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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Have a horrifying nightmare of a reaction face: Don't ask for context, because I don't remember. XD
  2. And I don't want to reopen old wounds for you! True enough! Though no such implication is made in WO4, so it's up in the air, haha! That does sound promising! I'm definitely looking forward to it! ^^ --- Oh, by the way! I heard there is a new Neptunia game on the horizon, and it's a crossover with Senran Kagu-- Oh. In that case, I should shut my mouth.
  3. True! XD The gods in general are really, really strong, but Gaia definitely takes the cake in terms of OP-ness. The game also has Zeus, Ares, Athena, Odin, Loki, Perseus, and the aforementioned Hades. And despite Hades being the older brother, Zeus looks a lot older than he does, which is downright hysterical. XD Compare this to the one I posted before. Hard to believe this is supposed to be the younger brother, ain't it? ^^ Oh yeah! I was so busy with my backlog, I completely forgot about this one! My next big purchase is gonna be the SMT III Nocturne remaster, so perhaps after that! It is! And I can somewhat share in that warning, because certain elements of the story-telling just drove me up the walls. Though probably not the same ones as dear friend Shrimpy's personal gripes. The "Hot for Teacher" joke was most commonly made with Edelgard during the pre-release period to Three Houses, that's why it's her on there. XD It'll be nice to revisit my first Atelier game on a handheld! ^^
  4. In other news, I got the Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe pack for the Switch today. It came with neat digital artbooks, which is nice! Hehe! Right here!~ XD
  5. Yup! Born out of a character from Trails of Cold Steel III. The last Trails game I've played in full before I got so tired of certain story telling elements that I just said "screw it, this isn't for me".
  6. No problem at all! Despite my gripes listed there, the game was a lot of fun! I didn't know Ranmaru was gone, but I'm looking forward to the rest, to be honest! I saw a gameplay video not too long ago, and it looked really interesting! They also added Gaia as well as the actual Perseus. And Gaia's design is... well, you be the judge: She's also the single-most broken character in any Musou game I've played to date. She's so overpowered, it's not even funny! Her combos have insane range, you can extend one to have multiple hits with which you can clear away a rather large area of enemies, and she is deceptively fast, too! Oooh, interesting! Leave it to Atlus to put these kinds of hints in something like a music title! Maybe, but I just find that these are kind of the "bottom of the barrel" mythologies, you know? That thing you fall back on when you're lazy as hell (precisely BECAUSE they are so well-known, is why I say this). There are so many stories out there that derive from Greek, Norse, or both mythologies that I just got kinda tired of it, I suppose. Some lesser known mythologies would be awesome, or at least a greater variety of it. --- Also, I see two more people are getting into Trails, eh? Welp, hope you guys enjoy it more than I did!
  7. Thank you! ^^ Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself! Sounds like the bosses are more Nights of Azure-style, as well! That makes the game even more interesting to me! Sounds pretty awesome to me! ^^ --- Morning all! Oh, and speaking of Musou, I have gotten the chance to play Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate recently. Fun game! Even if it reuses maps even more than Three Houses does and the Deification thing they so heavily advertised is practically useless (the characters I played as the most were ones that couldn't use it whatsoever). And its story revolves around the two most overused and by now pretty boring pantheons of deities: Greek and Norse. So that's a bit of a bummer, but I kinda liked the story nonetheless. Their interpretation of Odin was interesting to see. Also, the music is absolutely godlike (no pun intended), particularly some of the remixes of themes from other, previous Musous. Like this. (Still prefer the Warriors All-Stars version, but this slaps) Or this. (Which I daresay is better than the original) And of course this (Which is probably the most "Dude, you're f***ed" version of this theme to date, even if I prefer the DW8 and Warriors All-Stars versions of it) Also, this game finally cemented Naotora Ii as the worst character in all of Musou to me. Good lord, did she get on my nerves in this one! xD I'm glad she vanishes from the plot halfway through. Fittingly, her Deification theme is also the worst one. Easily. Probably the only theme I'd consider a stinker on the entire OST (and I'm apparently not alone in thinking that, because I can't find it anywhere on YouTube. xD) Also, Hades looks like a discount Gilgamesh from Fate, and that's hilarious.
