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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned for chugging Mega Potions. That stuff is rare! ... until you can buy them, anyway.
  2. This guy is nasty. I always have trouble when he's on a stage, so I don't blame you at all for this. And now you can imagine my... face of joy when I found out what I have to do to get Wang Yuanji's Mystic Weapon. Chapter 3 - Battle of Tong Gate: Defeat Nezha in 6 minutes within the start of the battle. On Hard or above. With a character whose attacks don't stun enemies ever. I mean, I like Wang Yuanji ever since Warriors All-Stars... but there are better characters for killing officers. "Just don't get the Mystic Weapon", you might say, but there is an achievement that asks you to get all the Mystic Weapons, and if possible, I would like to get it. Though I most likely won't be able to do it until I've maxed her out or at least got her some much better weapon skills. Yeah, that too, definitely. Though if a character has somewhat effective specials, you can mitigate this at least somewhat, but it does hurt a lot. Ma Chao, for example, lives and dies by his C2/3-EX combo (in my opinion, at least)... which he doesn't get until the level 15-20 mark you mentioned, meaning until then, his moveset will be nearly useless. Which isn't a very good first impression he leaves, since he's the first character you control. Coincidentally, the level 15-20 mark is also when many enemies stop one-shotting you with their specials. But getting there is a pain sometimes, particularly when you're low on Growth Points (which you usually are, because the story mode stages usually don't give out a lot of those - not enough to effectively use more than three or four characters, at any rate). Oh, this is very interesting! I'd be down for it! Looking at the date in which this supposedly took place, this would open up the possibility of exploring some late Wu stories, which the series is a bit lacking in, as Wu's part in the story ends at Fan Castle or Sun Quan's becoming an emperor; they only appear again briefly during Zhuge Dan's rebellion and that's it. Even in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel, Wu's history from Sun Quan becoming emperor of Wu to Zhuge Dan's rebellion is summed up in one paragraph. But reading up on what happened there historically, that opens up incredibly interesting possibilities to tell stories, and to add more of a tragic note to Wu's downfall because of Sun Quan becoming loopy in his old age and not listenting to his advisors anymore. Not to mention more opportunities to add female characters, as Sun Quan's daughters, Sun Luyu and Sun Luban, had a pivotal role to play during the many inheritance disputes. They wouldn't even need to introduce a new mother for them, as they are Lianshi's daughters, reportedly. Since you mentioned them: The funniest thing about Baosanniang and her husband is that those two are essentially a very old example of fanfiction. --- Also, good morning, everyone!
  3. I really liked the alchemy system as well. What I am most looking forward to, however, is simply the exploration and the areas, because Atelier Ryza's environments were downright gorgeous. I'm looking to get Persona 5 Strikers, as well, since it's a Musou-style game and I liked Persona 5 a lot. As far as gaming in 2021 goes otherwise, though, I'll probably be catching up on older games I've missed so far, just like last year. As far as I know, there aren't too many games coming out this year that interest me, either.
  4. Time really does fly. It feels like yesterday when the game was first announced. I'm very much looking forward to it!
  5. Oh right! It's that time already! Nice! And in the spirit of Atelier...
  6. *Fuhahahahahaha intensifies* Worship me and die Enuma Elish! Not very long. I got the Platinum trophy for Fate Extella Link and "only" took 50 hours to do so. I'd peg the main story at... maybe 20 hours if you play all the stages once? For the first game... I actually don't remember how long it took me to beat that one's main story, but it couldn't have been a lot, since it's only six or seven chapters/battles per route, and there's three routes total.
  7. Know the mercy of the King of Gods Indra, open your eyes! This single strike is extinction itself Burn it all down, Vasavi Shakti! If there's one good thing that came from Apocrypha, it's Karna. Also Mordred. And Siegfried. Also, Fate Extella Link 2 when? XD Musashi Miyamoto is in the wrong class, too, then. xD
  8. F indeed. XD Huh, interesting! I had thought it'd be more than that. Now I know what I can do over the weekend! ^^
  9. I still need to watch Madoka. It's not that she's a bad character or anything, but she kinda, well... (Danganronpa 1 spoilers) I need to watch Madoka XD Okay then!
