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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Hehe, thanks! ^^ Inspiration is a conspiracy. XD
  2. It do be like that. XD But yeah, I think I understand you here!
  3. I can't help it if you post awesome concepts like that. xD
  4. You're welcome! ^^ I mean it, though! It's great! Then make the damned game already so that I can play it. XD Yeah, I agree. Because of this, my own writing efforts have been more focused on short stories lately, too. I was thinking of starting a "series" of loosely connected short stories based on some original stuff I was cooking up. We'll see how that goes in the near future, perhaps! I do have some ideas in mind already!
  5. "Once, I was one of you... but now all that remains is your opportunity to prove yourselves! Show me your power, you of the Light! If you prove unworthy, I will burn the armies of Teehee in my Eternal Hellfire!" *battle starts* *this theme starts playing* Write a damned book already so that I can read it. XD In all seriousness, this is awesome!
  6. Banned for ooooof. Though you have my sympathies as well, Sooks! That really sucks.
  7. Nice! I already have the rather vicious-looking dragon as mine, so that works! And he didn't like Atelier Sophie, a game I really like, so... that would fit, too! XD Joking, obviously, but still! HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE Teehee FE is taking shape!
  8. Mwahahahaha! This is where I'd be twirling my mustache... IF I HAD ONE!
  9. That looks to be the case, yes, haha You're welcome. XD Ruben is secretly a villain, confirmed? He could join up with me to form the ultimate duo of villainy. The evil saint and the dragon... this sounds more and more like an FE game, doesn't it? XD Ah-ha! I knew it! XD
  10. ... Why do I picture Ruben twirling his mustache right now? xD
  11. Oh, nice! Then you can see Iku's Bee Gees addiction in action! XD Oh, that sucks! That's a shame, then! Yup, they are! I posted Remilia's earlier today! A really fantastic one, indeed! And ayy, Yuyuko! Another favorite of mine! Her theme is amazing, too! Haha, then that theme matches perfectly! XD
  12. Knows that a pincer attack requires that. Though if you don't get the opportunity for one, you are correct.
  13. Saint Rubenio vs. Armagon... That needs some final boss-tier music! I know neither of you have played Etrian Odyssey. Just roll with me on this one. XD Yup. XD It's her bad luck that she's in a fighting game! If you want to play it, it's called Scarlet Weather Rhapsody! And it looks fun! Nice, nice! I hope you'll enjoy! ^^
  14. Might agree that Benice could change his profile picture to this:
  15. Forgot to respond to this, sorry, haha That's okay! Hopefully you'll enjoy the other games in the trilogy more! Those, I actually haven't played either.
  16. Yep. And the best part: that is actually how her clothes are. XD Iku is a meme. And that is by no means a bad thing, since I also really like her. Probably second fav, after Byakuren Poor girl literally only wants to bring a message, but she gets beaten up for it. XD
  17. Banned because that is relatable.
  18. Be honest, how many of you get this reference? XD
  19. Banned because I think that might get it locked faster. ...
  20. I see! I like the way it transitions from purple to brown. It looks unique! And yeah, her design is overall pretty great! YES! YES! Like I said, almost Lucia-tier.
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