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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Because you want a glorious beard! That, or your reason is the same as mine: pure laziness. xD What even is motivation?
  2. *externally* Sh-shut up, I'm not happy at all! *smiles* *internally* Helikesmehelikesmehelikesmehelikesmehelikesmehelikesme...
  3. You have to get to Gen 2 in FE4 to do it. Where not only is the gameplay still the same, but according to Shrimpy, the story takes a serious nosedive. Mwahahahaha! I make it so you can't skip the story in any FE game Because he secretly self-inserts as Marth and has Palla as his waifu, but he doesn't want to admit it. Kidding.
  4. I (probably) know that Iron Maiden made a song with that poem
  5. Is an Armor Knight who seeks to bring chaos.
  6. Banned because bannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbannedbanned
  7. Thank you! Same to you! It's a little better now, luckily. Thanks! ^^
  8. If it's done like once in a story I don't mind it too much, even if I do think this "This wasn't my TRUE POWER!" stuff is kind of overused by now, and thus feels like a cop-out. Especially so when you very clearly win the boss fight, and worse still when the boss fight is easy as hell. Because in that latter case especially, I'm just gonna think "yeah, you're full of crap. Shut up." To me, if you want to hype up a villain is strong in gameplay as well as in-story, there are much better ways to go about it: you do a certain amount of (minimal) damage and then the next cutscene plays, or you simply can't damage them at all and the boss fight ends after a few rounds of combat, or you can damage them and they simply destroy you with no effort, but losing doesn't give you a game over. Like everything, I feel like it can work when used in moderation. I mainly take issue with it when it is used so much that every victory feels hollow, and/or you start thinking to yourself "why should I even try to win this when the next cutscene will tell me I didn't?"
  9. @Kasumi Yoshizawa I know I'm late, but my sincerest condolences for your loss. I wish you and your family the best! --- tfw you don't sleep all night because your stomach cramps up tfw you fall asleep at 6 a.m. instead tfw you miss morning classes In any case, good day everyone!
  10. The no staggering thing definitely threw me off when I played as Wang Yuanji for the first time in Warriors All-Stars. But I noticed that she was so fast, it barely mattered, and by the time I got to WO3U, I could play as her pretty well, and this extended further to DW8XL and DW8E. But... almost nothing beats Ma Chao's C3-EX (or was it C2? You press weak attack twice, then strong attack twice, at any rate). That thing is so dang spammable and it pretty easily decimates crowds and officers, even when they are guarding (it is also a pretty easy way to get behind them, making them vulnerable). I don't even like Ma Chao all that much from a personality perspective (not to mention his irl self was kind of a douche, apparently), but I have to admit, I love playing as the guy or use his moveset on my created characters in 8E. I see! Thank you! All this doesn't stop me from preferring Wu's characters overall. I may have said this before, but Sun Quan is actually one of my favorite characters in Dynasty Warriors. I gotta say though, the scene in the novel where Zhuge Liang fools Cao Cao's army into shooting a million arrows at straw puppets on boats during a foggy night, and essentially goes "thanks for the arrows, you idiots!" was pretty funny.
  11. They almost did in AM. XD Wei was actually the one on the receiving end of that fire attack. It was Wu and Shu who were the underdogs (to the point where, technically speaking, Shu as a kingdom didn't even exist yet). I do recall Shu's involvement in that battle being fictional, though. In actual history, it was Wu vs. Wei. Someone with more knowledge on the subject can confirm/deny this!
  12. XD It's Shu and Wu (Blue Lions and Golden Deer) vs. Wei (Black Eagles). And yes, fire is involved. In a rather epic way. Imagine a fleet of ships approaching, an overwhelming naval force, and nobody has any real hope of actually winning (heck, half the court advised surrender)... Now imagine all of those ships going up in flames because the wind turned at the last second, earning the underdogs a decisive victory. Indeed! That's surprising! She was consistently one of my best characters.
  13. I play mostly JRPGs, so these examples come from there. One of my biggest pet-peeves in games has to be the "win in gameplay, lose in the cutscene" trope. When you defeat a boss, only for that boss to pull something out of their butt, and suddenly your characters are the ones on the losing end, no matter how badly you trounced the boss(es) beforehand. In a similar vein, when the characters plan to capture the boss alive for interrogation or something, then the boss gets away, and your characters just stand around like morons. Now, I used to not mind this as much, but... there is a certain game series that just LOVES to pull one of these (or even both) for damn near every boss fight, and I got sick of it, frankly. So sick in fact, that I immediately groan when it pops up in other games. Another thing I didn't mind a lot before seeing it repeated ad nauseum for damn near every boss fight or similar moment is when a third party shows up to save the heroes from certain doom at the last second. Both of these, when used as often as they are in Trails, don't do a lot besides completely devaluing the playable cast. I shouldn't be sitting there thinking "okay, what Deus Ex Machina will save the heroes/the villain this time?" A very good example would be a lategame quest in Trails of Cold Steel 3. You are tasked with catching some unruly folks, and you even get to play a sort of minigame where you have to chase them down. And no matter if you manage to catch them or not, some other idiots show up and do it for you. I was very close to dropping the game right then and there, because by that point, all the things I have listed here have happened so often that I was seriously asking myself "what is the point of me playing this, anyhow?"
  14. Banned because I have nothing to contribute to anything
  15. XD Well, it's not like you absolutely can't use them in DW, but... every alternative is just straight up better when it comes to clearing crowds of mooks or killing officers. In my opinion, at the very least.
  16. Tutturu! So they are! Although at least FE bows have the quirk of being effective against fliers, so in a way, DW8 bows are even more useless. xD
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