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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. That is what I said, after looking it up, yes.
  2. I saw Indignation in Tales of Destiny as well, when I watched the playthrough of that (god damn, the ending drags in that one xD), and it's definitely older than Abyss. I looked it up, and Indignation has been a thing since the very first game, it looks like!
  3. Ah! I see! npnp! ^^ You can get back to me on this if you like! The offer stands! I see! Oh! Okay! We can't talk about Zap without mentioning this guy:
  4. One more: And have her theme, too: Want some help? I have a program that'd make this nice and easy!
  5. Ah, okay! That's perfectly understandable, then! --- A dancer, eh? My baby moves at midnight 🎶
  6. Banned because I am severely disappointed.
  7. This guy gets it. xD Also, if this wasn't here I'd be less than enthused to see some people here make fun of/put down people for what they like or not. I honestly thought you guys were better than this.
  8. Had to look up something I said. And hopefully had his ears blessed by the Bee Gees.
  9. Banned because it depends on how hard and where you hit 'em. If you strike the temples or the solar plexus, it's lights out, no matter the weapon. Also ninja'd, but it still kinda works.
  10. Banned because indeed. XD Saturday Night Fever is actually an alright movie.
  11. Banned because one of the Touhou fighting games has a character that adopts a John Travolta-esque pose during the wind-up for her specials and she'll forever be associated with the Bee Gees for me. And I'm apparently not alone in that if this is anything to go by: XD
  12. Oh hey! It's the crow girl that throws multiple friggin' SUNS at you. Though to be fair, that boss looks a lot more terrifying than it actually is. ... Or at least the person I watched made it look like that.
  13. Banned because I might have already drawn the ire of at least three people on here for dropping Xenoblade 2 and Trails in the Sky. So what's one more? xD
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