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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. I was surprised too. I called, they told me to come by so they can take a look, I did, they said "yeah, come back in three weeks."
  2. Hello to you too! Glad you're enjoying it! ^^ Y'all wanna know what's hilarious? Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is literally the embodiment of "press a button, everything dies" once you unlock Xu Shu and give him the right weapon skills, which is hilariously easy to do. Look at the K.O. Count and the Combo count. This is all one singular button (pressed repeatedly, yes, but still). Did someone want to see Ultimate Cheese? Because this, ladies and gents, is it. --- In any case, my day went to f***ing hell really fast. I got a migraine and chipped a tooth for some reason, which hurts like hell. Dentist appointment in three weeks. I know this is probably because Corona (TM), but still. Ugh.
  3. Thanks for the offer, but I read so much for my studies that I can't imagine doing it in my free time for the time being. Only recently, I read the Niebelungenlied again in preparation for a lecture, and I still have to finish the Epic of Gilgamesh for an essay.
  4. Shrimpy named the black hole that is Rean as his main reason, I believe. For me, personally, it was the incessant "characters get saved by Deus Ex Machina" or "beat the boss in gameplay, but the cutscene after will still play out like you lost" or "villain you capture gets away because f*** you" or "someone else captures fleeing villain for you, usually via Deus Ex Machina (as in there's no rhyme or reason that someone else should even be there) because what even is a satisfying conclusion?". Now, I don't mind these three things if they are used sparingly (like, once per story, IF that), but Trails of Cold Steel 2 and 3 used these or variations thereof for nearly every single goddamned boss fight, and it took me out of the games like you wouldn't believe. Honestly, I wouldn't know if the other arcs are any better, since I only got to the end of Chapter 1 of Trails in the Sky FC, before I kinda stopped playing.
  5. I'm not entirely fond of Trails of Cold Steel either (at least Trails of Cold Steel 2 and 3; 1 was pretty okay/good, and I didn't play 4), and it was the arc that turned Shrimpy off of Trails, which used to be his favorite game series. twilitfalchion hasn't played those games yet, as far as I'm aware.
  6. Criminal scum? Hah. Perhaps. Also, that video is legitimately funny.
  7. If it was Stella Glow Hilda, my vote would go to her, but since it's not... Three Houses wins.
  8. Ah, I see! My bad for misunderstanding in that case! ^^ Being able to say I beat it was my main motivation for finishing Conquest on Hard back then... mistakes were made.
  9. I believe it's a good choice to make, to be honest. When you're not enjoying a game, why continue? Also, it's hard to play a game when it literally puts you to sleep, like FE4 did for me and FE15 seemed to have done for you. xD
  10. To me, everything from Ninja Hell onwards was... oof. Should've probably dropped the game after Ninja Hell in retrospect, but past me was too stubborn. I know I'm pretty much alone in that, but... Never again. Seriously. But I learned my lesson. It's why I dropped FE4 and FE5 when I did. Yay! Also, I hope you enjoy XB2, Shrimpy! ^^
  11. Nice, nice! Maybe they'll include it, then pass it off as a "vision" (like, "this is what will happen if Shirou (or whoever it involves) does this instead of what he's supposed to do") or something. Would be nice!
  12. Hype levels rising. Hype levels reaching critical amounts. I imagined some of the ones in the manga animated. Stuff's great!
  13. Ayup! ^^ I still wonder how they're gonna top the Edgy Saber v Herakles fight.
  14. I'm still very excited to see that movie! I'll probably have to watch the other two again first, though. Been a while. xD
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