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Everything posted by astrophys

  1. Well, depends…are you concerned with main-game (no-grind), main-game (with grind) or postgame (grind assumed)? From a postgame perspective, Hinoka!Matoi is +1 Str, +0 Mag, +2 Skl, +0 Spd, +0 Lck, +3 Def, +2 Res. So she doesn't really have any particularly stellar modifiers (nothing above 3) and she has a defensive bent in her mods. There are several ways you could go: SPD to make Kanna at least get +4 SPD (and possibly +4 Skl as well), Str because it will synergize with Matoi's all positive Str/Skl/Def mods (result: +5 Str, +4 Skl, +5 Def), etc. +MAG is an alternate choice if you want a simultaneous SPD and offense (MAG) boost, although its not as effective for SPD boosting as +SPD.
  2. There is a Goddess Icon in Ch.4, or so I'm told. That's worth +4 Luck. You lose -2 Luck from the flaw. The flaw also costs you -20% in growths, so by level 10 (where I'm told you might be at around the time of the route split, or is that Ch.7 or Paralogue 1?) you'll average having lost out on another 9 levels of 20% extra growth, or 1.8 luck. Basically, the initial Goddess Icon once gained in Ch.4 puts you at or above the average (pre-Icon) you'd otherwise have until you get to Level 11. I've also been told there is a Ch. 20 Goddess Icon. Basically, overall, the average cost of -LCK in terms of Luck is 8.6 Luck by 20/15 and 9.6 luck by 20/20. Toss on the two icons you get and you'll only be 0.6 to 1.6 behind your average values without a Luck Flaw. Of course, this is favoritism to Kamui, but he's your Lord and thus arguably is one of the best candidates for favoritism (as you have to use him anyways).
  3. Out of curiosity, would you mind explaining your reasonings on these in-game placements. I think I understand most of them: I just want to make sure, as well as clarify on the few ones I'm surprised about. EDIT: Actually, I forgot that you had already discussed this on reddit about a week ago… sorry…
  4. I hope that Canada is okay here… although given the apparent record of low supplies in Canada, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a problem…. Honestly, all these hoops we've had to jump through for SE here upon reflection has felt like more trouble than its worth….. I have an SE on pre-order right now, but who knows whether it will actually remain intact at this rate…. anyways, I'm pretty sure that EB (Canadian Gamestop) would be compelled to return my $5 deposit if they canceled my order on me in the future, right? I have the original receipt…. If something goes wrong, I'll still get the game…. I've been looking forward to Fates too much and for too long…. but I'm kind of feeling mad at the current situation….. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but in Japan, the physical + digital + digital approach only took a few hundred blocks per route (as opposed to thousands if it was pure digital). Right? Its something like 1500 blocks or so between one of the original two routes + Revelation as digitals downloaded onto your SD card for a physical copy of another of the original routes, right? So my 13000 blocks (approximate) on my SD card should be more than enough, assuming its anything like the Japanese release, right? EDIT: In light of post #13, I'm hoping that this has all been somehow some horrible misunderstanding…
  5. Charles zi Britannia is voiced by Michael McConnohie. I thought Garon sounded more like Travis Willingham…. am I wrong?
  6. I've given it a lot a thought myself…. I kind of like the idea myself…. one problem for me is I don't really like Felicia, but that doesn't belong in a practicality topic. +5 speed and +5 magical damage from the Maid + Absolute Support would be good….
  7. Will I tend to be level 10 by the time of 1x? [This is to get Dragon Fang before class change.] I get one Dragon's vein point after Ch. 6 and another after Ch.7, right? And does 1x unlock after 7 or after 6? Its after 7, right? So I suppose I could build a vendor after 6 and a weapons shock after Ch.7 or vice versa, right? There's an Arms Scroll in Ch. 11, right?