  10. I see, I see! She seems nice! Also... character named Sayaka with blue hair, eh? Oh god. O.O Awesome!
  11. Exactly. XD Also, who is that character on the left of your signature?
  12. That is an excellent question. But yeah, every character you unlock, no matter at which point in the game you are, starts out at level 1. And predictably, characters at level 1 are... really, really weak. Like... the "you'll get one-shot when enemy characters use their specials" kind of weak... even in the very first stage of the game. And enemy characters have a nasty habit of spamming them. Granted, if it's a character from Dynasty Warriors, you can usually dodge, because those specials have a very specific tell when they happen. When it's a Samurai Warriors character, though... you're dead. Because those have little wind up, and this can hit you right the heck out of nowhere.
  13. Hehe, I see! That is definitely true, yeah. XD Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is a bit of an odd case in this regard, since it runs into a bit of an issue: it forces you to grind sometimes, if you want all the characters (and you have to get all of them to get the true ending and unlock chapter 5). Namely, there are some side missions where you unlock new characters, which you can only get by increasing friendship between specific characters, usually three at a time, which means you'll be replaying a lot of the earlier stages if you haven't been using any of them (and with the game having 140-something characters, the chances of that are pretty dang high). I say earlier stages, because a level 1 character cannot survive in any post-chapter 1 stage (chapter 2 if you're on easy). Which also means that, if you want to use a character you get in, say, Chapter 3, you'll have to replay a lot of the earlier stages to get them caught up to your current team, so you'll have to grind anyway. If you don't grind at all, you'll be using characters you get in chapter 1, MAYBE the beginning of chapter 2 and that's it. This is kinda why I criticise the game for its bloated roster, since you can't realistically use about 2/3rds of them, because after a while, enemies will be too strong to make using level 1 characters safe, even on normal difficulty. Although yes, you DO get something akin to Bonus EXP, but chances are you're using that on your main team. In this case, however, this was me wanting to max out Sterk. XD
  14. Oh! Now I remember! I feel ashamed that I forgot. XP XD Absorption would do the trick on its own, but I didn't have any other item to equip on him, because once you hit 999 in a stat, stat-increasing items don't do anything anymore. And the other non-stat increase items are kinda bad, so I slapped the Belt of Life on there. XD A little bit of both, honestly. You do have to grind quite a bit for all these abilities and to get everything maxed out, so it does feel rewarding that you can effortlessly tear through everything with a maxed out character like this even on the highest difficulty. On the other hand, it naturally kills off any semblance of challenge the game has, so if you want to keep the difficulty alive, this means not using your maxed out character(s) anymore. Sure, this means you can give someone else a shot, but... if you're like me and know your favorites, and max out your favorites, well... XD
  15. XD This does look familiar somehow, but I can't place it at the moment. Steins;Gate? Yes! With the power of grinding and the magic of "I had nothing better to do". XD Ayup Weapon skills (you have to get these yourself): Windslay: Deals percentage-based damage (based on their max HP), and can attack through enemy guard, makes you able to kill goons in one blow; increases damage against enemy officers. Echo: Enemies who are hit send out shockwaves. Typhoon: Your regular combo chain sends out small whirlwinds, which increases your attack range. Brilliance: Every attack gets elemental properties if your Musou (Special Attack) gauge is full (which is easy to do, just don't use specials) Absorption: You regain HP with every attack you land. Tri-Element: Combines Flame, Ice, and Bolt elements (Flame: enemies take residual damage after they are hit, Ice: enemies get frozen in place for a short time, Bolt: enemies are stunned and take percentage-based damage) Agility: Increases attack speed. Courage: Increases damage against enemy officers (named enemies, in other words). Items: Mystic Bells: draws dropped items towards you. Belt of Vitality: Regenerate HP over time Charm of Alacrity: Increases walking speed (hence the 234 speed) Amulet of Protection: decreases damage dealt by enemy officers. Tengjia Armor: decreases damage by enemy projectiles Bow of Life: support attacks don't deplete Musou gauge. RIP difficulty, in other words. Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate can be challenging when it wants to be, and it can be the hardest Musou game when it wants to be... but it's also the easiest to break. XD
  16. The next time you play it, it automatically skips the first arc and starts you off at the second... with everyone at base level. I still call Fates Conquest the most painful, agonizing game I have ever played in my life.
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