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Everything posted by Raguna

  1. Welp, guess blah's going to be summoned much earlier then he probably expected. I'd love to see his reaction when he reads the title. Might as well make it a question when he pops up.
  2. I think the general point is Fiona beats out Wendy/Sophia because she can hit some enemies with no fear of dying and thanks to the all helpful Paragon scroll that comes after defeating the boss in the chapter you later recruit her in, Fiona can end up doing well in the long run with little to somewhat moderate babying while Sophia and Wendy are going to be stuck for the long haul. Also bringing up Jill doesn't come up as very productive in the case of ltcs because it reminds me of similar situations. For example, why use Hana or Hinata if Ryoma can spam his lightning sword? The only maps that bog Fiona down are the ones crossing the laguz river, but you aren't suppose to be moving much on that map so she could get in the kills your tanks didn't take out.
  3. I'm guessing you're an advocate of trying to select your own weapon since all avatars have had swords to this point with Robin being split in the middle in Awakening and more magical in other iterations (Smash and Fates) I know I'd love being able to use lances in my canon class.
  4. Auburn as it looks like a mix of red and brown which are my two favorite hair colors. Still all natural hair colors are pretty beautiful, it's really on how you style it.
  5. Hinata Pretty swell guy, who takes hits like a champ, makes Hinoka realize the beauty of friendship and proper delegation, helps out Felicia overcome her insecurity and probably be the happiest she's ever been of all of her available supports, got a good relationship with his lord and good rivalry with Oboro, a massive lovable dork of a dad for Hisame and overall a nice guy who doesn't fall into generic because of his personality and exuberant nature. In the cast full of serious men, Avatar-centric characters or jerks, people like him and Benny stand out all the more in a positive way. I'd even say Hinata is my favorite character in the game and I feel rather saddened when he's most likely the most ditched of the three 1st gen samurai. Silas For a guy who has pretty 50/50 growths everywhere save res and magic, it's amazing how lackluster he becomes as I keep using him. In none of the three versions did the man get even to midgame since he was one of the first I switched out. His childhood best friend shtick could have been fine since at least he was male and in most cases your childhood bff is always a girl so it would have been cool for a nice change of pace, but then he just went on being like slightly more amiable Jakob in his devotion to Kamui. All I can say is that he lasted longer than Pit Percy for the people the voice actor shared roles with. Hans To be perfectly honest, this man reminds me why I don't take Fates seriously. At least Iago had some intrigue going for him when he questioned Garon why he was doing all that stuff to Kamui but this guy just seems to want to do evil because he can't be asked to think and do anything else.
  6. I think I have a good pool of historical questions to ask so Blah it is.
  7. Favorite Paralogue: Never really thought about it, but I'll give it to Dwyer and Shigure's cause they're super easy to end in one turn with minimal thinking an effort. No need to think hard on them and if one's really up for it, they can simply play the map normally as intended. They're also great for speedruns if someone wants to complete them as fast as possible. Least Favorite: Soleil's and Percy's paralogues take the cake for me. In Soleil's case, its the constant amount of reinforcements but especially the ones that show up from your starting point which cause you to backtrack over there in a hurry if you left no units behind because you thought they wouldn't spawn from that direction at least. As for Percy's, it's just really really bad plotwise for a kid hero to be mad at your dad and cause the death of people who thought they were doing something good. The dragon veins are also pretty situational if you don't kill your opposition in the enemy turn and the enemy density doesn't really make it fun although it is appreciated on CQ.
  8. Out of all of them, I think Gaiden however has pretty much an almost to pretty much zero chance of being remade. It was skipped over in order to continue with Marth's saga of games and it's pretty much the most obscure game out of them all. It's also often the least discussed game in SF as well since it's also the least played to my knowledge. If by current trends, there could be a possibility of seeing Genealogy at least since it has some of the features the newer games have which is the marriage system and in a way unbreakable weapons since you can repair them all in Genealogy.
  9. I got Effie with Movement +1 My Kiragi has Rend Heaven to get you started. My Castle: 15540-78123-18281-99204
  10. The usually enemy only Soldier class would be my favorite and even though Spear Fighter exists in Fates it just doesn't hit the void the way Tellius made realize I wanted to be that class. Even retroactively looking at the gba games I like how the unit sprite looked. As for the most common class line, I'd say Cavaliers and Generals. Most of my favorites are in those class line.
  11. The Aether inheritance debate always sounds off to me considering that while Heroes can learn Sol and Great Knights Luna, only the royal family of Ylisse who become Great Lords and their daughters who inherit it have Aether. One could easily say Ike hooked up with one of Marth's descendants and the skill passed through there and Priam is just a weaker off-shot of the royal family from there who more closely remembered his relation to Ike more than the royal family itself. I apologize, I think I just opened a whole new theory right there.
  12. Ah Excalibur just wrecking the competition from the get go. Also you think you'll miss the killer sword? Also puny mage doing cute attempts to damage res buffed Marth. Poor mage
  13. I'd say Leviathan or shape-shifting animals like kitsunes.
  14. 6. If you had the option of making a character a huge jerk who then becomes nicer or a nice guy who becomes more malicious later on which one would it be? 7. Would you be able to help someone if it meant that you'd be hurting someone else in the process? 8. If you could tell your kid self to do something. What would it be? 9. Do you prefer the land, the sea or the air? As in, if you had wings or gills to breathe underwater where would you most want to be? 10. How do you usually spend your time to just relax aside from video games? Don't worry blah, you're good but your name does come up in the nominees at times. So who knows you might have to spring up here one day.
  15. I come to assist you, both Felicia and Saizou are up with aptitude for anyone who wants them. It should still probably have a generic name since it's a new file. My Castle: 15540-78123-18281-99204
  16. I believe your spot on since it's obvious Corncob isn't the only one complying to their base archetype. I just believe since so much focus is given to Corncob, their issues are more flat out noticeable since no non-royal except Corncob's retainers and possibly Scarlet ever get more than four speaking lines in the main story. All I can say is that there was potential for something, but nothing really came to fruition due to how deeply the game wanted to keep a status quo.
  17. To be fair, Marth is considerably more interesting had the remake of FE 3 actually focused on him more instead of Kris, but I get your point.
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