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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Thanks! ^^ Same to you! Yep! All that actually surprised me the first time I read it in the game she's from (of which I only watched a playthrough). Didn't think Touhou'd be the series for that kind of stuff, you know?
  2. Banned because sometimes, a character just really clicks with you.
  3. Banned because I gushed about a character whose game I haven't even played.
  4. A large part about what I like about this theme isn't actually the music itself (although it does match my tastes perfectly, just like Lucia), but it's actually more the character it is associated with. Same as Lucia, really. I already talked at length about Malvasia, so I'll spare you the sermon, but the character whose theme this is has a backstory that just says "Draggy's gonna love this!" To wit: Basically, Byakuren was a Buddhist nun, until one day her brother died, at which point she began to fear death. And so she started to seek immortality, and ended up attaining it through use of dark magic (thus basically turning her back on Buddhism, and practically becoming a Youkai herself). She also used her newfound powers to restore her youth. Now, the caviat is that she can only stay immortal so long as Youkai are around, so she did everything she could to protect them to preserve her immortality, while posing as someone who exterminates them. Over time, this selfish need turned into a genuine desire to help Youkai, and to have Youkai and humans live together in harmony. People didn't like this, however, so she was sealed away for a thousand years. And her original theme does such a good job of reflecting all that. Her hope, her sorrow, and her resolve... all perfectly captured by the music. And THAT is what makes me love it so much, beyond it just being damn good music! Not to mention, she is one of the nicest characters in the entire cast of Touhou. Hence her fan nickname "Youkai Jesus". xD Also, from this, it should be no secret to ANYONE that Byakuren is easily my favorite character in Touhou. And yes, this is the character they gave a motorcycle to in a later fighting game spin-off. XD
  5. The one thing that sets Lucia apart still is that I haven't played the Touhou game this is from. But yeah, as far as BGMs (and songs in general) go, this comes pretty darn close to beating out Lucia. I did call the original version "almost Lucia tier" after all!
  6. Banned because it's you guys' fault for making me laugh!
  7. Also, someone took second best theme ever and made this: Lucia, your throne is shaking. XD
  8. Banned because thank you! XD I had to! XD
  9. Banned because the Teehee thread now has 90% more assets, apparently.
  10. 2 irl 4 me irl cept the mating part. This would be my worst nightmare. XD
  11. While I'm in my "Three Houses' story is totally Dynasty Warriors lol" phase, may as well. At least this would explain the Slither Buddies. Because without them, and the Church of Seiros, we would have had "Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Dynasty Warriors - Fire Emblem edition" on our hands. XD
  12. He ain't no stepbro/first crush/polar opposite in terms of ideals, though. Dimitri's and Edelgard's beef is a lot more personal. I know none of it is actually confirmed by the game, but the implications are there somewhat. I actually do agree that it's weird she didn't go all demon mode on the other routes (save SS, if we buy that she was too wounded to do it, because the Gronder battle was a lot more vicious on that route, apparently... shame we never got to play it *mumblegrumble*) GIMME MY DISCOUNT BATTLE OF CHIBI/YILING/WUZHANG PLAINS (it's kinda all three rolled into one, but it's mostly Chibi), DAMNIT! They advertised the friggin' game around it, so it's a godsdamned ripoff it only happens on two routes! *pant, pant* Sorry, but I needed to get that off my chest, because that is one of the more disappointing aspects of Three Houses for me. Brigand/Warrior Flayn (maybe with Bolt Axe, if her strength ends up sucking) War Master Hanneman! Complete with Aura Knuckles! That is the plan for a possible next playthrough! By the by, Magic Bow Hanneman is good, too! Worked like a charm! I'm usually the same way. I'm more one for psychological horror than outright in your face stuff, because that tends to just be gross and disgusting, not creepy. This... thing is one notable exception though. There's something just... wrong about it. Granted, there is creepier things out there than this, things that make this look tame, in all honesty, but it is not something I would have expected Fire Emblem of all series to pull, which is probably why it got me so much. Grannygard XD --- Good morning, everyone!
  13. One thing I will say, liking Three Houses or no, Duma is still my favorite final boss in the series. His Echoes incarnation, at any rate, because I've never played OG Gaiden. Something about that map and boss makes me really like both. And it's not just the music!
  14. Ohoho, you just gave me a most excellent idea! And also a chance to give Hanneman the spotlight he deserves. Orson is more subtle creepy. This thing is outright in your face terrifying. To me, at the very least. Oh god, now I can't unsee it! Nah, not THAT spiteful. xD Also, PoR was my introduction into Fire Emblem, and thus does have a special place in my heart just for that. I think in SS, the justification is that she's too wounded from Gronder to do it. For VW... I dunno. All I could think of is that she takes Dimitri pooping on her ambition more personally, and is thus pissed off enough to go through with it. Something like that.
  15. And I have been holding back shitting on Conquest... why again?
  16. Also, can we talk about how the final boss of Azure Moon is the single creepiest, disturbing thing I have ever seen in a Fire Emblem game? Like... it looks like something straight out of a damned horror movie! Even Duma's rotting body didn't creep me out as much as this thing does. *shudders*
  17. Alright, finally finished my second run of Azure Moon, first one on Hard. That was a lot of fun! The game pulled a Ruben on me and gave me exactly one godlike unit. MVP for the last four maps, this girl solo'd entire sections of maps all on her own. Enemy Mages stood absolutely zero chance against her. Neither did the final boss, btw. She basically took out Edelbomination all on her own. Dimitri and Byleth were just there to break down Edel-Oh-My-God-What-Is-This's barriers, and I had my Dancer dance her to kill the thing in two turns. > "Wind bad" > Pfffft And to absolutely no-one's surprise Yeah... I did want to let Hanneman do it, but Flayn getting these stats convinced me to have her take care of business herself. Also, it's fitting, somewhat. This Flayn be like: Lysithea who? XD
  18. It is a mask that they rip off, yes, but there's also blood when they do, so...
  19. Banned because that sounds incredibly weird, yet also incredibly fascinating.
  20. "And next to none of them will be nearly as good as we are!" And in light of this music playing when a character overcomes/confronts their issues, they literally rip their faces off, and a giant manifestation of their psyche in the shape of a mythological/historical monster/individual pops out of them and they proceed to kick some major ass, I will NOT concede that point. XD
  21. Yeah, she's... somethin', alright. XD Mood! xD Ah, I see! Thank you! ^^
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