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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Nice! XD That's the skill rank, so to speak. There's normal, bronze, silver, and gold weapon skills. It's basically just an indicator of rarity, since you can only really get gold weapon skills when playing on higher difficulties. That setup is by far the most useful that I could find! Close! This is chapter 9! Oh yeah, Fiendish Blow. I could give that to her, since she only just promoted to Bishop. Going back a class shouldn't be too rough. And if I go full on offense with her, might as well make her a Warlock instead. Bowbreaker might be neat, too! True! It's basically just there to fill up a slot! I was considering giving that batallion to someone else (it's the one with Stride), so she can do more stuff. Could give it to Flayn instead, for example! There's no such thing as too much overkill! XD
  2. True! One other good one in this regard is the boss theme from Dragon Star Varnir.
  3. Banned because I have questions.
  4. Atlus staff member A. Hey, we need a boss theme Altus staff member B. Hmm... I have these bells right here. Atlus staff member C. Lemme *hic* ssssseeewhaahcan *hic* do... The result is absolutely amazing, though. This theme says "you're f***ed, son".
  5. If this ain't a love letter to a game you love, I don't know what is. Nice write-up!
  6. Also, on the subject of Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate... this is what bias looks like:
  7. Banned because just do it! I wrote full thoughts on games I've played, too, even if people mostly didn't give a damn.
  8. Morning, y'all! O.o Bad ending my rear end! This is friggin' awesome! To be fair to the guy, it is implied that his social skills are exactly zero, and he came to Ruswall specifically to study demons, and Arnice is a half-demon, so she does fall into his field of interest. Though, then again... he IS rather desperate about making her his assistant, so... yeah, bring out the bat! Also me with Conquest. Or Fates in general. But mostly Conquest. Also Pokémon. But like Shrimpy said, I also don't want to bring negativity, so I've decided to completely shut up about it. Officer Majima, eh? Eh, could be worse, perhaps. Also, he looks like Dynasty Warriors' Xiahou Dun, and that is kind of funny. --- Also, I've been playing some Three Houses again, because reasons, picked the Blue Lions, and this is Mercedes currently: Unironically my best combat unit right now. I guess you could say that there is no "Mercie" for her enemies.
  9. Oh boy! Yeah, that's not the way to go. Definitely not!
  10. Indeed. Take it from the man himself, and the boy/girl (the latter, in my case) who stood with him in the Virtual World on the Moon.
  11. "I can be at peace now" *Shiro endures torture* XD
  12. Turning a heartfelt scene into a meme. Of course. XD Sakura be like: "My affluence makes a mockery of the regulations!"
  13. Ayup! I see! That's kinda... weird, but okay! Also, the openings are awesome songs! You know, the absolute funniest thing is... there is a black cat featured very prominently in the story. And it turns out that said black cat is
  14. That is a good question! She is decidedly heroic, but she does things on her own terms. Absolutely!
  15. Indeed! XD Those two basically provide all the comic relief for the game. They are pretty likeable in their own right, though. Lloyd in particular has some... choice words to the whole conflict the game revolves around (sacrificing Lilysse to prevent an Eternal Night) that you (and me, for the record) might agree with. Don't sell yourself short!
  16. I don't disagree. xD Nope! XD Which also gets promptly lampshaded by Professor Alucard's buddy Lloyd as follows: XD
  17. XD The context: You run into that guy in green a few times during exploration. He is investigating different fiend types and tells you interesting lore stuff about them... only in this scene, it turns out he's been investigating a regular stray cat instead of a cat-like fiend. To which he says "how are people supposed to take me seriously as a demon researcher now?" To which Arnice then replies with that. XD To wit, this is the same guy who tells Arnice... Within two seconds of meeting her. XD He's basically comic relief.
  18. Well, to be fair, demons in Nights of Azure are basically vampires, so... Yeah. xD
  19. Banned because alternative fact!
  20. Same for the European one, really. Their games went on sale all the time. It's how I got a majority of them, in fact. Aside from that last part, on which I would agree with you, this sounds really interesting, honestly! Yeah, that part bothered me, too. Hitagi just... vanished completely from the plot for a season or two, without any mention of her sometimes, even. As well as the part where he got a little too chummy with the girls who were there, only to toss in a line of "I love Senjougahara" in there somewhere. I didn't buy it. xD
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