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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. XD Yeah, it truly is! Someone, get the stick! xD Me, having recently finished a game that came out in 1996: XD
  2. Banned because that is great to hear!
  3. You called? XD Niiiice! That is... a lot, for a single map. XD
  4. Maybe he developed a taste for it after FE2? xD Awesome! The physical characters definitely need some more elemental attacks!
  5. Dang, that would be awesome! If this was in the base game, I mean! Oh my!
  6. Based on what I've seen, these cults are usually a vehicle for him to inject his weird kinks into his stories At least his voice actor is good, I suppose! Yeah, he's... not very good, I agree. ^^ Still my favorite OST!
  7. Yep. Draggy be like: "What the fuck?" at the same time. xD Best name ever. XD Hm, okay then! I stand corrected! I haven't played Thracia past Chapter 4, so I didn't know. xD XD On that note, Gilbert is a shitty father for abandoning his family, but Rodrigue is not much better, considering he basically completely ignored his son's grief over losing his older brother. The second Felix said "blind loyalty is stupid", I knew he'd be high up on my list of favorites. --- Anyway, music post of today:
  8. Banned because that guy had it coming.
  9. I completely agree with this. This, too. What irks me the most about them is that Fire Emblem has a tendency to paint this behavior in a positive light when to me, it is anything but. There is nothing "honorable" about throwing away your own morality in favor of blindly following orders, and I am grateful that Three Houses FINALLY gave us a character who calls this bullshit out. Oh the Loptyr sect? They were a thing, certainly. xD
  10. Banned because get well soon, @twilitfalchion!
  11. I can agree with this. FE4 definitely has THE best implementation of the "eugenics emblem" feature. I was just making the point that FE4 did many of the things people blame modern FE for inventing, and I just felt like that is a bit unfair, is all. I have absolutely no stakes in this otherwise, honestly. Yeah, the lack of dialogue was definitely a detriment to the entire experience. Many of the heavier story beats (like the Belhalla Barbecue) fell kinda flat, because for most characters, I just asked myself "who even ARE any of you?" This is why Tine ended up one of my favorites, as well. Not only because I just like that character type, but her development was stellar, even with the few lines she did have. An FE4 remake that fixes all of these issues DOES have the potential to be the best FE game, storywise, however. I will say that much... unless they completely butcher it, which is always possible. Well, that is true. Camilla was really blatant, no arguments here. Now, I don't really mind a bit of fanservice (have you SEEN my favorite games?), because to me, it doesn't really matter if a character shows a bit of skin or not (so long as the character itself is good, I'm good), so my only stake in this court of argument is that I want that bolded sentence to be acknowledged. I wouldn't have minded it TOO much if it didn't feel so forced in. For what it is right now, Julia getting captured and brainwashed just felt so unnatural. It was really jarring with what was otherwise a pretty naturally flowing story. Especially because in the grand scheme of things, it didn't even matter. But yeah, Kaga has some weird kinks, that's true. xD That always sucks. OOOF Reading this... yeah, that does sound much worse than Julia. *Lachesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lachesis Whoever came up with "Raquesis" for her name never heard of Greek mythology before. xD True, but still. Different hair colors would have been more than possible. lmao Real blast from the past here! xD And yeah, that romance is complete nonsense. For me, it's that I've seen that philanderer archetype so much by now and I've gotten so sick of it that even the slightest bit of it causes a character to tumble down my mental ranking of characters all the way down to the pile of characters I would rather forget existed. It's a red flag for me nowadays, I will be honest. Oh yeah, Gen 2 Lewyn was pretty bad, too. I agree with you on that one. This guy has to be one of the stupidest characters I have ever seen. "Hey, I'm gonna try to convince this guy who imprisoned me before, and whom I'm still fighting for for some reason, to stop fighting my childhood buddy instead of just joining him. I'm sure that won't cost me my head! lol" Like, I do think the Camus archetype is pretty stupid in general, but Eldigan takes the cake as the single dumbest of them all. True. --- Hello, everyone!
  12. Underestimates my power. I picked Eirika's path. I hate Ephraim. I like Eirika. Easy choice there. xD
  13. It's just way easier to do, if you have Paragon. xD I won't try to convince you otherwise! ^^ The most egregious examples of Great Shielding came from the arena more than the bosses. I wanted to complete the arena with each character (which was impossible sometimes, because some of the units are quite sucky), but Great Shield got in the way of that at times.
