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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned because same. Also Same.
  2. I played Shining Resonance Refrain for a little and got hyped for it all over again, so I decided to do this. Wraith hates that game. XD And here's me, who thinks this game could be a lot of fun, since both Nep and Senran characters are top notch, so I'm unironically looking forward to this game! xD And I also don't care about the horny in neither game series. xD
  3. Unfortunate placing of textbox is unfortunate. xD
  4. For me, it has the best the series has ever had, but I can't speak for anyone else, of course! ^^ This too. *sad Draggy noises* jk, jk xD
  5. And that's totally understandable, too! Different people, different tastes and all that! ^^ Needs to come back, tbh. Maybe! xD
  6. I like two 3DS FEs and hate (Conquest)/don't enjoy (Revelation)/am kind of neutral, leaning towards dislike (Birthright) the other one. XD Though if Birthright had (way) more characters I like, I think I would actually enjoy that one, because from a gameplay and story perspective, it at least didn't make me want to scream/toss my 3DS out the window/quit FE forever like the other two did.
  7. I really like Echoes because it hits many right notes for me. I find the gameplay to be enjoyable, the dungeon crawling is fun, the character designs are the best Fire Emblem has ever had in my opinion, and the music is amazing. I also like the story, though as usual, I don't really like how Alm is made out to be the hero who succeeds at everything, whereas Celica is the one who makes mistakes (that are very much in-character for her if you read between the lines a little), and she has to get bailed out by Alm in the story. Still, Celica is one of my favorite characters in the series, whereas Alm, while I'm okay with him, is not nearly as high on my list of favorites. Another gripe I have is with the endings. I don't care if Genny married, I care about if her book was a success or not! But otherwise, the game does a lot of stuff I like, and not much that I dislike. Hence why it's my favorite of the 3DS FEs.
  8. Ngl, at first, I read "Doggy" as "Draggy", which really confused me for a sec. XD
  9. In general. GameFreak sucks at this stuff. Pokémon games have no business lagging to hell and back when the 3DS can handle Warriors games just fine. They have no business looking like indie games (and honestly, those look one hell of a lot better, because they at least those indie games aren't completely lifeless) when they are the most profitable media franchise of all time, and when the same consoles they're on contain games that have worlds that don't feel/look sterile as Pokémon's worlds do. And those games tend to run a lot smoother than most mainline Pokémon games do. I wouldn't harp on the graphics aspect so much if this wasn't the case. I used to love Pokémon back in the day, but even back then, the mainline series felt downright amateurish when compared even to its own spin-offs. And the second I tried other games was the moment I basically said goodbye to it.
  10. Not as good as the original, but this is some good stuff, still! Though for Hopeless Masquerade (the game the above is from), the theme they gave to Reimu is the clear winner. *headbanging intensifies*
  11. Well, darn it. --- SAO, hm? I watched like, the first 9 or so episodes before the MC being depicted as the best thing since sliced bread got on my nerves. That, and the thing delved into harem territority, and I loathe that kind of stuff. Granted, it didn't poop itself quite as hard as Fate/Apocrypha did (though at least Fate/Apocrypha looked promising... until Episode 10 happened), and it's probably not the worst anime out there, but... eh. Not my thing. SAO and its ilk did kinda show me that, if you want to make money with books/art, putting in actual effort to write a good story is the wrong way to do it. You just need to know what crowd you want to target, then pander to them without restraint. That's literally all that's needed. That, or you can just write straight up p*rn for shock value.
  12. I feel you. And yes. 100%. That... thing is insufferable. It can, no problem! Honestly, I kinda thought they'd be PC exclusive, or something. XD
  13. Banned because Yuyuko is really great, as well, I agree!
  14. Indeed! And she's just a sweet person in general (probably the nicest out of all final bosses), if a little naive at times.
  15. Banned because Touhou's best character is a final boss.
  16. Persona 4 only has a single hip hop/rap song in it, and it's not that bad, thankfully. The others are all more J-Pop style, which I don't mind (in fact, I like 'em!) Persona 5 meanwhile hits all the right notes for me with its music! It's great! And no rap/hip hop to be found... except for one single instance in the full version of the game's opening theme (thankfully, you'll never hear it in-game). That was because of the characters more than the music or stories, haha! Teddie, Yosuke, and to a lesser extent Chie and Rise just... eh. Not my thing, tbh. And the characters spent most of their time being dicks to one another, too, which I am never a fan of. Truth! Oooh! Sounds really interesting! Now I just have to find a way to actually play it. XD --- Speaking of Buddhism, today I learned that Touhou's resident Buddhist nun and final boss of main game number 12, Byakuren Hijiri, who just so happens to be my personal favorite character in the series so far (she and her backstory just hit all the right notes, for me), who is also the one whose theme almost reached Lucia's level for me, is called "Youkai Jesus" by the fandom. XD This is a fan depiction of the character in question.
  17. Yes. XD Also yes! The characters are fine individually, though! Sometimes nice, sometimes, you're just so indecisive, you'd rather don't have any. XD Sounds pretty good to me, honestly! Different, especially Yggdra!
  18. If Arnice really is grown up Illya, that would make Arnice her aunt. XD Uuuh... wait a second! Better than KoyomixHitagi. XD Yeah, that's the thing. You'd think "Hey, if I write this down, I can collect my thoughts easier, and having something to look at will help sort it!" But nope! XD
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