trend, but what exactly makes it a trend and how can it be so lucrative? Also, I'm sad the Hoshidan characters are being neglected since if we go from the boxart Femui is pretty much Nohr lady. Also another fan for both recent Male Avatars.
  11. Different strokes for different folks really. Now that the fanbase has grown larger and the fact that the 3DS is the go to place for the hardcore Nintendo crowd it's pretty obvious why people would prefer the 3DS. It's portable and not everyone has the time to play at home so they do it at the bus or maybe in between work hours where their home console would be unavailable. That said, I would like to see an FE on the NX to see what it can be capable of since I'm also rather sick of playing on a small screen. The only issue I find here is that due to being a probable home console title or close to it, they would have to bank on people buying the NX for FE 15 and other games that could support the purchase in the first place. Nintendo would have to place their expectations lower on their profits especially if most people didn't find the Wii U itself a good purchase. Even the console only up to now Smash Bro's was put on the 3DS which also sets a precedent that any probable Nintendo future titles will be co-released alongside with the 3DS hampering the NX sales slightly if the 3DS ever gains a successor itself.
  12. I know how you feel man, I'm the only Instinct dude in my district and everything I catch gets taken over by the pesky team Mystic. Also in other news, I hatched my first Pokemon. It was a Ponyta and I named her Caramel cause I was munching on some while she hatched.
  13. My only problem with this system if it's reused is that you're basically taking time to use characters you'll probably never use in the first place unless it's a second run or you want to diversify. For example: if you're only going to use one ninja why train up Kaze , if you're just going to keep using Saizo when a main story chapter comes up? You'd have to train Kaze back up again after a few chapters have passed without actually utilizing him. Despite everything, I think Genealogy and Thracia did it best for using all characters. Genealogy since you could deploy everyone and Thracia because of it's fatigue system not letting you rely on your same setup every time. I doubt such a system would fly as smoothly in this age, but it does solve the problem. Big maps however will forever be a hindrance to anything not mounted so I think Thracia tops Genealogy a bit in that regard.
  14. I'm still a Ghost meister according to the quiz. My spooky levels are just too good to be anything else. It's confirmed. Although I did try a second time and got Fighting for some reason. Must be all that Smashing that I do.
  15. Pretty much this. You can pretty much see the difference when people look at Marth, Roy and possibly Ike most casuals will say he's from Smash brothers while if you go look at Robin, Chrom, Lucina and Kamui, there are more chances they'll tell you they're from Awakening and Fates. Also yeah, we'd had waifus since the first game and it was pretty much cemented with FE 4 where marriage became a mechanic. Starting much more dedicated shipping wars as a result. Marketing can do wonders to make people notice.
  16. Nah, even without the accidents people like your parents or former friends will look at you and keep on wondering why you did so in the first place especially if it's pretty big. Doesn't help that some of your kid or teenage picture will always be lying around for those who could get uncomfortable seeing the old you. Plus, Esme said it best.
  17. Hahah, don't worry about it. I don't mind a disagreement as long as we can make it constructive and meet each other in some point. I'll tackle your questions one by one. I did say it was a very subjective topic so I can understand we'd all have our different opinions so here's my reasoning. In Tsubaki's case, while we're still dealing with his gimmick, I'll start with appearance again in which Tsubaki looks like an oriental male version of Cordelia. Tsubaki shows a nice contrast in that he's much more open about his perfectionism yet neither can stand failure. I will admit most of Cordelia's traits just shafted over to Caeldori for self evident reasons but one can't deny the making of Cordelia was there at least in base. The one thing neither Tsubaki or Caeldori has is a love for a royal lord they serve they can't attain. Hayato is alongside his gimmick, is also a child prodigy in magic from what we learn which is also what Ricken himself is. I also believe that both are quite prideful even discounting their height and rather pushy when wanting something done in their supports. They at times are also not taken very seriously when they want to be. Hayato doesn't have the luxury of a convo like Ricken has with Henry to make a comparison on how he views the enemy but I'd honestly feel he'd have the same reaction. Apperance wise, I also think Hayato would look like an oriental Ricken with some touch ups here and there. I will say that I've never truly seen Marth in Siegbert in any way so can you please clarify that point? FE 11 Marth was more of a naive lord who struggled to rule the country and bring it back together while FE 3 Book 2 Marth had matured by that point and come across as wiser. Although I can see the part of Elincia in his hesitation, but she directs it more for her country while I feel he does it more due to his feelings inadequacy compared to his dad. That brings me to Siegbert and Chrom himself. They're both princes who look up to the ruler before them (Xander and Emmeryn respectively). And despite the fact that Chrom is more gruff and Siegbert is more hesitant. They usually tend to play the straight man to their companions, and at heart they're both pretty simple people just trying to do their best by following an ideal. As for his ending where he travels, Shiro also has the same excuse as he travels in his ending but I still think the popularity poll would be the deciding factor in such a case. Thane showed me the Awakening poll and I was just amazed at how Lon'qu got skipped over when he was generally a lot more well liked by worldwide in comparison to Gaius who was more JP only since Lon'qu can definitely rock the Hoshidan aesthetic he almost pretty much has in Awakening. Phew, wasn't expecting to make a post thing long but to clarify no one is truly an exact clone (except Asugi, Rhajat and Caeldori imo), but they share slightly too much in common to be called their own characters which is the crux of my argument. Also for anyone else, don't worry about posting against me, we're all just here to lay out our opinions or facts and I can generally see that and differentiate an honest question to a troll which none in this thread are.
