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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. One lone warrior's last stand The Battle of Osaka Castle was amazing in Samurai Warriors 4... but the Warriors All-Stars version of the theme is really f***ing good!
  2. Yesterday, I chipped a tooth... somehow. I was at the dentist to have it looked at (an actual appointment is in three weeks. THREE!), and they gave me something to ease the pain, however... well, let's just say that it hurts. A lot. And I am more than a little on edge today because of it. Though I am doing something against my pent up aggressions by beating up virtual ancient Chinese/medieval Japanese men (and women) by the thousands.
  3. Banned because indeed. Monokuma is... uh... something. xD
  4. Granted. You become so addicted to coffee that you can't function without drinking two gallons of it in the morning. I wish I didn't feel like I could snap at anyone and anything at the slightest provocation right now.
  5. Also, after playing it again, I can safely say I made peace with Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate. It used to be my least favorite Musou game on the grounds of how overpraised it was as the "peak Musou experience" and "best Warriors game ever made", "literally perfect and flawless", praise it didn't live up to whatsoever in my eyes; and I admit I held a bit of a grudge that people bashed my former favorite Musou game (before Fate Extella Link came along and blew it out of the water with its superior gameplay), Warriors All-Stars, for not being WO3U, which did cloud my judgement (have I mentioned I'm petty yet?). Though I still regard Warriors All-Stars as my favorite Koei-made Musou game. If only because it has these two: Give me Arnice and/or Christophorus, heck, any character from my favorite game, and I'll be happy.
  6. Sleepless night #1: done Fuck My Entire Existence Oh well. At least I unlocked a dope wallpaper in WO3U.
  7. Thank you! Sorry to bust your bubble, but effort has nothing to do with whether or not people get thrown out during "reshuffling". They look at a position and go "do we still need that?" and if the answer is "No", then - boom - gone. No mercy. Speaking from experience in my own family here.
  8. In Gauntlet Mode, it's pretty easy if you can't find the exit fast enough. This stage in particular is labeled as DLC, and it nets you a bunch of EXP (it was included with the base game, interestingly enough). And in Story Mode, there is a side battle you can do that enables you to get Jiang Wei that can net you 2k+ kills if you have a character with good crowd control like Sterkenburg. Thank you! That sounds pretty rough. Hopefully things will go well! This is very relatable to me. Thank you!
  9. Luckily, yeah. I am on a lot of painkillers right now, but I can see a whole bunch of sleepless nights ahead of me already. Yaaaay...
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