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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned because our claws shall be the gale that shreds the Teehee
  2. Acknowledged that twilitfalchion's statement about himself was incorrect.
  3. One of the best songs from the entire Dynasty Warriors series. *headbanging intensifies* Also pictured: Draggy's personal favorite DW character. And while we're on the subject, I have noticed something odd while playing Dynasty Warriors, or Warriors games with DW characters in them. In the Japanese dub, nearly every character just loves to say their own name whenever they enter a battle, challenge you to fight (when they're on the opposing side), conquer a base, or defeat an enemy officer. The English translation tones this "say my name" business down a lot. The only character who says his name whenever he defeats an enemy officer is Pang De, who says "the enemy cringes in fear before Pang De" instead of "the enemy cringes in fear before me." The Japanese version? 90% of the characters just love to remind you what they're called. Funnily enough, with Samurai Warriors characters, it's not as prevalent. Only, like, three characters apparently think their names are so forgettable that they feel the need to remind you every other line (that being Yukimura Sanada, Tadakatsu Honda, and Ina). Where was I going with this? Oh yeah! This is something of an oddity, because I haven't played any other game that has this many characters announce their names on a nearly constant basis, and I was just wondering about the reasons for it. Maybe it's a cultural thing? I have no clue.
  4. I've been dipping my toes into the Warriors series again, because I have some pent up aggression lately, and started (re)playing Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends and Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, two games I haven't played in quite some time. It's interesting how perspectives and opinions can change when you give it time. For example, initially I couldn't get behind Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, due to me knowing exactly nothing about a large majority of the characters. But now, I can appreciate them more after playing more main series games and reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel, which the Dynasty Warriors series is based on. However, the story is still complete nonsense (though it's good nonsense), and many of my initial criticisms I still stand by. Those being: the game's cast is too bloated. You'll very quickly pick a main team and stick to that. There is no incentive to try and use everyone. However, if you want to unlock everyone, you still need to use more than your core team, because some side battles require you to level specific characters' friendships with each other. And spoiler alert! Only very few of the ones you HAVE to use are actually worth a damn the game overall suffers from one of the worst examples of Early Game Hell that I have ever been witness to. Early on, you can get one-shot by practically everything, especially other officers and their special attacks. And characters start out piss-weak, which plays into my point above that it discourages you from using more than a core team of 3), but maps don't scale with your level, meaning if you want to use a character you get in Chapter 3, you have to replay stages in Chapter 1 to get them caught up, because they will NOT last very long if you try and beat a Chapter 3 map with them, even on Easy difficulty you can already see where both of these points, well, point: "But you can grind!" Yes, yes, you can. And you HAVE to grind by replaying the same maps over and over and over again to unlock everything (if you want to safely level up characters, you have to play one of the three earlygame maps... and even then, depending on how bad the characters you're forced into using by side battle requirements are, that can be hell all on its own. it just looks absurdly dull in its overall color palettes. Hope you like brown and grey. This is a personal thing, but many of the Japanese voices for the characters are just plain annoying. Special mentions go to Goemon Ishikawa, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Masanori Fukushima, Ma Dai, Huang Zhong, and Xiaoqiao. Especially Xiaoqiao's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. This is a shame, because I do like how Xiaoqiao plays, and I like the character itself, too. But her voice is a rather large "Oof". Her sister, Daqiao, who is voiced by the same person, isn't much better, but due to her being more soft-spoken than her sister, it's not AS godawful. Goemon, Hideyoshi, and Masanori, on top of not being very compelling in the first place, have voices that just make me wish to yell "shut the f*** up!" whenever they speak. With Goemon and Hideyoshi, it's the way they speak that irks me to no end (the way Goemon stretches some syllables is really annoying, and Hideyoshi talks in this weirdly slurred manner that makes him hard to listen to, whereas Masanori is just way too loud. Ma Dai's voice actor got the direction of making his character sound like that one annoying guy who would pester you about completely irrelevant stuff in the middle of the night, and who you have to put up with because your friends like him for some ungodly reason. And I have no flippin' idea what they thought with Huang Zhong's voice. He sounds like he has some kind of liquid stuck in his throat, which ends up making his voice sound more like he's gurgling constantly. This is a new one I have after playing more main series games: this game does a piss-poor job of portraying most of the characters. The girls who are married get hit with this especially hard, because nearly every line from them is about their husbands, whereas they weren't as obsessed in their home games (Bao Sanniang is the worst about this, with her only going on about Guan Suo (who himself is probably the biggest waste of space of a character in all of Dynasty Warriors, if not games in general) in a manner and frequency that would put Faye from SoV to shame). It also severely exaggerates some traits other characters have, such as Sun Quan's penchant of apparently being quite the riot when inebriated, almost completely axing his humility, self-doubt, and kindness he displayed in the Dynasty Warriors games (which make him my favorite character in the series). As for Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends, my opinions are still largely unchanged from when I first played it.
  5. Benice did a survey? Oh dang, I missed that. >.<
  6. I have to say I never once saw that "3-13 Archer" that people meme about. Once the ballistae ran out of ammo, all the archers were basically cannonfodder for the laguz that come to attack you, and they all died pretty swiftly, too. And I played Radiant Dawn a lot. It's probably one of the games I've replayed the most. And in exactly zero playthroughs have I ever had confirmed what the fanbase said about that one archer in that chapter. I don't even know which of the archers there people are referring to. With that said, good morning, everyone!
  7. *extremely happy Draggy noises* The thing about the Nights of Azure games (as well as the Fate/Extella games, Link especially) is that they add things on top of the "regular" Warriors combat to make it more varied and interesting. Nights of Azure 2 in particular is neat in that regard with the Lillies and Servans that do impact how you approach battles (Nights of Azure 1 is even better in this regard, in my opinion). For my part, Nights of Azure 1 and Fate Extella Link have set the standards on what I want a Warriors-type game to be.
  8. Where's the "No fun allowed" pic? I feel the need to make a joke at the expense of the Smash community xD
  9. Smash devs: "Hey, look! We made this DLC so people can play as a character they like from that other game!" Smash "fans": "Wait, that's illegal!" I know Sonic isn't DLC, but Hero is (I think), so it still kinda works. Kinda.
  10. I wish I wished I never wished for the wish I wished when I wished for the wish I wished with wishes.
  11. Oh! Well then! I declare it the "people die when they are killed" of the late 2010s!
  12. This is the "people die when they are killed" of the 2020s. xD
  13. Yes Same, actually. I liked Part 4. I agree with you! Though if that's unpopular, then you can add another one to the pile. My personal least favorite part in RD is actually Part 2. But not because I dislike the maps or anything, I just didn't really care for the Crimean knights. Geoffrey in particular is zzz, and his colleagues are... well, not much better, to be honest. Also, they have Makalov. So...
  14. 2021 starting off with a bang, I see. xD What the actual hell? XD XD
  15. Oh boy. xD Well, that is one good thing, at least!
  16. So, I wake up from a cold/fever-induced sleep and see Conquest-talk as well as people talking about the logistics and history of eating human corpses. I am convinced I'm having the weirdest fever dream ever. xD
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