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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. XD Yeah, I've been revisiting Extella Link. It's a dang good game! One of my favorite dialogues.
  2. Banned because nobody posted here in a bit.
  3. Wraith shows he has excellent taste in music by posting songs from one of the best Heavy Metal bands ever.
  4. On a different note, my personal, quite meaningless, award for "best soundtrack in a Musou game" goes to Dynasty Warriors 7, hands down. Granted, I never played that one, however... I've been listening to the soundtrack due to some themes from it being in Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate (which is lacking the very best ones, sadly), and I gotta say... with how amazing most Musou game OSTs are... DW7 blows them all out of the water. Example: It says 6, because the Japanese numbering system for the Dynasty Warriors games are different. Their "Shin Sangoku Musou 6" is our Dynasty Warriors 7.
  5. Hello, everybody! I missed some stuff, it seems, but I needed my sleep. Anyway, @lightcosmo: Sorry I couldn't be of help to you. In my experience, the equipment you can buy in the shops is enough to beat each chapter. Then again, I was pretty overlevelled, so I don't how much help I can be in the first place. As for Neptune statistically, I personally found her only issue to be her rather weak Magic Defense (which Blanc "inherited" from her in Megadimension). Her other stats are pretty good Just boost her Agility a bit and you're good to go! (Also spam Neptune Break, if you have it). And for Fate talk... well, since I am on a Musou trip right now, it should come as no surprise that I also dipped my toes into Fate Extella Link again (best damn Musou game, hands down). And my most played characters are... Tamamo, Elizabeth, Karna, Altera, and Archer (Nameless/Emiya/Strawberry, whatever you wanna call him), in that order... Neat! That aside, some of the interactions between characters are downright hilarious, for example, this gem between Nameless and Gil: XD
  6. "I will have my revenge!" "Bring it!" *smashcut to Corn and Lobster sitting there, playing cards, while people kill each other outside* "Is it time yet?" "Nah."
  7. XD I aim to please! ^^ I don't even think he moves for that 25 turn period. But it's been a long while since I last played it, so my memory could be off
  8. "Ryoma will wait patiently for his revenge for 25 turns", I think is how it went. If memory serves, you have to kill Ninja Mario and Ninja Daisy to open the door and get your salad to safety. And the floor tiles kill off all attack power. If your cabbage was tough enough, she could kill the lobster before the turn limit, but you'll have to do it the hard way, probably.
  9. I'd say calling Corrin an "ass" is an insult to donkeys, but alright. xD
  10. Ah, okay. I see now! I confess, if you hadn't told me these were all different, I probably would've thought these screenshots are all from the same one. I don't necessarily mind it, since it implies that the Divine Beasts were all built in the same era/based on the same tech. Mhm, alright. That is a little bit disappointing in that case, since I can imagine that this could get repetitive when you fight the same enemies again and again.
  11. I see! That does sound pretty nice! By aesthetically similar, do you mean they look similar on the inside? Because from what I've seen, they're pretty different in outward appearance. Of course, I've only seen a few bits of gameplay here and there, never played the game myself, so I can't really make a judgement one way or the other.
  12. Neat! I like that kinda stuff! Probably! I see! That's different than in Shadow of the Colossus, because what you see is what you get. This is another one from the bird. Check out how tiny the MC is compared to it, and the bird itself is small compared to some of the other colossi.
  13. No harm done! ^^ Though if I recall from when I watched a friend play the game, these giant... machines, I think, in Breath of the Wild are so gigantic that you can walk around inside them, so... in a way, that boss probably still is tiny compared to what you showed. xD
  14. It is! It's a rather short game, you can get through it in 5 or 6 hours if you know what you're doing, but these boss battles fill me with so much adrenaline that I can do two a day, at most. xD
  15. I think "tiny" is relative in this case, since... the game isn't called Shadow of the "Colossus" for nothing. That screenshot has that boss quite far away still. This is the main character on its back. And according to supplementary material, the boss in question is 82 feet (25 meters) high and 75 feet (23 meters) long. Not exactly what I'd call tiny. xD
  16. All you have is a sword, a horse, and a bow. And you have to use them to take down each boss by climbing on it and hitting its weak point. The main puzzles are how you actually get onto the things, but... of course they won't just sit still and let themselves get stabbed. Like so. Also, in real life, you'd look at this and go "yeah, screw this. I'm out!" XD I know I would.
  17. This is a PSA from Draggy: if you own a PS4, you owe it to yourself to play Shadow of the Colossus. This one is my absolute favorite boss fight in the game. Of the 16 boss fights the game has, this one stands out above all of them. For one thing... you are riding a giant bird. And it's... difficult to explain, but you can downright feel the wind as you climb around on it, and search for its weak points to stab them. And then the music. My god! This plays when you just see this boss sitting atop its perch as you make your way to it. And it also plays should you happen to fall off once you're on it. Which is... quite easy to do. xD And then, once you're on the boss, this plays. Mix that with the feeling of riding a giant freaking bird as it flies around a canyon, and you have a recipe for the ultimate hype. Also This game is graphical perfection. It doesn't get much better than this. And then the boss after that is... Well, let's just say this would be f***ing terrifying in real life. Draggy out!
  18. I mean, I'm not trying to say that people can't like or enjoy it. I'm just saying that I can't see in it what others are apparently able to do. And that is honestly the most frustrating part. That's the question, isn't it? I honestly have no clue! That about matches up with my own feelings on that map in particular. Right down to the scrub comment, even. But you enjoyed previous maps, at the very least. My last ounce of fun evaporated with Ninja Hell and didn't come back at all.
  19. I see Rubenio is beginning to feel what I felt playing that game. Only difference is: he actually enjoyed himself.
  20. Tsubame Gaeshi > Excalibur Speaking of Musashi, Samurai Warriors got you covered. The historical Musashi Miyamoto was an actual dual wielder, by the way. I am not making that up. As another fun trivia nobody here will care about in the slightest: Kojiro Sasaki in Samurai Warriors is a flamboyant psychopath obsessed with killing, while his Fate incarnation is an honorable swordsman seeking a good challenge.
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