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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Morning, everyone! Sure thing! I'd be happy to see some! Nice! ^^ Haha, understandable! But awesome! Those four plus Muzét are probably my favorites across the Xillia games! Oh boy! XD Can't wait for the inevitable outcry, then, once the anime catches up! Get the popcorn ready! XD I have not! I have been busy working on my backlog, and thus had no time to notice, haha! XD Very nice! I'm happy for you! ^^ Will do! Thank you for the heads-up! I heard that series is pretty fun, so I might! There is some stuff in my backlog that I would like to finish first, and some newer games I have my eyes on, but after that, I see no reason why I shouldn't at least look at one of the games! Congratulations! Still more than my own attempt at an Eliwood Hard Mode Iron Man. XD Oh nice! Good luck with that one! Not sure if I'll be able to play it, considering Linux, but I can definitely try! Thank you! ^^ I see! Thanks for the warning! If I do play them, I'll definitely keep this in mind! Absolutely. XD And it was quite satisfying, too, after Trumpeter gave me so much trouble in Apocalypse. And it was even more satisfying to be able to fuse him after the fight against Benetnasch. The Fiend's race skill definitely saved my hide on more than one occasion. Just a shame about his low MP pool, though Drain helped alleviate this somewhat, as well as the "only use half MP" property of the Deity's race skill. Oh nice! I still want to play Luminous Arc, too, just because it is related to Stella Glow, so this is good news! And same, honestly. I don't need a perfect translation, just one that helps me understand the story and what each gameplay aspect even does. Ah, awesome! I have been wanting to play this myself, as well! Glad to hear you're enjoying it! And hearing that it is similar to Nights of Azure 2 in one aspect makes that want even stronger, considering just how much I love that game! Oh boy! If you do, best of luck! If one thing has not changed during the time I was absent, it is my personal distaste for Conquest. I still can't shake the memory that it almost single-handedly killed all interest in Fire Emblem I had. Wow, now I regret being absent for this, because that sounds absolutely hilarious! XD So your opinion on Awakening can be summed up as "so bad, it's good". I'd happily see your final thoughts on it! Very nice! Glad to see your love for it is still intact! ^^ Thank you! Same to you! ^^ --- Something else I finally got around to during my absence is... playing Persona 3 Portable. Storywise, the best Persona game. Easily. I prefer the P5 cast overall, still, but P3's was great, too. One thing that definitely stuck out to me is how the overall tone is the most similar to "mainline" SMT out of every Persona game I've played so far. But even without that, I think Persona 3's story does the best job at being engaging until the very end out of every Persona game, and the final boss is my favorite one in the series so far (and its theme is amazing, too). That said... my opinion on the music is all over the place with this game. It has some amazing tracks, like the theme of the rival group Strega, as well as the Full Moon Shadow boss fight, but the regular battle theme is... not great. In fact, I'd take Hajimari's chicken clucking over this any day of the week. Sorry to anyone who likes it, but... I just don't like rap music. And though this one isn't the worst example of rap music out there, as someone who isn't a fan of that genre in general, it got grating quite quickly. Also, whoever wrote the woman's parts of the song desperately needed help coming up with lyrics other than "baby" and "oh yeah".
  2. Yup, so it did! Thank you! Thank you! ^^
  3. Thank you! ^^ Oh, nice, nice! Attack on Titan really that bad? Wow! My recommended feed in YouTube was filled with videos saying how awesome the final season is so far. Well, they're in for a rude Awakening then. XD Sounds pretty awesome! I'll look into that backlogg'd site, too! Thank you! Good luck on getting your Associate's as well! Oh, nice! I don't know the first thing about modding, so I hope that's going well for you! Yeah, I did hear Pyra and Mythra are out for Smash! Hope you're having fun playing as them! And that's something I still haven't done, haha! I've played some games I had on my backlog for ages, like the SMT: Devil Survivor games, and Persona 3! Oh nice! I have heard good things about Ghost of Tsushima! Glad you're having fun! And I hope you're enjoying Monster Hunter, too! I actually found that the moments of levity in the second game served to make the moments of bleakness hit all the harder. What really elevated the second game was the overall smoother gameplay experience, and I liked the characters just a little bit more than in the first game! The first game's characters and story are pretty good, too, though! Ayup! Same here! Reading this actually gets me pumped for a DeSu 3 with exactly this implemented, haha! For Daichi, what about some kind of Desperation-type skill, where his attack or evasion increases the lower his HP goes? Would sync well with his focus on physical attacks! As for Fumi, that would be amazing! That scene where she tossed laptops at Trumpeter and managed to convince him was absolutely glorious! Otome almost sounds like she could go the War Magus route with that skill! I liked it a lot, too! And yeah, you're definitely right. Though it did hurt somewhat to go against Io in particular, I did like how that path worked, with you having to recruit everyone to your side first, and it only working if your friendship is high enough. I really, really liked that bit of gameplay-story integration, and it makes this probably my favorite path in any SMT game I've played so far. Oh, so Metratron can do this as well? Nice! Oh yeah, having Titania and Purple Mirror around was very, very helpful. And you're right, even through resistances, some enemies were still pretty powerful, particularly the versions of Polaris that didn't purely attack with physical attacks (killing its right arm was actually tedious, because it kept healing itself off of my Repel Phys passives. Kinda shot myself in the foot on that one, admittedly). I did start it recently, but all I did was carry over the skills I've cracked, and nothing more. Since these are restricted by your stats, I figured it wouldn't make me too overpowered too early. Although Io already packs the winning Holy Dance + Drain combination... I am not biased, I swear. Oh, I see! So that is what those were for! Good to know! Will make sure to get these on my inevitable NG+ runs! A shame about Satan, but Apocalypse came later, if memory serves, so it is understandable. And I do like the original design, it also appears in Persona 5! Ah, thought so! I actually did get Yamato to rank 4 (the game practically forced me to), and he did not join, so I figured it was something like that! And thank you for the warning, as well! I shall keep it in mind! I see! Yeah, in that case, it really is good he got a second one! I'll definitely make sure to write this down for future reference! Thank you! Haha, that happens! ^^ I see! I believe you shared some videos about it before, and that sparked an interest to play them as well! Might look into that, at some point!
