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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Indeed! Until you click the spoiler. XD Those two images describe their in-game relationship absolutely perfectly, though. XD
  2. The Prisma Illya one, and the Fate Extella one. At the same time. And yes, it is very confusing. X.X Bottom line is, we need an Extella 3 with Prisma characters added, just because. Chloe as a faster, more agile version of Nameless would be awesome! And add in the Sakura clones from Extra CCC while you're at i-- *remembers Passionlip and Meltryllis* uh... nevermind. --- I ship it.
  3. Aaaaaaand now I have the Emiya theme stuck in my head. Awesome!
  4. Rip open that wound, will ya? XD --- Also, let us take a second to remember that this girl: is so far the only one to make Archer/Emiya lose his cool so hard he falls out of his chair. XD Fem!Hakuno best girl confirmed. XD
  5. Oh! Thanks! ^^ Probably from the gacha, I presume? XD They're all the same guy. Except the girl. She's possessed by his spirit, basically.
  6. XD I'm just messing around a little, hehe~ I happen to agree with you, by the way. That character is my favorite from the series she's from.
  7. Just wanted to post this with no context whatsoever, ended up getting ninja'd by twilit, and now it's perfect. XD
  8. Who's that guy in the lower right under Chaotic Evil, I wonder? Also, Chaotic Good is the fun alignment. I see! XD
  9. Well.... dangit! Welp! Time to bust out the memes!
  10. Gonna get to that! ... Right after I figure out my Demon Fusion conundrum in Devil Survivor 2. XD
  11. I think I may have missed some Prisma updates, come to think of it. ... Crap!
  12. Me trying to figure out what demons I need to fuse to get which result:
  13. It is my favorite game for a reason! Well, not just that, but that's part of it. --- To me, no gaming soundtrack will ever top Nights of Azure. And no song in any game will ever trump Lucia for me. But that's just me, ergo it means nothing. Carry on!
  14. You can, though! There should be something like "Friendship" and then a number behind it on a characters stat screen. If that number is red, you need to view an event to advance it higher. Second to last/Last day of the week, early in the morning. At the church. That's the location and timeframe for her events, usually.
  15. That is a bit weird, I agree. The way it works, as far as I understand it, is that some events have cut-off points tied to story progress. So you can lose out on some stuff. Friendship levels for characters also won't advance unless you get the relevant event, either, once they stop. It's a little strange, but somewhat manageable... unless it's Monika. --- Meanwhile, Nights of Azure depicts a romance between two girls and it's neither fetishized, nor treated as something special. It's just two people loving each other, and one of the best romances I've ever seen in a video game. Play Nights of Azure, y'all.
  16. Banned for banning without reason once more.
  17. You can see it when someone is in a location they're not usually at. But it's beneficial if you just go and talk to everyone anyway. For me, it's fun, because I love just walking through that town (and yes, I am MASSIVELY biased towards this game xD), but I can see how that could get tedious. Also, it might be too late already, but... Monika's events are an absolute b**** to get. Possibly my least favorite part of the game, and it makes me like Monika less by extension, too. XP
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