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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Gonna need a black belt in Google Fu for that one!
  2. And when I put a foot into that swamp, might as well take the plunge. Music post for today: The scenes where the characters transformed into their Next Forms had so much weight to them, which made the forms feel special (along with this music). Please don't devalue them, devs.
  3. It kind of does, ngl. XD But that's not it, either. It's Nepgya! As in, this... creature:
  4. On a more positive note... have a happy Nepgya!
  5. Banned because speaking of Zelda, they will apparently lock the fast travel feature behind a $25 dollar, amiibo-shaped paywall for the Skyward Sword HD Remaster, on top of selling the game at full retail price. Richard relocation, Ninty.
  6. I found Josette insufferable from what I've seen of her in FC, tbh @Interdimensional Observer: About the Tales of Destiny playthrough that I am watching, there is a beta translation available of the Director's Cut version of the game. And they were serious when they said 'beta', since you can tell the text has been translated word for word instead of based on context of what is actually said, which makes some of the dialogue look... incredibly strange. xD Speaking of insufferable, Tales of Destiny has probably given me my least favorite Tales character so far: namely Leon Magnus. An edgelord among edgelords, and an unlikeable asshole to boot, and the few attempts to make him look sympathetic, or redeem him, were flimsy at best and complete asspulls at worst. And his design just sells it completely. Like... (spoilers for size reasons): Everything about this guy, from his personality to his design, screams "asshole". And the worst part? The Director's Cut version has a second story mode where this guy is the main character. I'm seriously debating just finishing Stahn's side and not even looking up Leon's. xD The only upside is that he's voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa, as in the same guy who voices Mitsuhide Akechi in Samurai Warriors and Marth in Fire Emblem Warriors and Smash. Also, good morning, folks!
  7. Chinese, actually! Or Japanese. The region he's from is based on feudal Japan. Complete with some ambitious guy trying to unify it. Also, where in the heck did my profile stuff go? *scratches head*
  8. Tales did it first! xD Speaking of Tales and doing something first, uh... Olivier is literally this guy, but even more over the top. His name is Johnny, and honestly? I kinda prefer Johnny here. Especially in battle. He actually uses his instrument and voice to fight (and his battle calls are him singing).
  9. I've been watching a playthrough of Tales of Destiny, the PS2 remake of it. The original came out in 1997 on the PS1. The game has by far the best name for a villain, bar none. An evil priest, hellbent on... summoning monsters to cause war, I guess (I haven't finished the game yet). And his name? Greybum. Greybum. And you spend a lot of time chasing him around the globe. Hunting for dat ass, as it were. xD
  10. Banned because I could sleep for an entire week and still not feel well-rested.
  11. 👍 Steam wasn't a colossal failure, last I checked. xD Seriously, Google shut down their first party studios before they could even release, nay, MAKE, a single game. If that's not telling, I don't know what is. In all complete honesty, with how many projects Google already screwed up, Stadia failing wasn't a surprise. Like, at all.
  12. Way back in 2006, I believe, I don't remember the exact year, I watched a friend play Path of Radiance when I visited him. And I told him "hey, this looks cool, can you let me play, too?", and he lent the game to me. Was hooked ever since. To the point where he went and gifted the thing to me (along with Radiant Dawn when that came out). Still have both copies, too. Good times!
  13. It's good for making memes, and not much else. If you actually wanted to do more complex stuff with it... ooof. Trust me, I've tried. Many times. But I have given up on it. xD It's not meat, it's pudding!
  14. Can confirm: it isn't! Source 1: I don't have photoshop (I do have Gimp, which is the same thing, basically, but that program is janky garbage). Source 2: I wouldn't be able to do that if I did. The best weapon! Seriously, that attack does so much damage, it's unreal. *smiiile* --- Happy belated page 2500 everyone. And good morning.
  15. Ya know, I was initially a bit miffed about Wu not getting any of the newfangled Deification forms, but after playing the game, I am not disappointed at all, since Sun Quan is one of the first characters you get (which is amazing, because he uses his Flame Blade moveset from DW8E (guess who was one of my mains)), everyone has about equal importance to the plot, and the Deification form is practically pointless in gameplay: to use it, you need to fill a separate gauge (the Rage Gauge, that enables True Musou/Rage Musou attacks for everyone without a transformation), and that gauge depletes within a few seconds, after which you transform right back, so all that hype was for naught, really. In fact, the team of Sun Quan, Xiaoqiao, and Nobuyuki Sanada beat every Pandaemonium stage (the highest difficulty the game has to offer, where Hundun appears at random) that popped up rather comfortably, and none of them can transform at all. Though I will say... the appearance of Hundun is a rather terrifying prospect, as he can down you in just a few hits, and the music is replaced with his theme when he's near. And just the opening of it is enough to send a chill down your spine:
  16. Speaking of Fan Castle... the Warriors Orochi 4 remix of the theme that plays in that stage in DW8 is pretty great!
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