  8. Io as the final boss? Channeling Lugh? Using the actual Areadbhar, not whatever Three Houses thinks it is? ... Yeah. No. Nobody in FE wins that. XD
  9. That really does look like it's the same guy. Huh! Interesting! --- On that note: I have to compensate for my absence.
  10. Apparently witnessed honor die on a beach. Probably should've learned how to swim first.
  11. Alright! I have some endings left to get myself, so I might go back to this game eventually, too! It's all coming back to me. Oh god... To add on to what Shrimpy said, said route/ending was also the second time a video game ever made me cry. The first was a certain scene and the ending of Tales of Xillia 2 The third time was that Blue Reflection game I've shilled today. That last one was the only time any game brought me to tears with its music, too. Namely this theme: Morning! I might look into these, since I did hear they're basically Persona with EO gameplay, and I really enjoy EO gameplay. Though hearing that they've reduced the characters to a single trait of theirs is... not great news, exactly.
  12. Oh, nice! Glad you enjoyed them! Did you get THAT ending in 2? You know... THAT ending
  13. Oh yeah, that social link. It hit rather close to home, actually. Not to go into much detail, but it was too close for comfort, in many ways! Still really liked it! I was going to play the game again with the female MC anyway, so that works out! ^^ Gotta be honest, though. That first theme is still not what I'd call great. It might be a bit better than the other one, but eh. Glad they went away from rap stuff for the other games in the series. The other two are really nice, though! Particularly the second one! Hi there! --- Also, shill post of the day: Fighting this... thing. I did this boss fight recently as part of my plan to 100% Blue Reflection to celebrate the anime and the upcoming sequel. It was a lot harder than I remember it being. xD
  14. I see! Gordin level 16, gained 2 Strength. Sounds about right! XD They shall be missed! Or not. Who knows? ... Granted, no one except for, like, 6 characters survived my first playthrough, either. Indeed it is! Also, I wonder who your fourth "wonder unit" will be!
  15. That skill is so stupidly broken in Awakening. Devil Survivor 2 has a similar skill... but that game is hard enough that it is not as game-breaking there. Ah, yes, Stahl. I used that guy for, like, two maps total, then benched him, because he was useless. Oooh! That guy! Yeah, I remember now! ... Yeah, that is not the finest moment, I agree! Well, the DLC maps can get pretty brutal. Otherwise, my first playthrough was challenging, because 2013 me absolutely sucked at this. Interesting! Well, tastes change over time! Nice, nice! ^^
  16. XD This sounds like you had quite the roller coaster of an experience with it! Yeah, Awakening is super broken, but it can lead to absolute hilarity such as this! If you have the setup right, you can finish the final map in a single turn, and you only need to defeat two enemies for it: one to trigger Galeforce, then Grima itself. Oh, and you need Olivia, too, for dancing. To be honest, I don't even remember a Hierarch. XD It's by far the Fire Emblem game, nay 3DS game, I've put the most hours into. I did enjoy the characters, but I definitely don't play it for the challenge. Even though you'd never guess that from the way my first playthrough went. Come to think of it, I haven't played the game in a good while. And I can't motivate myself to do so, either. Probably played it a bit too much. Either that, or I have found greener pastures by now. Oh wow! XD That Corrin, though. Ouch! Memetastic review. I love it! And yeah, Gangrel was entertaining, definitely! I see! I am glad you had fun with it, all things considered! ^^ Very good!
  17. This from the girl who: - protects a thief by taking the blame herself only to avoid getting anyone in trouble - is so shy she barely talks to anyone she doesn't know. - makes stuffed toys and gifts them to people who are nice to her. And by nice I mean talk to her or help her in the very smallest of ways. - is probably the nicest character in the entire game. Umm...
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