  18. It's also a case where female characters, even if one-note and completely bland, are just way more predominant in works that especially appeal to the people who would buy Nendoroid's and such. If I can trace back from memory, things like Kantai Collection, K-ON and Girls und Panzer is all-girls without even the slighest sight of a guy, in comparison I can only remember Hetalia having predominantly male side but even then certain characters like Hungary and Belarus are female and have a decent-ish amount of screen time. Tokyo Mirage Session could be a good example on this. We get three main dudes and around five girls. Even cameos from other games like Ilyana being a waitress are all women from what I hear since I haven't played the game. Anyone can correct me if need be, I don't mind, but I believe it's just more of a trend now. It's also been a bit stereotyped in japanese media that otaku in JP just tend to have female figurines at home and there could be some validity seeing as it's been proving to be a good venture focusing on the females.
  19. Oh I see what my problem was, I was looking at the Fates popularity poll where she ranked 17th. But now I'm just wondering why didn't they just use Lon'qu, he was real close and he already looks like the equivalent of a Hoshidan. He'd definitely look more like Saizo's kid in any case in my opinion. I doubt this is a trend just yet, but I don't want IS exploiting it just to get money. I agree on your points as well, while I don't love Awakening, I like it for bringing in some old mechanics that Fates kinda jumbled with and many people got tired of. EDIT @Light I need to honestly check for new posts while I'm typing but I see your point. The father-son dynamic I feel is more prevalent through Saizo's part, but while I see your points on your characters. I rather doubt any would actually make it. Siegbert is heir to Nohr after Xander, Shigure is basically like a Lucina as he's the female main character's royal child, Asugi is rather low in popularity and you'd be hardpressed to recreate a character thrice and Soleil while possible, is a slightly more obnoxious version of her dad from his Awakening days.
  20. Weird at least the nintendo website places Severa in 17th place in the female category. I also highly doubt they'll return considering the lukewarm reception to kids which is honestly for the better. I'm not much of a fan of the way the marriage system is even handle in Awakening or Fates so FE 15 being a fresh start on everything outside of Awakening's shadow would be incredibly satisfying.
  21. Going exclusively phantasmal on you all. Ever since I saw Haunter, I have been in love with Ghost types and there's always one on my team whenever I get my hands on one. I even have a favorite from each gen being Haunter, Misdreavus Banette (And it's sick Mega Evolution) Drifblim, Chandelure, Phantump and I'm getting Moon for that awesome Ghost legendary. I'm too spooky, I know.
  22. I doubt we'd get many picks considering JP just used the highest popularity ranked kids from Japan to bring over and doing it with Fates would be weird. Discounting the royals who would need a pretty insane excuse to be not managing their countries. The likeliest candidates to come over if this ever does happen is Oboro who placed 3rd, Jakob who placed 4th and Niles who placed 7th. If they added a fourth character it would be a contention point between Odin or Flora as they both got 8th in their male and female poll specifically. As for the kid characters, we'd get Forrest, Nina, Ophelia and possibly Soleil unless they switch her in for Dwyer to keep an equal gender ratio. In either case, the Exalt line would still continue through Ophelia. This next part is more subjective but even some other characters feel like they page homage to Awakening characters. Tsubaki and Hayato feel like a better Cordelia and a slightly more mature Ricken. Jakob seems like he took a tip from Frederick but turned into a jerk. Felicia is Sumia as a maid and Siegbert just feels like a mix of Chrom and a teen Xander. I think there could be more, but these illustrate my point either way. There are sufficient characters that I think are pretty new, but I think it doesn't stop with Awakening with just the trio and expies. I honestly just want new characters to feel like themselves and not others. You can definitely take inspiration from past characters, heck that's what the archetypes like Cain and Abel are used for, but I'd prefer not a copy paste. EDIT: They could mess around a bit with the characters however since from what I see the only Hoshidan I see is Oboro. Selkie is the closest bet for Hoshidan girls and Shiro for a Hoshidan boy. As for a parent gen Hoshidan male, we'd get Kaze.
  23. More of a tentative join due to possible schedule problems but here I go. You'll see me as Milanor on my 3DS. In the event someone can't make it, I'll join for them so don't be afraid of not adding me in the case everyone is available. FC: 1263-5952-8031
  24. I'll have to agree on SD being something that just can't be offered in recent titles and certainly a game I like. I can't comment on the older games since I have never been able to play FE 1 to 3 but I've heard good things about Book 2. Honestly, if the game hadn't gone with the artstyle it took, it would get a lot more positive points from other people. New Mystery of the Emblem... I don't know, it's the unofficial history of what happened in Archanea but truthfully the official history sounds and plays way better since I never liked Kris. Assassin subplot was a hit or miss, but I just dislike it for taking away possible development from established characters but especially Marth who had development but was cutdown due to the focus on Kris.
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