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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. @Father Shrimpas Hopefully it's not what it sounds like. In any case, I hope you'll get better soon! Take care of yourself! ^^ --- So, Atelier Ryza 2 won't release on PS4, but on PS5 instead. Looks like I'm getting the Switch version! Today on "Draggy did a thing": Not exactly satisfied with how Claude turned out (it was the closest I could get him), but I'm pretty proud of Edelgard and Dimitri. This is the only reason to play Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires over regular Dynasty Warriors 8 (or XL, even). The character creation stuff is great! With that said: Have a good one, peeps!
  2. I see, I see! I have yet to play V3, but I'm planning on it. I would have played Ultra Despair Girls, but... the game being a third person shooter when I really do not like that kind of gameplay made me watch a playthrough of it. Story's pretty good, though! I have yet to see that manga, maybe I will. Wellllll (le spoilerz) Unless the manga does something to change this, in which case, not a fan of the retcon. Also, fun fact: XD
  3. Banned because that's (western) Europe for you.
  4. Banned because that's a big city for you.
  5. Danganronpa 3 Future Arc does exactly that. xD Also, in my defense, I haven't seen all too many anime yet. So I probably don't know many of the really bad (or really good) ones. xD
  6. Banned because it's less a country and more just one city that is independent. It's pretty stupid, all things considered.
  7. Banned because indeed she is. I legit couldn't feel sorry for her. The other kids? Sure. Monaca? Nope.
  8. Despair was decent, I thought (except for that one scene in Episode 10... you know the one - and even then, I thought the scene itself did what it set out to do... I just didn't like seeing... that), but Future was... horrifyingly stupid (except Episode 7, which I actually liked). Have you played the games? I played DR1 and 2 and watched a playthrough of Ultra Despair Girls before getting into the anime.
  9. Banned because Danganronpa is an awesome series... though it frequently delves into the very strange and outright creepy. It does horror better than most horror stories.
  10. Non-spoiler versions of the Opening themes, for those interested. Really the best part of that anime. Can't decide which one between the two I prefer, but both rank pretty high on my personal list of opening themes.
  11. Also, I had the... er, pleasure of watching the Danganronpa 3 anime over the last few days. There are two arcs to this, one is a prequel to the series (Despair Arc), and the other a sequel (Future Arc)... The Despair Arc actually wasn't half bad, even though I found some things to be cop-outs, the pacing was off in some parts, and some of the scenes were waaaay to gory for my liking. The Future Arc on the other hand, has to be one of, if not the absolute DUMBEST anime series I have ever seen in my life. And I sat through 12 episodes of Sword Art Online. It's way too convoluted for its own good, none of the new characters introduced are likeable or memorable in the slightest, and they make the absolute worst and dumbest decisions at every turn (which wouldn't be so bad if they weren't presented as some kind of elite, not to mention the very organization that And then there's the intended watch order. One episode of Future -> one episode of Despair -> one episode of Future; rinse repeat until the end. And then the final episode is its own thing, called Hope Arc (it's not much of arc, really... seeing how it's a single episode). Also, only a few of the characters returning from the games retained their original voice actors. In some places, I actually liked the new VAs more, but in others, I felt like their old VA made the character who they are. One character in particular (that I won't spoil, because it spoils who survives the first game) got hit especially hard. The new voice for this characters is just plain bad. I'm sure the actor themself is decent enough, but the direction on the character was just godawful, really. Though it was a fun surprise to hear the voice of one of the people who made Dragon Ball Z Abridged come out of one of the wackier characters. He did an awesome job, too. Easily the best part were the opening themes.
  12. Banned because send help Send a LOT of help
  13. Really? That guy looks nothing like Python. The only thing the have in common is that they both have blue hair. Huh, interesting! I had at least six of these lying around. RNG is a funny thing indeed. --- In any case, good day, everyone!
  14. Sonia Nevermind Yes, that is what that character is called
  15. Granted, but the game gets delayed again for, like, six years. And the cycle repeats itself, only this time, it's every version but the PS4 one that is unplayable. I wish for green wallpaper
  16. Hello, everyone!~ That reminds me of my Bravely Default playthrough, where I had around 12 million of whatever currency that game has by the end. And nothing to spend it on, because I already bought all the buyable equipment. Thank you! And that's awesome! Congrats! ^^ Thanks! ^^ --- I imagine this would be some of us in that situation. XD
  17. Thank you! ^^ -- shilling intensifies Granted, combat doesn't give you any experience points to level up with, but it does give you materials to make/improve new items you can use in the boss fights (which are mandatory), and with a battle theme like this? I mean, hell, I get into combat just to hear it! Also, the combat system is fun, so that helps.
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