  14. And I used Forseti and waited it out, healing when necessary (Forseti on Arthur is... something). Which is basically cheating. XD
  15. Hmm, alright then! Still, I maintain the long green hair could've been a different color. xD
  16. Paragon on Lana is amazing. Imagine: Level 22 promoted Lana in Chapter 7. On top of that, for me, she got defense like no other, so for a good while, she was my "throw it into a pack of enemies and see what happens" unit. xD Speaking of! I forgot to say who my favorite characters are! My top two favorite characters from this game are easily Tine and Lene. They have endeared themselves to me the most while I was playing the game. Have trouble deciding who I like more, though, heh.
  17. Yep, that's the kind of dark thought this game implanted into me. XD Athol is from one of the Saga games, I assume? xD Julia's sudden damselness irked me because of how unnecessary it felt. Like... she was abducted because ??? It had absolutely zero bearing on anything, and didn't really affect anything, either. Okay, that one's slightly better, but still. XD Even her in-game portrait... when she first showed up, I was like "man, they put the Whitewings everywhere, didn't they?" XD
  18. Yep. That skill is peak Kaga, alright. xD Also, to everyone still wanting to play FE4: pair Lex with Aideen. Trust me.
  19. Will know that I didn't bench Seth because he was an OP prepromote. I benched him because he was a boring character.
  20. XD Very true! --- So... I did something. Something I started a little bit ago, but I just now finally finished it. I played FE4. Gotta say.... Eh? Not bad? Could've been worse, I guess. Some characters I really liked, some are like "lolwho?", but there was no one really negative in there (except Lewyn, because philanderers need to cease existing this instant, and Ares, who felt like your typical fanfic edgelord). I also wasn't a fan about how they turned Julia into a damsel in distress later on. That felt very unnecessary to me. Gameplay was slow as hell (and also pretty easy, particularly Gen 2), and the romance mechanic was... something. Like... people complain about "four conversations -> boom! Marriage!" in modern FE, but in this game it's "zero/one conversation(s) -> boom! Marriage!". I just don't see how this game did that any better than the newer entries, is basically what I'm saying. Except MAYBE the fact that they relegated the child characters to their own part of the story, and don't have time travel or Babyrealm shenanigans involved. As for the character designs, well... I don't see why people complain about fanservice in the new games when in this game, you have Sylvia (ESPECIALLY Sylvia), Lene, Tine, Ishtar, Erinys/Ferry/Fury/Erin, Fee, and Tailtiu. Now, I don't dislike these characters, far from it. I just think that their designs aren't any better or worse in the fanservice regard than some of the newer characters. And also... Erinys/Ferry/Fury/Erin is Palla. She's just straight up Palla. With slightly longer hair. They didn't even fucking try. XD I like Erinys, she's a neat character, but come on, designers! You couldn't at least make her hair, like, I don't know, black or brown, or heck, purple, or something? And then there is Lachesis (and yes, it's Lachesis, not Raquesis. Look up Greek mythology), who 100% served as the template for Eirika. Her base class is basically the same (minus staff utility on Eirika), and her promoted class is mounted... only difference being that Lachesis' promotion is busted af, and Eirika's... isn't. In the end... I actually kind of enjoyed myself playing it. More than I thought it would. However, I will say, as it stands right now, it is rather barebones, and it would benefit greatly from having its story and characters expanded upon by a LOT. Also, screw anyone who thought Great Shield/Pavise was a good idea.
  21. True! I think? I honestly don't really know, haha! I just one day, while reading up on stuff, stumbled upon a series called Ikki Tousen that apparently has a majority of the characters from Romance of the Three Kingdoms as girls. I haven't looked much deeper into it than "my goodness, this is weird". xD I think they just didn't want to give a girl a beard, but still wanted to keep the 'Guan Yu' feel, or something. xD
  22. They apparently gave her really long hair instead. I swear, it's weird as hell, especially when you're used to the Dynasty Warriors design, like I am. XD
  23. Nice, nice! That's Guan Yu, a military general from China's Three Kingdoms period. The description of his 'peerless beard' in one record (as well as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel placing great emphasis on it) led to him having that in pretty much all of his depictions in modern media (except the ones where they made him a girl and yes, that is a thing, and I don't know why). ... And on the subject of Guan Yu and Dynasty Warriors... here's the music post for the day! Shu isn't my favorite faction, but their theme song is one of the best.
  24. Agreed. If I hadn't played Three Houses, and you'd show me this and said "Hey, this is Gilbert", I would have believed you, 100%. Also, Ruben, if you ever dip your toes into Dynasty Warriors, I think I already know who would be some of your favorite characters, design-wise, at the very least: And MAYBE this guy:
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