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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Fair point. The only "major" thing that happened was essentially a 15-year long standoff between Jin and Wu along the Yellow River, and that's pretty much it. Doesn't exactly compare to the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Red Cliffs, Wuzhang Plains, Hefei, Hulao Gate, and Xiapi, now, does it? xD Zhuge Dan at least had a character arc in 8(XL) that led to his rebellion (the game paints it as one result of Sima Shi dying and Sima Zhao being, well, Sima Zhao). And you could play as him in previous battles Xiahou Ba is there as an NPC for a couple battles until the coup d'état happens (which is... maybe two battles total?), and then he's just gone, unless you unlock the hypothetical stage to get him back. I'd say nepotism of sorts is a good explanation for his inclusion. Ah, true! I forgot about that one.
  2. Still here? Well, if you haven't killed me until now, I guess you're not a thread. Good night! *goes back to sleep*
  3. Possibly knows that he's blaming the wrong people when it comes to not respecting taxes.
  4. Banned for procroto-, paptasti--, potasty--, that thing people do when they want to avoid work
  5. I actually watched a few episodes of that. Show's kinda meh, but Aria is cool. Peko Pekoyama
  6. Also, on the subject of Dynasty Warriors... ever since reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel, I find one thing absolutely hilarious: Of the playable characters belonging to the "Jin" faction in Dynasty Warriors 8... only two of them actually lived to see Wei become Jin officially. And it's the two that were introduced in that game. Not to mention that Xiahou Ba's belonging to Jin is highly questionable in the first place, considering he historically nope'd out of Wei and defected to Shu right after Sima Yi's* coup d'état (heck, even in the game, the guy isn't playable unless you get to the hypothetical stuff). Why they felt the need to make a guy whose only relevance to the entire story is "he defected to Shu after his family line got wiped out" playable is beyond me, but hey, I'm not with Omega Force, so what the f*** do I know? Doesn't help that the character itself is... there. He exists. That's really all I can say about him. However, I will say there are several people they left as generics that have way more involvement in the RotTK novel. Involvement that goes beyond "yeah, that guy... defected that one time. Go him!" Pay no heed to my random ramblings. *Sima Yi is Jin's 'faction leader'... even though he didn't live to see it, as he died two years after establishing his family as the top dogs in Wei, thus technically laying the foundation for what would become Jin, buuuuut...
  7. Recognized the protagonist of my personal game-of-the-year-that-didn't-come-out-this-year-but-I-only-got-to-play-it-this-year.
  8. If it is who I remember it being, her voice actress is also the one who sang this: Which is, in my opinion, one of the best songs in video games just in general
  9. They get nerfed to hell when you use them. It's been nearly a month since I last played an FE game. a.k.a. Draggy's worst nightmare. xD
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