  4. Didn't notice that I meant to write "hatchets", but I missed the "t". XD
  5. I see! Neat! Sounds like you guys had a fun time! ^^ Except for The Roger, it seems. I do feel bad for causing worry.
  6. Banned for surviving 2020, which is good!
  7. Probably doesn' think that hatches in heads are cute.
  8. Thank you! ^^ ... By the by, what has everyone been up to during my absence? I realize I forgot to ask! I did notice the stupidly OP Panne In Rubenio's signature, and Benice is now a Yakuza fan, it looks like, but otherwise, I'm pretty in the dark!
  9. Thanks Sooks! Glad to see you, too! ^^
  10. Nice, nice! Atelier Sophie is definitely more lowkey than the others. Probably the most laid back one in the series, to be honest. But that is exactly what I love about it! The original did, too! There just weren't that many tracks to choose from without DLC.
  11. Thank you! ^^ Oh yeah, I did! Absolutely! It was the perfect mix of strategy RPG and the SMT gameplay that I like! I played the first one, too, the Overclocked remake of it, and while that one was a lot of fun, the refinements the sequel brought elevated it above and beyond for me. Funny, because that's whose path I picked first! Good old Angus! I nicknamed him that, because Anguished One was too long... and then he got a regular name. xD As for Io, the reason I name her my favorite character from the game is because I can identify well with her difficulty to express herself out of fear of causing conflict. Thus, her potential death was the one I wanted to prevent the hardest. Just wished there was an option to have her channel Lugh when on your side, as well! But she was strong enough even without it, but that is what the combination of Repel Phys, Anti-Most, and Null Curse does to you, I suppose! I definitely want to go the other routes, as well. As said, I picked the Anguished One's path first, since his was the path I was most curious about (loved the ending, btw), and I managed to recruit everyone not named Yamato and Ronaldo... with the exception of Makoto, whose Fate Rank I did not get to 4 before the cut-off point. A bit of an oversight on my part, that. The final battle was quite the spectacle, though. I had at least two nigh invincible demons (namely Titania and Purple Mirror), as well as an entire stock full of demons who resisted everything (like Loki, Alilat, Oberon, among others), so only my human characters were in any real danger. I think it is safe to say I exploited the game a little at that point, yet the final boss' three phases were still challenging enough! I have yet to go through the Triangulum Arc, but I will do so in due time! Heh, that does sound pretty nice, actually!
  12. Banned because thank you to both of you! ^^
  13. Thanks! Glad to see you, too! ^^ Oh, nice! I want to get the Deluxe trilogy, as well, but I haven't been able to just yet! But it's definitely on my radar! And yeah, Atelier Sophie is a game I really like a lot! I hope you're having fun with it, too! Yup, I heard! And I am pumped for it! With cautious optimism, of course!
  14. Banned because initially, I haven't been, but now I'm more or less okay!
  15. Oh neat! I still need to watch that series, haha! And speaking of anime! One of my all-time favorite games has one now! The first four episodes already aired, but I haven't watched them yet, because I want to see the whole thing when it's out! But yes, FINALLY Blue Reflection gets some recognition! About friggin' time! Wonder if this monstrosity will appear in there somewhere... Oh my god, send help! Awesome theme, though.
  16. Banned because Draggy's back, baby!
  17. You know... the weirdest part about the Monogatari series is... that pretty much every episode consists of people throwing exposition at each other for twenty minutes, and yet it manages to be incredibly interesting. XD Shaft's animation is genius, tbf
  18. Pura-china! That one is still stuck in my head. XD If I have to, so do you!
  19. Ayup! For example!~ And then there is my favorite one, which is for a season you haven't watched yet, sadly (I'll put it in spoiler tags):
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