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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Granted. You become me. I wish I still had wishes.
  2. I'm not even that much of a fan of Asbel (he's part of the reason I don't hold Graces in high regard... 'cuz he's a bit boring compared to most other protags in the series), but... Tales > Fire Emblem for me.
  3. Also, now that I've finished the series... this is the weirdest and simultaneously best music in it, from Danganronpa 2: XD
  4. Tutturu, Shrimpy! Cursed, yet awesome. Been thinking about adding this to my sig. Would fit the theme it has, for sure. xD
  5. ... Yep. That was about my reaction, too. And what happens to her in the games/VNs is nothing compared to her fate in the anime... *shudders* I implore you, don't look it up. No matter how curious you are. Don't look it up. Also, Chiaki is one of the most precious characters. Ever. ------ Sayaka Maizono
  6. Speaking of slapping One of the MCs of this game is an actual serial killer. And yes, it's absolutely glorious. Thanks! ^^
  7. Indeed. xD Thank you! ^^ I hope you're doing better now!
  8. Banned because 1v1 me, bro! I'll bring my friends!
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