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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Who else was sad Draggy wasn't here all week? ... Yeah, me either. The Emperor doesn't protect.
  2. How did you know I am here?!? XD tfw you kill the final boss of the main story in three hits... on the highest difficulty setting. "Hardest Musou" my ass. Hopefully, the other final boss can put up more of a fight, because that was flippin' pathetic, Mr. Orochi X. Then again... I guess me maxing out Sterkenburg prior to completing Chapter 4 (where the original Warriors Orochi 3 ends and the Ultimate stuff begins) is partly to blame for that. XD Also, I went full Wu stan Cuz this is gonna be my main team from here on out. I only wish Sun Ce's moveset was a little better, because his crowd control is horrifyingly awful. Tigers, move out! Or something. Also, good morning, Wraith and Shrimpy!
  3. Yep! He's a great healer, first and foremost, but his attack skills are also pretty good!
  4. Ehehe, well... I got curbstomped by every single one of them. I didn't even unlock the arena in R;B2 as a result, because I thought "what's the point?". xD
  5. XD Well, her entire thing is Ice, and she wields a hammer, so... Mighty Glacier Blanc? That's even better! XD
  6. Tbh, you don't even need the Arena. I couldn't complete a single battle in there and still beat the final boss for the true ending just fine. I think my Nep was at level 75 or something.
  7. I see! Yeah, the timing for symbol attacks can be a little rough, it's true. I didn't get too many, either. Though... I think I remember Blanc being slower than Neptune, actually. Nice! ^^ --- Meanwhile, in Megadimension, I found a build for Nep that I affectionately call "Immortal Nep": Disc with Level 5 Regenerate. Full Devil Processor set for more HP Regen. Nep has Regenerate as an inherent passive and... With S-Sha as her partner, she stacks on ANOTHER Regenerate. HP Regen for days, baby! And the result: She regenerates 18,788 HP per turn at level 999. "Invincibility Time!" indeed. xD
  8. Her AGI isn't the best in this game, that's true. That's why I tried my best to give her equipment (and Processor units) to fix her speed issues, since I didn't want to drop her out of my party. xD
  9. Replace Falcom with Nep and you have the team I mainly used. xD
  10. Oh yeah, true! I forgot about that one. XP I'll probably watch/play this after HF3! Nice, nice! I'm definitely looking forward to that, then! ^^ Oh yeah! I was like "Whaaaat the hell?" XD Yup! Exactly! ^^ Good morning!
  11. That is very much intentional! You'll see! ^^ Re;Birth 3's opening battle threw me for a loop initially, too.
  12. Well... The only major Fate things I haven't seen yet are the Gacha thingy, Extra CCC (this only because there is no English translation for it. I can play the game, but it doesn't do much for me if I don't know what's going on. As far as I understand it, it's basically Heaven's Feel - Fate/Extra edition), and the original VN. Oh, and the third HF movie. Everything else, I think I'm pretty caught up on!
  13. I would if I could, of course, but Nights of Azure 1 doesn't have selectable difficulties. It should still be hard enough, though, since I won't have a healer... at all. xD The second game does, but I think a solo run of that is impossible, since you are required to always have someone with you.
  14. Ayup! xD Speaking of favorite games... My next goal for when I feel a bit better is an Arnice solo run of Nights of Azure. That's either gonna be lots of fun... or hell on Earth. xD
  15. I posted Draggy's absolute favorite Heavy Metal song! I mean it! I love this one!
  16. That's what happens when a trophy is tied to something that is determined by RNG, namely the CPU Chips and those cards therein. One trophy requires you to get all of them. And that took a bit, so... I told myself "you know what? If you already 100% everything, including getting all characters to level 999, why not max Lily Ranks, too?". And... yeah. xD Though admittedly, I did speed it along by strategically pairing up Nepgear and Compa with people as well as having four discs with high Lily Rank Increase Up chips on them equipped on the four active party members. That's the kind of stuff you'll only see me do for my absolute favorite games. xD
  17. XD I think I reached it with my main group back then, since I did a bunch of grinding. But it wasn't until Re;Birth 2 when I saw my first maxed Lily Rank. I swear it's faster in R;B2 than it is in the first game. Not by much, perhaps, but I felt I had a much easier time increasing Lily Ranks there. But it's definitely fastest in Megadimension, where I maxed everyone's Lily Rank with everyone.
  18. True enough! Though... I don't know if you need to get it all that high. I know I didn't get above Lily rank... 4, I think with any character when I played the game, and I could use a partner for Noire who enabled her to break the damage limit. Or maybe I got her a disc with that ability on it? I... am honestly not sure anymore. xD
  19. True! You can get this ability to Noire as well, even without the plan/disc, if you give her the right partner. I think either Tekken or Marvy give this passive, but I could be remembering it wrong. Sadly, no. xD
  20. Nah, the game can get pretty tough. I got stuck at quite a few points myself, even if I did a lot of grinding. Don't put yourself down! Yep! That's what makes it so amazing! Well that, and the damage it deals. In my experience, the only EXE Drive skill that outdamages Neptune Break is Noire's, and that's only because her passive makes her ignore resistances. XD They do get along pretty well in Extella Link, all things considered. Whenever they are in a scene, it's instant gold. XD
  21. XD He and Tamamo are Team Sarcasm, according to Mint Archer Robin Hood.
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