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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. I think you can chalk that one up to simple gameplay/story segregation.
  2. I think that was meant to show off how powerful Nezha is. "Worf Effect", and all. ... Only for Nezha to go down in a few attacks himself once you get to trade blows with him. XD Which is a good thing, too, because I can't stand his edgy ass.
  3. And then, you can just straight up roast the guy. XD
  4. XD Due to the nature of Warriors All-Stars, he loses some of his threatening status. Though it's a given, considering some of the superhumans and actual demons he now has to contend with. No wonder he tones it down a peg. XD Something hilarious that happened to me one time was... well, one of Christophorus' quotes when she defeats an enemy officer is "Humm, that was pathetic." In some stages, depending on what faction you pick, you have to fight and defeat Lu Bu... now put two and two together. XD
  5. Things_Lu_Bu_would_never_say_in_DW.png XD Also, this is the guy who probably inspired either the creation of Felix or the Death Knight, or both.
  6. Also, for those of you who have noticed, but aren't sure: yes, that William that appears in the list of names on that screenshot with Opoona's bio is indeed the guy from Nioh (for those who have played it/heard of it). He speaks English, being the only character in the game to do so.
  7. It's not their best decision ever, that's for sure. I appreciate thusly that the roster is "only" 30 characters strong, and of those, only 26 have conversations with each other, since three of them are OCs who don't get any, and the last one is Opoona, whose situation I already described. Though I will say, those 30 characters are definitely an example of quality over quantity, because all of them have very unique movesets.
  8. It does sound like it, doesn't it? xD I honestly don't know the first thing about Opoona or the game he's from. That description is all I know! Though his moveset is pretty fun, too! Yeah, it kinda is. XD The thing that makes this at least slightly less tedious is that, if, for example, Sophie's regard with Arnice is already at 5, then Arnice's regard with Sophie will increase faster.
  9. It is very similar to that, yeah! All characters have two of these with one another (except Opoona and the OCs), and you unlock these by getting to Regard levels 4 (first convo) and 5 (second convo), respectively. The caviat is that... oddly enough, you can't just level one character's Regard with another to 4 and 5... you need to do it with both. So, if you want to get, say, Sophie's and Arnice's conversations, you first have to level Sophie's Regard with Arnice to 4 and 5, and then Arnice's regard with Sophie to 4 and 5 and THEN you'll get them. 5 is the max regard goes... and there are 30 playable characters. Grinding all of these is... well... XD I do appreciate the devs going all out with having all those different people interact with each other, some of which show depths they didn't have before (like Zhao Yun in the convo with Christophorus), but unlocking these can be kind of a pain. XD Luckily, you do get some random interactions between characters too, when you just walk around the hubworld, but these are only between specific pairs of characters (still interesting, just a bit more limited).
  10. OH! XD Ooops! Opoona is... well... Yeah, that. XD Notably, besides the OCs made for this game, he is the only character who does not have any interactions with other characters. He also has no active speaking roles or battle quotes. I think that is because he was originally DLC, before they made him unlockable by getting all of the character-specific endings. And on that note: I found the Arnice and Sophie talk!
  11. Wait until you see Nobunyaga and Opoona... XD
  12. ^^ Hey, if y'all ship it... XD Yay! They do have a talk in Warriors All-Stars, too... lemme see if I can find it after I finish this stage! xD Really? I felt out of all of them, Luke is the one who gets called out the most on his BS. Must have remembered that wrong, in that case!
  13. Dew it. Though out of all the characters in FE with womanizer traits, he's the least worst one, I suppose.
  14. Zhao Yun x Christophorus is now part of the Teehee canon. XD Also Based protags playing volleyball! Because that's a thing... XD
  15. Sure thing! XD He did manage to get Christophorus to call him her friend within one conversation, after all! Arnice needed a whole game for that! xD It shall be so!
  16. Seeing how he's your only healer (I think), then definitely!
  17. Yep! Yep! Sorry, I had to. XD --- Also, here's the "sequel" to the earlier talk between Zhao Yun and Christophorus: tfw a spin-off makes Dynasty Warriors' poster boy a better character than Dynasty Warriors itself. XD
  18. That really is a shame! If Kabage ends up Magic blessed, she would have been able put that to good use! A most convincing argument! xD I probably wouldn't do it as an LP! Like you said, it is a commitment, and I'm not sure I have what it takes for something like that! ^^ I would do as everyone does and document my playthrough here, though! XD It was as I remembered! Definitely one of my favorite scenes from the game's prologue! I have to admit, even I was thrown off on my very first go at the game, as I expected someone like Lena to show up. xD Oh so very much yes! Christophorus is amazing!
  19. See? It all comes full circle! Now, if only FE12 had a Shining Bow equivalent... actually, does it? I know the Levin Sword is a thing. Some time travel shenanigans happened. XD I suspect it might become mine, too. I really should go back and continue that Hard Mode playthrough I started some time ago... If that is what I remember it to be... then yeah. XD Luke: "I want a cute lady cleric!" *Wrys appears* "Hi!" --- Somebody say Chris? xD
  20. That is also very true! Good! But only if you want! Making her parents proud? XD
  21. Yep, definitely! Though my region is set to get more thunderstorms, come weekend, so that might help mitigate things a little. Not looking forward to the humidity though. If Palla dies, your punishment is to at least watch the first part of a playthrough of Nights of Azure! Joking, of course! I wish you best of luck! May another Yubello/Matthis arise from this playthrough!
  22. Oh, my bad! Of course, looking closely, I can definitely see the resemblance!
  23. The glorious return of Kabage! Now even more cabbage-y than ever!
  24. Relatable, honestly. Might be the weather, since we have been subject to a heatwave since pretty much yesterday.
  25. No matter the game it's in, no matter the remix... This will never not be one of my favorite themes in existence! 💖
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