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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned because same my reaction:
  2. I get you. I'd probably be a bit... not okay with that, myself. XD For example! "Master Sword". Taken right from The Legend of Zelda, ladies and gents! Haha! Nice!
  3. Same. XD Well, they're dead, so they don't have the brains to come up with something more creative, I suppose. xD I think the weirdest part to me is how they didn't just use Japanese/English as names for these squads in these respective languages of the game. Why do they have to be German? Wrong German, at that? It's a bit stupid. to be honest. xD Fair point, fair point! Oh yeah, plenty of brigands have Spanish names. That's unfortunate. But the 'dignified' part is a matter of perspective, because to a German, there is nothing dignified about the name "Ernst", for example. And the example I brought up above is just plain stupid to me, because just calling them "red/green/whatever" knights would have completely sufficed. At that point, it's just being fancy for the sake of it, and that stuff is no good. It's like throwing an apostrophe everywhere in a vain attempt to make a name sound more exotic than it is. They do seem fond of it, it's true! It does sound weird, I admit. Very weird. xD I admit, I only understand about... 10% of that? That reminds me: if you're Italian, French, or Hispanic in a German show, you're horny. End of story.
  4. Ha! Nice! Just translators being weird, I guess! You can say that again. ... On that note, I always love when things have German words in them. Particularly when it's just perfectly mundane stuff for something very fancy. Take FE4, for instance: "Rotenritter" just means "red knight(s)", and it's not even grammatically correct. It should be "Rotritter" instead, if it's one word, "Rote Ritter" if it's two, or "Die roten Ritter" when it refers to a specific group of red knights, where 'rot' is the adjective. The singular form would be "Roter Ritter", or "Der rote Ritter", when 'rot' is used as an adjective. Same for all the other "colored knights", actually. But the worst offender is easily "Lanzenritter". That just means "lance knight(s)". Every godsdamned mounted knight in Jugdral uses a lance!. So having "Lance Knights" be the name some kind of elite force is hilariously silly. Also, the German word for 'knight', 'Ritter' comes from Middle High German 'riter', which is the same thing as a 'rider'. Just some trivia for you!
  5. Wait, really? Oh boy! xD That is a very, very good question. xD I mean, I can understand Mist to Alja, and Haar to Darahan. Mist is German for 'crap' And Haar is German for, well, hair. So... Astrid to Stella is weird, since Astrid is a very common name, while Stella... isn't (at least in Germany). Don't give them ideas! x.x Most likely a coincidence, since Mia is still Mia and not... Wayu. The hell kinda name is Wayu, anyhow?
  6. And the Kevin that comes to my mind first is the dude from FE9 who is commonly known by his other name, Kieran. Yes, they changed him to Kevin for the German version. Who the heck knows why.
  7. Likes maid outfits. Ayup! ^^ Mere screenshots don't do this game justice, but the intensity in that moment... just amazing.
  8. "No sire, there is nothing illegal going on in this tavern, we swear!"
  9. That one does have a lot of eyes. And also a crown. Absolutely hilarious. xD Looks that way. xD lmao Also, I find it absolutely funny that you two posted basically the same image within seconds of each other. Great minds think alike and all that. xD
  10. Also, I am now imagining a potato with a screen... wth is wrong with me? xD
  11. Not surprising, considering the first two games were originally released on a handheld, namely the PSVita.
  12. Speaking of Estelle I honestly liked this one more.
  13. Is kind of correct. I played Trails in the Sky FC for a while, but then decided to stop once I reached the end of Chapter 1, because I discovered that Trails as a whole is not my thing, neither classic nor modern.
  14. Good! ^^ Indeed! And don't let me or my presence deter you from enjoying it, or reviewing it positively in the end! Sounds rough, but you can do it! Good luck! ^^ XD Yep.
  15. Just got back from helping grandma out with some paperwork. Visiting her apartment and not being greeted by grandpa felt... incredibly strange. --- I hear Ruben got into Trails now, too? I hope you enjoy yourself! Eventually, I'll get one of you to play Nights of Azure or Blue Reflection. Maybe. My hopes for doing so is slim (though not as slim as my hope of anyone enjoying them), but hey.
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