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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Alright, if Shrimpy doesn't do it, then Draggy will. I AM evil, after all. MWAHAHAHA! BURN, TEEHEE THREAT! BURRRRRN!
  2. I must have missed that. I should just shut the fuck up then. Apologies for wasting your time.
  3. Here's the deal: They don't. Nowhere in the S-support or the ending does it ever say that Sothis and Byleth get married. Though I will say that that particular S-support is very weird, since Sothis coming back makes little sense, considering what happened prior to the time skip. True! Oh boy! xD
  4. Small correction: this is from NoA2. The first game has one difficulty setting and that's it. ^^ It can still get tough, though. In the cutscene where Byleth goes Super Saiyan fuses their soul with Sothis', she fades into them, and their faces almost touch before she vanishes. I guess you could kinda assume it looks like they kiss? I never saw it that way, personally, but I could imagine that's what was meant. Question: How do you kiss a ghost?
  5. The boss that took me a total of 45 tries before I finally bested her on the game's highest difficulty setting (40 the first time, 5 the second time you fight her). Also my favorite protagonist ever. Also my favorite character ever. That boss battle still gives me PTSD, though... XD
  6. The funny part is, that is exactly where I'm at right now. xD And I do kinda find it hilarious how, on Azure Moon, you eliminate every major player of The Cult (TM) without ever knowing anything about them. Just goes to show that their only strength is that nobody knows anything about them. They aren't actually a threat when you get right down t---. Sorry! >.< --- In any case, as far as Azure Moons go... I do prefer this one: Obligatory Gust did it first comment. XD
  7. Banned for reminding me of Rapunzel.
  8. Having played some of Ruben's Curse Three Houses yesterday, all I have to say is... Accurate. XD Though for even more accuracy, Claude's thing should be "Give them houses, then screw off to Almyra", and Dimitri's thing should be "Kill Edelgard, THEN give them houses." xD Also, good morning, everyone!
  9. That is true. Eeeh, not really, haha ^^ I played Smash mostly for the fun, not to win anything! Yeah, that is a very good point. Making something akin to Warriors All-Stars, where every character interacts with each other and shows their personality that way, would be impossible to do for Smash in light of this. Some conversations would be... very one-sided. xD Which would leave us with something akin to the Subspace Emmissary as the only option, like you said.
  10. Banned because tinfoil hats for everyone! xD Seriously, though, not being able to sleep sucks.
  11. Indeed! I don't care about the roster, gimme another mode on part with this one, and I'll consider playing Smash again. xD Nep can make anyone happy! ^^ Truth. XD Also, this song is pretty great! Even the ones that are close to the source material suffer in my eyes, since I never really feel like I am playing as the character, and more as a cardboard cutout of the character. And that became no more apparent after I finally started playing Fire Emblem. Smash has Marth in it, but it spectacularly fails to capture/show me who Marth IS as a character, if that makes sense. In this regard, like I said, it just feels like I'm playing with action figures of the characters, not the characters themselves, no matter their moveset accuracy or uniqueness. Except for the Pokémon, because those never had any personality to begin with. Yeah, exactly. Smash is decently fun when you can beat up your friends (or get beaten up by them, depending on skill level), but I am mainly a singleplayer guy, and I'm sure as hell not paying 20 bucks a year for a subpar at best online service just to play a multiplayer game I already need to shell out full-price for. I'm already paying my internet provider enough, thank you very much.
  12. Yup. "Sleep is for the weak, therefore y'all can stay awake!"
  13. Smash is in desperate need of an actual story mode. Brawl's Subspace Emmissary came close, but then in the games after that, they decided to prioritize multiplayer, which is also why I dropped out of it after Smash 4 disappointed me in this regard. xD
  14. Ain't that a mood? Weather has been horrible lately. It's thankfully not too hot, yes, but I could do without the greenhouse impression it seems to be trying to perfect. --- On the topic of Smash, that series has always been the equivalent of playing with action figures to me. The characters may look like themselves from the source material, but to me, they lack the actual character. Not to mention, Smash doesn't do anything with the characters. It just references them, nothing more. Both of these combined make me not really care about the game(s) as a whole, and even less about who gets in and who doesn't, because even if, for example, Neptune gets in, it'll just be an action figure of her, without anything that makes her so great to me. This is something Warriors All-Stars did a lot better in my eyes, when it comes to franchise crossovers, because that game at least did more with the characters except go "hey, remember this person?". These are just my own feelings, though.
  15. I see! Thanks! ^^ I could imagine many Spanish folks go to the actual Ostia on vacation just for the shits and giggles, though. I know I would. xD
  16. That's true. It probably is precisely because they're foreign, therefore 'exotic' to our ears, which might cause this. I only know Ostia as a city in Italy, as well as that it used to be a port city of Ancient Rome (still there as Ostia Antica). Didn't know that word is a swear in Spanish. XD Out of curiosity, what does it translate to, roughly?
  17. Honestly, I think the same is true of mierda. Duque de Mierda, for example, would be an awesome name... if you don't know what the word actually means. xD
  18. XD Thanks for the laugh, I needed that! ^^ And this makes it even better. XD Oh yeah, those were really busted, I remember! This is probably what I will do, once I attempt to fight the guy! Thanks! ^^ Oooh, that sounds pretty nice already! Probably the best thing to do. I'll do the same, once I get to it. I honestly didn't know Firis had one of those, heh. Oh boy! --- Music post for today: Neptrian Odyssey
  19. Banned because I feel your pain. Struggling for member titles is partly why I always kinda dread switching pfps. xD
  20. Likes dragons. And yeah, if BotW2 could feature those dragons that you and others showed to me in the first game more, that would be awesome!
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