  8. Noted…. thanks for the advice…. I have had my concerns about what that would mean when fighting the final boss, as my Yato would be weaker then, but I suppose that I could make use of other characters (even if they aren't as efficient) to chip the boss… also, gaining Open Assault would help offset, but not necessarily entirely remove, the offensive loss…. then again, -LCK is a 5% penalty already (but my builds weren't gaining Open Assault or Defender)… -STR is -1 starting and -10% growth….
  9. Its no secret that I want to marry my Avatar off with Matoi, but I kind of all want a +MAG Avatar, so I get the feeling that I'm not exactly making a practical choice here, seeing that Matoi doesn't exactly excel at magic and my Avatar doesn't tend to get +MAG boosts from Matoi (unless she does something like the DLC or presumably from the localized Special Edition). I've theory-crafted a Dark Knight build before, but its really just an alternate Yato sword user with the option to use tomes (except that I'd tend to have weapon rank issues)…. One thing that keeps being a bit of a hesitation point for me is that I know that Matoi always gets the Samurai tree from Tsubaki, so if the Avatar took a Samurai class himself Matoi wouldn't be able to get anything from him in marriage seal…. although I suppose I'm worrying to much about that, as if I do no-grind run she's probably sticking to Falcon Knight (or DLC Dark Flier) anyways….. +MAG Samurai/Trueblade doesn't seem to be that practical for Hoshido, given the lack of Levin Swords, but would it have some potential in Invisible Kingdom? +MAG Levin Sword Trueblade, for example? Honestly, I should probably just take a step away from magic and go with a more physical class set if going for Matoi…. something like Cavalier (she has Sophie, but is probably not having time to A+ or S with multiple people, I'd guess)… maybe I should do something like +STR or +SPD Cavalier or something like that? Or even something crazier, like DEF or HP to make a bit more of a tank? In short, what do you think would be the most practical way to build my Avatar in Birthright and in Revelation if the only restriction I place is that (due to personal preference) I'm having him marry Matoi? That is, don't worry about my magical inclinations, use any asset, flaw, and secondary class that you think is appropriate without restrictions, and give Matoi any parent you want?
  10. I don't think Levin sword is normally Available in Hoshido, but Shocksticks/Shinrai Naginatas are…..
  11. A question about the practicality of Rescue Staff/Vanished Disaster users…. I've heard many people mentioning them to be E-rank ,which would be similar to Awakening… But this website's data tables list them as D-rank. http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/inventory/batons/ Is this website wrong? If they are indeed E-rank, that would make class changing to Pegasus to exploit Rescue + flying + large movement range far more immediately useful, rather than needing to grind to D-staves first. You know, this would affect the practicality of something like Rescue Staff Pegasus Luna, for instance.
  12. Attack-stance bonuses are non-generic now; they vary from character to character (although there are some groupings, so not everyone is unique, but not everyone has the same as everyone else now either). Guard stance is worth +5 critical evasion. Attack stance is with an amount depending on the character: http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/hoshidan-characters/supports/support-bonus/
  13. I honestly did not notice the change to female Kamui's outfit until it was specifically pointed out, and even then I barely notice it.
  14. Which part specifically are you saying she's in denial about (seeing that there are two comics)?
  15. Basically: Crit = (Skill-4)/2 + Bonuses Crit Evade = Luck/2 + Bonuses
  16. I see your point to an extent, although I will point out that the desire for love/to be love is a fairly basic human drive, so it is reasonable that Matoi/Cordelia would want love. However, I do admit that you are basically correct that the way the scenario is written is intentionally designed, as you said, for the Avatar to sweep her off her feet and to provide that love, which is catering to the player fantasy of being able to do that with a beautiful woman. I'll also echo #594's sentiments and agree that the clumsiness/helplessness traits aren't appealing; they take away from the appeal. They do not reflect well on Sumia/Cynthia/Felicia/Sophie, etc. Sumia I have a bit more positive impression of than the others, as she's quite clearly a sweet, kind, and loving person, I like books myself, and I find her attractive (more so than the others) but her clumsiness trait drags down my opinion of her appeal to lower than it otherwise would be. I'd like Sumia a lot better if she didn't have that trait tripping her up… pun intended. I'll also agree that Syalla looks better in the comics (particularly her full body artwork) than we see in other places, and also better than Tharja's art.
