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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned for exploding cups. And hopefully, you're okay.
  2. I'm sorry for acting like that again yesterday. *sigh* Regardless... Good morning, everyone! --- This speaks to me on all the levels. This exact scenario happened to me on quite a few occasions, I must admit. Poor Hinako/Daichi (I alternated between these two, but they were my primary Multi-Strikers). Still, my preferred method for using it was in conjunction with an Evil Flow user, for long-distance nuking of particularly annoyingly placed targets. Alongside Stone+, this proved to be quite deadly for anything not resistant to Curse. Though going with the method of maximizing damage output with Phys Boost/Amp (mostly both, actually) proved even more effective overall. ... Except for the times when enemies just reflected physical attacks. Oh yes, definitely! Pair this with Magic Yang, which halves MP usage, and you can practically spam that skill with reckless abandon. Drain in and of itself is very, very strong in this game, particularly off of a character/demon with a high magic stat, but paired with Holy Dance, and a Divine, Tyrant, or Fallen? Hoo boy! Something else I liked to do with this was use a Deity race demon alongside a Tyrant, so that I could benefit from the Deity's race skill that doubles magic damage, and, in its evolved form, further reduced MP usage. Oh wow! I didn't know this existed! I honestly questioned what the point of Rage Soul is, but I see now that this is it! This sounds tailor-made for the likes of Jungo and Keita, and definitely something to keep in mind, once I get to New Game Plus.
  3. Banned because cuteness overload.
  4. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here!
  5. Banned because thank you. Same to you!
  6. I can only recommend Nights of Azure, Blue Reflection and co. so many times before realizing that it just isn't worth repeating myself over and over again. It just honestly kinda makes me sad to see nobody ever taking any of my recommendations (the best I've got nine times out of ten was "I'm interested, but..." (Excluding Atelier in Armagon's (I think), and Neptunia in your case, of course)), but when someone else recommends something, suddenly, the entire threat is playing it or at least expresses interest in it. Not blaming any of you, and I'm not even upset, it just goes to show that my tastes in games are different, and I'm okay with that.
  7. It does, but in order for Multi-Strike to really be strong, your Agility needs to be high, and there is definitely a stronger option in Holy Dance, particularly against single targets. Oh, and Pierce doesn't go through Repel Phys, of which there are plenty of demons that have it! In general, for how strong lategame physical attacks are, I find magic to overall still be the better option due to its overall greater versatility. I used Yoshitsune once in P5. Wasn't too impressed with the guy, to be honest. Definitely don't really see why people hype him so much. --- As far as game suggestions go... eh. At this point, I've just given up on recommending stuff.
  8. Banned because Comparatively, yeah. I am feeling the weight of everything that's happened recently collapse onto me, though, and it drives me nuts at the moment.
  9. Banned because I feel like I'm going insane today.
  10. I have nothing to say currently, so here is an out of context screenshot from Mary Skelter:
  11. Morning. Today's music plug: kicking the four Archangels to the curb. It's DLC, but holy hell, if it isn't satisfying to kill these guys... and then use them for yourself, because Uriel in particular is the most overpowered thing I've ever seen in an SMT game. xD Pierce Physical + Phys Pleroma + High Phys Pleroma + Charge/Dark Energy + Kannuki-Throw = everything dies. Everything. Especially if you enhance it with Archangel's Law (Michael's special skill) first and give Uriel Smirk. You can kill the final bosses in a single attack with this. And it's downright necessary to have this against the final DLC boss. And the best part? You only need a single turn of setup. It goes: Turn 1: someone buffs the party with Luster Candy - Michael uses Archangel's Law on Uriel - Uriel uses Charge/Dark Energy Turn 2: Uriel uses Kannuki-Throw Meaning everything dies in a minimum of two turns. It's insanity, I tell you.
  12. I'm more impressed by the fact we managed to surpass 2,000 pages in just under a year.
  13. Music post of the day. Also, shoutout to the top comment on this video, which I definitely 100% agree with:
  14. Yup, yup. My favorite part is reviving the healer only for them to get killed again in the very next attack. Always fun! Not.
  15. As far as JRPG recs go... well, broken record and all that. xD
  16. Healers are always the MVPs. Always. I have seen entire boss fights fall apart within seconds just because the team's healer died. So yeah. xD Yup, yup! But really fun to fight! Especially with that music. Oops!
  17. Also, I said yesterday that Nights of Azure has the best boss fights ever, for me. Well... Shining Resonance Refrain comes pretty damn close with the Dracomachina fights. I played a bit of the postgame today, and the refights against them are a blast. Some screenshots from the Trishula battle: Made even better by that boss theme. It might not look it from the screenshots, but if it wasn't for my healer constantly spamming heals, I'd be deep fried in a matter of seconds. Even at high levels, this fight is tough... and Trishula is also the very first boss you have to face in the game, though in that first battle, he's much weaker, obviously, and doesn't use many of his stronger fire attacks. But in all subsequent battles, he shows players why exactly he's called the "Hellfire Spear".
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