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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Why apologize? This is an awesome line! Agreed! It's one of the things I came to love about Etrian Odyssey. Pretty much all my parties so far were made up of woefully incompetent fools who were in way over their heads, but then grew to become some of the greatest heroes in the games' worlds through sheer dumb luck, and tenacity. That does sound like it was a lot of fun, hehe!
  2. Oh he will! Trust me! Alright, with that said, let me introduce the Draggy Guild for this playthrough: First is Melissa. She's a princess, and self-proclaimed leader of the group. She's the type to rush headlong into things and has no real indoor voice. She got sent to Armoroad with the task of exploring the Yggdrasil Labyrinth by her father, who wants her to learn self-restraint (and possibly get rid of her, because of how annoying she can be, but that is something he'd rather not say). Next is Greg. He is an old, retired monk, and master of martial arts. Though he is senile, so he has forgotten most of his techniques. He was assigned by Melissa's father to accompany her (because sending her out without a bodyguard would have raised some suspicion), and the chance to explore a labyrinth has rekindled his spirit. He is a bit of an eccentric old man, the type who would yell "get off of my lawn!" while punching monsters in the face... even when they are nowhere near his lawn to begin with. This is Aria. She does not talk much, but she is a mage of some talent. Emphasis on "some". Nobody knows what all the gadgety looking stuff she carries with her is even for, but she thinks it makes her look "cool". Her quiet nature and piercing glare tends to scare people away, but in truth, she's just very shy. Also, Aria is not her real name. She just chose to call herself that, because she thought it sounded better. She also won't reveal her real name. A Gladiator called Jack. He pretends like he has had years of battle experience and tends to prattle on about how many battles he fought, and how he once defeated a dragon with both arms tied behind his back... which is a lie, obviously. Though his physical strength certainly is not. Jack is the guy to call when you need some heavy lifting done, like heavy crates, or something, and despite his... exaggeration of his own abilities, he's actually a nice guy, and easy to get along with. And lastly, there's Marie, who is a very regular daughter of a very regular farmer. Nobody knows why she's here, or what her goal is, but the Draggy Guild lacked a fifth member, so they just grabbed the first person they could find, and it ended up being her. She has the uncanny talent to remain cheerful even when in mortal peril, happily scouring for rare things everywhere she goes without a care in the world. She wants to one day open up a flower shop despite being allergic to pollen. All characterization is made up by me. But yeah, these idiots will be the, uh, heroes for this story. Wish them luck! Or not. XD
  3. Well, to be fair, Greg is the name I gave him. For context: in Etrian Odyssey, you make your own characters by selecting their class, and then their appearance. In Etrian Odyssey III, you give them a name first, then you get to choose everything else. I think I prefer the new way of doing it, where you only give them a name when you're done actually choosing what you want them to be, but hey! I was like "Greg the Monk, yeah, that works", and then one of the selectable appearances was that. XD
  4. So... started Etrian Odyssey III and.... Where was THIS in EO Nexus? XD
  5. Banned because I'm in the mood to do so.
  6. Ugh, what a night... Fucking migraines, I swear to god... Morning, everyone.
  7. XD The funny thing is... she is actually 100% trustworthy in Extella Link. XD
  8. Last shilling for today, from a totally different game. Hakuno, you're alright. XD
  9. Blue Reflection! One of my favorite games ever made!
  10. Hinako is my kind of character. They don't go down, because they win the boss fight this scene precedes (unless you make a mistake in battle) but still. She has the right mindset, at least.
  11. You, friend, need a hug. Haha! XD Her problem is that she is a genius with a 300 IQ, who writes and publishes her own scientific essays at the tender age of first-year high-school. And she has absolutely no social skills whatsoever. Which the game explains with this:
  12. Ah, the win button! And also the best song in the game! Which is saying a lot, because they're all good! And Nep OSTs! Happy Draggy is happy! You guys win one of my personal favorite boss themes ever.
  13. Based! Love how this one includes a portion of the original Osaka Castle theme. Of which I only know the Warriors All-Stars version, but still.
  14. Joining Shrimpy in posting awesome OSTs: Best faction.
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