  17. As already noted by LevantColthearts, no. If you want all the kids as a male Avatar, you must marry Avatar-only (the so-called "Kamui-sexuals") or 2nd Generation characters. IK gives you 8 Hoshdian males, 3 neutral males, and 8 Nohrian males who are capable of marrying into a pool of 8 Hoshidan women, 3 neutral women, and 8 Nohrian women. The rest are Avatar-only marriages or second generation. The kids are tied to the men. Each of the 19 men in the pool listed above must marry one of the women in the pool of 19 women [and they cannot marry all of them either: those from their own nation who aren't siblings plus two from the opposite nation, excepting the neutrals who can marry anyone]. If the male Avatar marries any of the women in that pool of 19, one of the 19 men won't be able to get married, and thus you'll miss his assigned kid.
  18. How so? I cannot read the original Japanese, only these translations, so I don't know….
  19. You know, I will concede that Cordelia dealing with the whole survivors guilt thing is legitimately more interesting narratively than Matoi's supports. That said, Matoi's Avatar support does touch on something that I strongly personally relate to: namely, I've spent lots of time in the past and present as a tutor in various capacities, so the Avatar (your "representative" in the game) acting as Matoi's tutor is something that very strongly appeals to me, as I already strongly connect to the idea of being a tutor as I've been doing it for years. So, I'm in the position that actually I find Cordelia's story much more interesting from a NARRATIVE perspective, but I relate to the Avatar x Matoi support and the whole idea of tutoring someone much more strongly from a PERSONAL perspective. As such, one isn't really overtaking the other in overall preference for me: I like them both, and while I prefer each of them in a specific area, its not decisive enough to tilt the scales for me.
  20. So Matoi's comic is up now! Thanks Kirokan! The first one really seems to reference to the old Cordelia and Sumia thing, and how it was klutzy Sumia who won over Cordelia…. the book says that those who fall over more are considered "cute"….. Poor Matoi, and what an awful book…. Falling over is to be pitied, sure, but its not cute at all…. its frankly a turn off. I look up to talented and intelligent people…. They're admirable. And in the second one…. Matoi isn't even trying to do anything wrong, but apparently her reputation as "perfection" has left her isolated and lonely…. Poor Matoi….
  21. The point is conceded: yes, I don't know how old Midoriko is, but she does look far too young….. so at this point, even if they said, "yeah, she's 18, we swear!", I'd say "not interested". Similarly, I refuse to S-rank my Avatar with Nowi, despite her being 1,000, as she looks to much like a young child.
  22. I see no particular problem in marrying the second gens as long as they've grown up to maturity and a reasonably comparable age to the Avatar themselves, so that we can feel secure that they're old enough to understand what they're going to be getting into and such that we feel comfortable that it isn't the case of a much older avatar taking advantage of a much younger spouse. So, for example, I don't see a problem with marrying a second gen like Matoi, but I would see a problem with marrying a second gen like Midoriko [isn't mature/old enough]. That said, I don't actually want the S-rank options cut at this point, as that would affect other people's gameplay and put them on unequal footing compared to Japan, but I'll never S-rank my Avatar with a flagrantly too-young character like Midoriko.
  23. Regard luck and flaws, even in the early game, you get an easy +10 dodge by having 3 units next to you [or pair-up + two next to you] or by having a B-support, or some combination like C-support and one next to you. Crits are almost never an issue in the early game.
  24. But that doesn't even make any sense to begin with. Matoi doesn't have a so-called "Chrom obsession" like Cordelia is sometimes criticized for. Yes, she falls in love the most easily, but if you do your [Avatar's] support with her, then . Matoi x Kamui would thus be essentially the exact opposite of what you're implying.
  25. Scholar: Damage dealt increases by +1 for each tome in this unit's inventory. I'm a graduate student, hence making my personal revolve around books.
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